"It's true that there seem to be a lot fewer elves around here." Xiao Mao said, "Is this close to Genesect's territory? What kind of elves are they? Are they very vicious?"

"I haven't seen it either," Bai Lu said. "Elves don't seem to be very common in the Hezhong area. I've only heard of their existence in this place. It seems that they caused a stir in Feiyun City a few months ago. There was a riot, but at that time the doctor's laboratory had not yet established a branch in Feiyun City, so I was not in Feiyun City either, and I didn't know much about the specific situation."

"According to what the ranger uncle said, they built a nest in the middle of the central lake. Since it is a nest, it should have the characteristics of an insect Pokémon." Xiao Mao analyzed, "Depending on the situation, it may be similar to a large one." The spirit of the needle bee."

Just as they were talking, several people had already reached the vicinity of the central lake, and a beautiful scenery was displayed in front of the three of them. Calm lake surrounded by mountains. Although there are not many elves around, there are quite a few elves in the lake, such as bird-shaped elves like long-winged gulls and dancing swans, insect elves like Bada Butterfly, and water-type elves like the Magikarp that jump out of the water. Elves, it seems that Genesect is not completely exclusive. There are still many elves who can live here.

Of course, what adds more beauty to the lake is the lotus flowers on the lake. Yes, there are lotus flowers similar to water lilies floating on the entire lake. It seems that it is still the flower season. The flowers are blooming all over the lake. I don’t know why not many people come here to enjoy this scenery. It seems that people in the elf world are not very popular. Like traveling.

"It's so beautiful!" Bai Lu's eyes were filled with little stars, and she couldn't help but run towards the lake. However, after just two steps, she suddenly fell to the ground with a "bang".

"Can't you be more careful?" Xiao Mao next to him said, holding his forehead. After these few days of contact, he basically understood Bai Lu's situation. As he thought, she was indeed an extremely unreliable girl. . The way out these days basically relies on Xiaomao's ability. Bai Lu often gives advice, but her opinions are basically wrong, so you just have to do the opposite. Bai Lu couldn't lead the way, and Bai Lu couldn't even do the logistics, because even the cooking was done by Xiao Mao. Fortunately, he had ventured out alone before, and although his cooking was mediocre, he was still passable. As for Bai Lu... Anyway, thank God if it doesn't help.

Xiao Mao asked whether Doctor Yew had a grudge against him. Why would he find such an unreliable guy? He promised to lead the way, but now he was taking care of her. He was tired just dealing with Linton. Okay.

"No... there was something that tripped me." Bai Lu rubbed her head, and several people also looked at the ground. There was indeed something, a disk-like thing lying on the ground, which seemed to be made of metal. s things.

"Elf?" Xiao Mao looked at it and then took out the illustrated book.

"There is no information." The mechanical voice of the illustrated book said.

"Huh? Isn't it an elf?" Xiao Mao touched his head, "He doesn't move either."

"Your illustrated book hasn't been upgraded yet." Bai Lu said next to her, and she also took out the illustrated book. Of course, it was a little different from Xiaomao's illustrated book. "The elves in Hezhong area are different from those in Kanto area. Your illustrated book may not have been upgraded yet." Upgrade to the latest information, use my..."

"Genesect, a Paleozoic Pokémon. An ancient bug Pokémon modified by Team Plasma. The power of the cannon on its back has been increased."

"Huh? Is this Genesect?" Everyone was stunned and looked at the disc creature on the ground in surprise, "Is it pretending to be dead?"

At this time, Genesect here seemed to feel that he couldn't pretend anymore, so he transformed directly, like a Transformer, directly changed his limbs, and then flew directly into the air.

"I originally thought it was an insect type, but I didn't expect it to be an elf like this." Xiao Mao said, "What should I do now?"

"Hmm...catch it and talk about it later." After Linton said that, he took out an elf ball.

"I...forget it, just throw it away." Xiao Mao held his forehead.

"Did you just give up?" Bai Lu next to her also held her forehead.

"One ball into the soul!" Linton said and threw it directly towards Genesect in the air. However, Linton did not expect that Genesect here actually accelerated in the air and directly avoided it. Opened Linton's elf ball. You must know that Linton has recovered more than eighty elves when he got here. The only person who avoided Linton's ball was Zekrom. I didn't expect that Genesect could also avoid this guy's ball. The flying speed is okay.

There was a loud "boom" and an explosion in the distance, which was of course caused by the ball thrown by Linton. Of course, this was not the first time such a situation had occurred, but when Genesect saw the destroyed things in the air, he suddenly became excited and rushed over anxiously.

"What's wrong? Did you run away?" Xiao Mao said, "You sometimes miss."

"Wait a minute, the thing that was smashed just now doesn't seem to be a mountain." Bai Lu said next to him, "Look, it seems to be something on the lake. It doesn't look like a building, but it doesn't look like a natural thing either."

Sure enough, several people looked and saw that the smashed object was a round sphere, supported by many branch-like things around it, half floating in the center of the lake. Of course, the sphere had been smashed by Linton, leaving only It's the second half, and it's still smoking.

"Uh... this can't be their nest that the ranger uncle mentioned before, right?" Bai Lu said suddenly.

"..." Xiao Mao looked at Linton here, "You did this on purpose, so you could hit it by chance?"

"It's not like they seem to blame me for everything lately. This is none of my business!" Linton shouted.

"I have a bad feeling, if it's like the situation of the giant needle wasp." After Xiao Mao said, something happened. A lot of Genesect rushed out of the nest, just like what Linton had thought before. The Genesect they were trying to catch met, and the two parties exchanged some words in the air. It seemed that they knew that Linton and the others were the culprits, and immediately surrounded them.

"This is bad." Xiao Mao held his forehead. There were actually about ten Genesects that appeared in front of them, and the leading one was a strange red Genesect. It seemed to be a different-colored Pokémon, and it was very powerful at first glance. look.

Sure enough, the next second, these Genesects raised their bodies one after another. There was something like a cannon barrel behind each Genesect, and now they were all pointed at Linton and the others.

"Find the enemy, attack!" At this time, the Genesect who took the lead actually spoke human language, and after hearing his order, the eyes of the surrounding Genesect all turned red, as if they had entered Attack mode. Then all the Genesects released beams from behind at the same time, hitting Linton and the others.

"Danger." Xiao Mao's reaction was quite quick, and he directly summoned his Elf Electric Monster. While protecting the front, he threw himself at Bai Lu next to him. Of course, Linton was directly hit by the beam, and he was still the one who was taken care of. It was probably because the Genesect had said that he was the one who did it.

Of course, after the explosion, Linton stood there calmly. Looking at the situation behind them, the Electric Shock Beast helped withstand the light. Xiao Mao and Bai Lu were both fine.

"MD, you launched an attack indiscriminately, are you looking for death?" Linton pointed at Genesect.

"God TN is indiscriminate. It was obviously you who destroyed his nest first, okay?" Xiao Mao took the time to complain after falling to the ground.

"Who are you helping?"

"Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly!" Xiao Mao said.

"It's not that easy to just walk away after you've offended me and want to leave." After Linton finished speaking, he pointed directly, his body suddenly lifted up to a height of dozens of meters, and in an instant he was at the side of one of the Genesects. Next to him, he turned around and hit the opponent with one kick. Genesect here let out a scream, hit the ground with a "thud", and then dragged a ravine on the ground without getting up again.

"Just hit him with your fists?" Xiao Mao couldn't help but said. Although he had seen Linton subdue Zekrom with his fists, at least he used elves to weaken the opponent before taking action. Now the elves are all Don't you just go on your own?

Linton said that he originally wanted to follow the normal situation. After all, this is the elf world, but he had no choice. Yes, automatic combat has been triggered here. You must know that this is the first time automatic combat has been triggered since arriving here. After all, this world mainly relies on elves to fight. Generally, even wild elves will not actively attack humans. , the first one will choose to fight the elves. Linton has been here for ten days, and it is the first time that the wild elves attack him. Linton can't be polite.

After taking down one with one kick, Linton directly attacked the one next to him, and this one was the red Genesect in the lead. However, what I didn't expect was that the Genesect's reaction was quite fast. After all, it was in the air. The opponent accelerated and suddenly dodged Linton's attack, turned around and aimed at Linton again with the barrel.

"Moonstep!" Unexpectedly, Linton in the air suddenly accelerated with his left foot and right foot, and was close to the red Genesect in an instant. Yes, although Linton can't fly, he can still learn the Moon Step. Although this skill is not flying, it can still be used at critical times, and Combat Ji can use it much better than himself.

Genesect did not react at this time, and Linton grabbed his right paw. Linton held down the opponent's head, accelerated the air again, and slammed into the ground.

With a "boom", the two of them hit a crater on the ground. However, Genesect hadn't fainted yet, so of course Linton couldn't stop. Just when he was about to continue, Genesect here suddenly let out a There was something like a high-frequency noise, and Linton also had tinnitus, and his body froze slightly.

At this moment, a space channel seemed to suddenly open next to him, and a figure flew out of thin air and crashed directly into Linton.

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