I really can't control myself

Chapter 414 Not going well

"System prompt: This exploration is over, the exploration progress is being calculated... The exploration progress is 78.6%, and 343,000 points have been obtained."

"System prompt: Obtain 1,759,000 combat points."

"System prompt: Return safely, you will receive an additional reward of 50,000 points

"System prompt: You have received a random reward, the Holy Destruction Arrow."

"Huh? That's bad." Linton's first reaction when he heard the system prompt was that he was not good. Combat points and other rewards were considered normal. After all, although there were not too many fights this time, there were still a lot of fights. After defeating two BOSSes, Aizen and Old Man Yamamoto, the points provided by these two people alone are probably a lot. Let’s not talk about the lottery rewards for now. The problem now is... the problem of exploration.

Yes, the detection rate this time has only advanced by 34.3%, which is far lower than Linton's expectations. Originally, Linton thought that he had completed about 90% of the detection rate. He even thought that if he worked on it for a while, it might be 100%. However, when he came back, he saw that it was 78.6%. You can't see it at other times, so you really have to rely on estimates, but this time Linton was a little surprised by the estimate.

In the previous worlds, especially the Naruto world, he had already reached 100% exploration level before he had finished the plot. The same was true for the Pirate world, so Linton felt that there should be almost as many this time. Well, but I didn’t expect it to be only 78.6%. You must know that although there are still many plots after Bleach, such as the completion of the modern art chapter and the thousand-year bloody battle chapter, after all, the big boss Aizen also failed, why should I give it this point.

"So it's not plot speed after all." Linton scratched his head. He knew before that the exploration speed and the plot advancement speed were different things, but the problem is that you didn't say what it was specifically. It seems that you made it somewhere yourself. Isn’t that right? If it were to reveal the secrets of that world, didn't I also learn various techniques from Urahara Kisuke, and Honyu...

"Could it be related to Team Zero?" Linton suddenly thought of this. After all, Kisuke Urahara also learned part of his knowledge from people in Team Zero, such as healing techniques or soul pills. king?"

Now that I think about it, it is too easy for me to think about this in the direction of the plot. I must pay attention to it in the future. The biggest problem with this exploration speed is not in terms of points. After all, getting Beng Yulinton has already earned points in this trip. The problem is in terms of missions.

It is true that the requirements of the task have been met, but the problem is...scoring. Linton thought for a while and submitted the task. After all, there was no time. However, after submitting the task, Linton sighed.

"The mission is completed and you have received 50 contribution points. It is being calculated. Your mission evaluation this time is C level and you have received a reward of 10 contribution points."

"Sure enough..." Then this is really bad. Sure enough, the evaluation of the mission is very low, only C-level. This is the first time Linton has received a C-level evaluation, and the reward is only 10 contribution points. What's even more embarrassing is that his current contribution points are 280 points, and upgrading requires 300 points. This is a difference of 20 points, but it is the difference of one mission.

You must know that the tasks on the system side are very risky. Just think about it. Every time a task is completed, the contribution ranges from a few dozen points to more than a hundred points. You can only upgrade after completing several tasks. If you fail once, you will be directly deducted a level. , it’s really difficult to climb up. Of course, I’ve given you the blame. Who can you blame if you don’t know how to play? All Linton could do was to reduce the number of his tasks as much as possible, because it was really a loss.

Well, this time we really suffered a big loss. The difference was only the 20 points of contribution. If we messed around a little more, we should be able to do one less task as long as we raised the rating a little. Seeing this, Linton Also a little angry to the point of explosion. Will it kill you if you show the exploration speed in real time? Otherwise, would he just come back like this?

Of course, it's too late to go now. After all, the tasks have been submitted. There is only 20 points left, and Linton can only do one task. However, Linton relaxed a little this time. It seemed that he was too anxious before, because he was only 80 points away from leveling up in one task. He was indeed a little anxious. Now that he has suffered a little loss, he is calmer. Some.

"Construction tasks." Linton looked at the task list here and found that there were only two construction tasks and no exploration tasks. As for the construction task, Linton already had an idea before, which is to start construction from the territory of his nephew Gasein. As a test field, since there is no exploration task, he will first go to the territory to see if he can start construction. , and then wait for the exploration task to be refreshed.

The current place where Linton is located is the capital of the St. Willand Empire, in the palace of Duke Meroway. Of course, it is also the palace of Duke Rennes before. Linton set out from here before. After leaving the room, Linton waved directly and called a maid in the corridor.

The maid was obviously taken aback by Linton. She naturally knew Linton. Although she had not met him a few times, Linton was the uncle of Duke Meloway and was also an imperial saint. She was deeply impressed by it just once. Remember, I really don’t dare to admit my mistake. She was surprised that Linton came out of that room. She had just cleaned that room in the morning and there was no one there at all. Of course, as a servant, I am curious, so I still dare not ask.

"Where's Garsain?"

"Your Excellency, the Duke, left for the territory to suppress the rebellion more than twenty days ago." The maid replied respectfully.

"Have you really set off?" Linton didn't know how much time had passed here. He had stayed in the Death World for more than a month, and he didn't know how to calculate the speed of time here. After asking carefully, it was found that it had been two months since the last time the maid saw her. During this period, Gaseon spent a month gathering troops, preparing supplies, etc., and then set out to take over the territory. By the way, clean up the remnants of Ren's faction above. Now Renn has been publicly executed for treason, and of course the people who support him are all traitors.

The maid naturally didn't know the specific war situation. How could she dare to inquire about such military secrets. The people currently staying in the Duke of Merloway's mansion are all other members of the Merloway family. The person who makes the decision is Linton's sixth uncle, George Merloway, who is also Linton's nominal father's sixth brother. Linton's impression of him was that he had met him once at a previous family meeting and had never spoken to him.

George just stayed here as a housekeeper, and the rest of the younger generation of the Meloway family basically followed Garsain to the battlefield. Now Gasain can be said to have soared into the sky. The Duke of the Empire is not someone who can be made a Duke under ordinary circumstances. If it were not for such a major rebellion, the Meloway family would never be able to become a Duke. Now that they are prosperous, they need to support other people in the family, so Garsain took a lot of people there this time to help them gain some military merit. After all, military merit is the easiest way to get promoted.

After asking about it, it turned out that several of his men also went with Garsain. Linton had warned them before. Of course, he was not going to follow melee, but to help Linton explore the road first, explore the terrain, and look for the so-called "Church of Cthulhu" in the surrounding areas.

In this case, Linton teleported away directly. With a flash of white light, he appeared in a military tent. It seemed that he was holding a military meeting. The tent was filled with generals wearing armor. Garsain was talking to him from the main seat. The map seemed to be a military layout, but Linton suddenly appeared next to Garsain. Naturally, everyone's eyes instantly shifted to Linton.

Fortunately, Garsain was used to Linton's sudden and inexplicable appearance. After all, Linton appeared inexplicably in his cell when he was in prison. It was nothing in this military camp. After clapping his hands twice, Garsain said: "Okay, let's take a rest for a while, and I will have a chat with my uncle."

The atmosphere was very relaxed, and the generals relaxed quickly. They did not leave the camp. After all, Gasein did not mean that the meeting was over, but that he wanted to take a short break. Then he said that the meeting would continue later. It can also be seen from the situation of these generals that the current war should not be very tense. If they continue to suffer defeats, they will naturally not be so relaxed.

"Did you see it? That's Linton Meloway. He's worthy of being a saint. I didn't notice it at all when he came in at such a speed."

"I didn't realize it either. It was too fast. Is this the level of a saint? I'm still far from it."

The generals began to chat. Of course, the main topic was Linton. After all, the Saint level was not something ordinary people could see. Linton, on the other hand, was greeted by Garsain and walked into another tent nearby.

"Can you please not be so startled next time you come back?" Garsain said, "As I was talking, you suddenly appeared in front of me. If I am frightened, how will I face these subordinates in the future? "

"They are all our own people, what are you afraid of?" Linton said. In this war, Gasein led his own team. Of course, these generals will also be Gasein's generals in the future. At present, the Meloway family's wealth is also beginning to slow down. Slowly growing, everyone knows that the Meloway family is going to soar into the sky. They don't need to spend more effort at this time. There are as many people as they can get close to them. It only took Gasein a month to form a decent private army, and he also recruited many talents with military experience.

"Anyway, I still have some status now." Gasein stood up and said, "You haven't seen anyone for two months again. What are you doing when you come back this time? Let me explain first, you'd better not study that kind of stuff anymore. , I inquired again before, and it is indeed very dangerous."

"Let's talk about the battle situation here first," Linton said.

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