I really can't control myself

Chapter 406 Information

"Although the flames have disappeared,... the surroundings feel even hotter." The person who spoke was Ohmaeda Kichiyo. To be honest, it was already very hard for him just to withstand the spiritual pressure emanating from the two of them, and now he still has to Fight the heat. Of course, after all, the person fighting at the front is their commander-in-chief, and it is impossible for Omaeda Kichiyo to leave him alone, right?

"Is this the first time you've seen the captain's swastika?" said the bee next to him. "The captain's swastika cannot be used casually. Once it is released, the water in the entire Seireitei will slowly evaporate. , this is not a power that can be used easily. Once used..."

"That means we are sure to win, right?" Ohmaeda Kichiyo said.

Broken Bee didn't answer, because it was really hard to say. In fact, she has not been in the team that long. She has never seen old man Yamamoto's swastika before. The last time she saw it was when Aizen rebelled, old man Yamamoto used swastika. When it was used at that time, it killed Linton instantly. Of course, people at that time thought so. However, with the reappearance of Linton, the matter is hard to say again. Can he win? Of course, Broken Bee wants the captain to win. She also dislikes Linton very much, but she always has a bad feeling.

On the battlefield at this time, Linton looked at the old man Yamamoto's swastika in front of him. Of course, he did not show any panic expression, but nodded with appreciation: "Sure enough, the fashion value is still high."

After all, it will be his own soon, and Linton has already reserved this swastika, so now it’s like just watching the seller’s show. Of course, this attitude was easily conveyed to the eyes of old man Yamamoto, adding another level of disgust towards Linton.

"This should be the second time you have seen my swastika." Old man Yamamoto said, "Being the first person to escape from my swastika is indeed worthy of praise. However, you can't escape this time. , no matter where you escape, I will find you and kill you."

"I didn't want to run away either. Didn't I just come here to find a place?" Linton waved his hand and said, "Come on, sir, it's time to send the equipment."

As soon as Linton finished speaking, old man Yamamoto slashed at Linton with his sword. At this time, there were no flames on the opponent's body or on the sword. Of course, Linton had already triggered automatic combat. Battle Ji chose to attack directly. After all, he had already received many moves with his bare hands before.

"Don't force it." Linton said suddenly.

Although it was a bit sudden, Battle Ji still seemed to trust Linton very much in this regard, or in other words, she did not doubt Linton's judgment in combat. With a temporary change of movement, Battle Girl dodged directly to the side. Old man Yamamoto's attack was in the air, but the next second, a huge crack appeared on the ground. This was not caused by the sword energy, but the ground was evaporated by the high temperature of the tip of the knife in an instant.

"Wise judgment." Old man Yamamoto also saw Linton's sudden change of dodge and said.

"Please host to provide more information." Battle Ji also said directly.

"After the swastika was released, the flame seemed to disappear, but it was actually concentrated on the blade." Linton also said directly.

"Mingcha." The old man Yamamoto on the opposite side said, of course, he only thought that Linton had seen through his skills, "The residual fire sword. Dong, the rising sun blade, concentrates my flames on the tip of the blade, neither burning nor releasing explosive flames, but It just erases everything it touches without a trace."

"Did you hear that? The other side started to explain his skills." Linton saved the effort of explaining, "You have to take it a little more seriously this time. Don't be sent back in a flash. I still want this skill."

"Don't think that you can easily avoid my attack." The old man Yamamoto on the other side didn't care who Linton was talking to, and slashed at Linton again with his knife. The speed is still very fast, but of course, no matter how fast it is, it is not as fast as Aizen before. Linton said that he can still see through it smoothly with Haki.

Sure enough, Linton dodged to the left again and directly avoided the opponent's attack. However, at this time, Battle Ji seemed to have found the opponent's flaw, and punched the old man Yamamoto.

"Don't fight yet." Linton said again.

Sure enough, Battle Ji was very cooperative. He gave up the attack and retreated, once again putting distance between himself and old man Yamamoto. Seeing Linton's actions, old man Yamamoto was slightly stunned, because the previous flaw was obviously given by him on his own initiative, just to deceive Linton. However, the opponent actually discovered it and gave up the attack on his own initiative.

"Please host to provide more combat information." Of course, Battle Ji immediately asked.

"If there is an east, then there is a west. The Can Fire Tai Sword. The West, the Can Ri Prison Clothes, can cover the body with a coat of fire. It is said that the temperature can reach 15 million degrees. The action just now was obviously to lure an attack. Are you ready to use this move?" Linton said with a smile.

"Huh?" Old man Yamamoto looked at Linton in surprise. Although Linton had seen his swastika before, he had not used any of his swastika's derivative moves at that time. He was using abilities from long ago. The Sword of Fire defeated Linton, so why did Linton know his abilities?

This is indeed a question that people don't quite understand, but old man Yamamoto is not shaken by it. He has experienced too much on the battlefield. Even if he encounters something unbelievable, he can quickly solve it. Change your mentality. Although Linton didn't know how he knew his abilities, he would not be swayed by this, and even directly and generously used the abilities of the Zanri Prison Clothes.

Accompanied by a huge beam of fire, the residual prison clothes appeared on the old man Yamamoto. The intense high temperature instantly melted the surrounding stones, and the surrounding temperature rose again. Even the Death God captains who were hiding in the distance and observing Some can't handle such temperatures. Of course, Linton, who was standing in front of old man Yamamoto, could feel it most directly. The air he breathed into his lungs at this time was very hot. His lungs were constantly burning, and a lot of skin on his body had begun to crack and fall off. Fortunately, I have the help of the self-healing factor, otherwise it would probably just melt away without the other party having to do anything.

"Even if you somehow know my swastika, so what, now I'm like a sun wrapped around my body, you can't even think of touching me." Old man Yamamoto said.

"Did you hear that?" Linton said with a smile, of course he was talking to Battle Ji.

"It's time to end, Linton." Old man Yamamoto said in a deep voice, "If it doesn't end soon, even me and this place will be swallowed up by the flames like you."

Taking a breath, the old man Yamamoto walked towards Linton step by step with his sword lying on his side. This time he did not launch a sudden attack. He had already gained the swastika and felt that his victory was certain, and he looked unusually calm.

"What's wrong, Linton?" Old man Yamamoto looked at Linton who was standing there and said, "Why do you keep standing there and want to wait and see what happens, but still... you haven't found a way to deal with me? You know what I'm doing So what about ability? You can't defeat me at all."

"What...what else can you say? I have already started to take action, but...you can't see it." Linton said with a smile.

"Huh?" Old man Yamamoto was still wondering what Linton meant when suddenly a sword edge struck from the side. Although old man Yamamoto couldn't see anything, he still lowered his head downwards when he sensed the crisis. He clearly felt something scratching over his head. It should be a sword, but no one could be seen at all.

"What?" Old man Yamamoto was a little confused, but the next blow came quickly, and another invisible thing hit him. Old man Yamamoto did not dodge this time, and he received a direct blow to the chest, and there was a bone crack. When the sound sounded, old man Yamamoto flew straight out, but immediately adjusted his movements in the air, turned over and landed on the ground.

"What is it?" Old man Yamamoto looked towards the place where he was standing before, but he still didn't see anything. Inexplicably, he was attacked by something invisible, and this thing was not attacked by his own body. The remaining prison clothes were burned.

"I see." Linton probably understood. Through the test of the clone created by the Lun Tomb Border Prison, Linton probably also understood the other party's situation. It is true that the sun-like temperature is scary, but if you think about it, it is a single attribute fire attack, which can be imagined as a super high-level fire escape. As for the clones created by the Wheel Tomb Border Prison, they should have Yin-Yang Escape or Immortal Magic attributes, so they have a certain resistance to flames. Of course, the resistance is limited. In fact, the clone was hurt and burned by the opponent's residual prison clothes, but it could still attack the opponent before being burned.

Of course, the clone in the prison at the edge of the Wheel Tomb is not worth much. No matter how damaged it is, it can be repaired with a little mana. Their effects at least prove that Yin Yang Escape or Immortal Technique is still effective on the opponent.

"You haven't understood yet, old man, how important information is." Linton said, "I know everything about your abilities, but you have no idea about mine. This advantage is too great. "

"Hmph..." Old man Yamamoto snorted coldly, "I am never afraid of the ability to pretend to be a ghost. No matter what you do, it will be of no use to me!"

After speaking, the old man Yamamoto stabbed his sword towards the ground and chanted: "Corpses, those ashes of the dead scattered under my flames, help me, and give you the joy of fighting for the time being. The residual fire sword. Nan... …Fire and Fire Ten Trillion Death Burial Array!”

As old man Yamamoto hid, the ground suddenly began to shake, and flames burst out from the surrounding ground. Then, some charred skeletons crawled out of the ground.

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