I really can't control myself

Chapter 389 Irritability

What he got from Saar Apollo was a bit beyond Linton's expectation. It was something like a round gem. This was what the system suggested could be uploaded. Linton didn't know what this thing was at first, but he got the answer from the controlled Sal Apollo.

"A replica of Bengyu?" Linton was a little surprised. This thing is actually a replica of Bengyu. This is a bit extraordinary. "Aizen is planning to copy Bengyu?"

"No...not...I...did it myself..." Sal Apollo trembled as he said this. He didn't know whether he was resisting Linton's control or because of fear. Linton probably understood that Sal Apollo did this without telling Aizen. For him, the jade was also a very interesting thing. As a scientist, how could he not study it. The Bentama was originally a test product made by Urahara Kisuke. It seems that Sal Apollo created something similar to the principle through secret observation or research, but now this thing cannot be regarded as a Bentama. , because it has no effect and cannot play any role.

Even though it was an item that could not play any role, the system still judged it as a valuable item. Even after Linton uploaded it, he got a high score of 300,000. Linton was really surprised. This fake Bengyu was worth 300,000? So really? In any case, this fake Bengyu also verified Linton's idea that Bengyu can really be uploaded. It seems necessary to get it. That thing is probably very valuable.

I looked at Sal Apollo next to me. This guy is really awesome. Although he started to develop replicas after seeing the real Bengyu, he is still a bit far behind Urahara Kisuke, but it is true that he can imitate this. There are some abilities, but unfortunately he also said that it is difficult to make this thing, and Linton's system does not support mass production of points at all, because uploading the same thing multiple times is useless and the points will gradually decrease. That was the case with the previous artificial devil fruits. , no amount of it is useless, so Linton does not intend to copy this kind of thing.

"Thank you for leading the way. It's almost time for you to die." Linton said. Just as he was about to deal with Sal Apollo, he suddenly saw a person on the screen next to him. Yes, the current location of the two of them is in Sal Apollo's laboratory, and this laboratory is basically controlled by Sal Apollo alone. It is full of monitors, so as long as anyone invades here, Everybody can see it. The person Linton saw was his nephew Toshiro Hitsugaya. Yes, he was deflated again.

Toshiro also met an enemy. Linton also knew the person in front of him. He was one of the Ten Blades. He couldn't remember his name, but he remembered that his ability seemed to be a clone, and that he could control others after returning to the blade. Hitsugaya Toshiro was currently fighting him, and the opponent didn't even use the return sword. The clone's sneak attack alone cut Toshiro, and what Linton saw was the scene where he was pierced by the clone's sword.

"So, is my nephew the professional responsible for eating?" Linton raised his forehead, "So...are you going to help?"

Linton currently has several options. The first is to go to Aizen, but Linton actually has no intention of doing so. If he wanted to find him, Linton would have gone directly to him before, but basically Linton was sure that Aizen would not start a war with him at this time. The other party's goal was not him at all. The other party had obviously lured him to the virtual world. The purpose of the trap is to set up an ambush, and the other is to lure the tiger away from the mountain. But now it seems that the second possibility is obviously more likely. After all, he has already come and said hello, but Aizen has not yet Having someone appear in front of him means that he should have already started his actions.

Linton remembered that in the original work, Aizen used the tactic of diverting the tiger away from the mountain to attract Ichigo and others to Hueco Mundo. After that, he directly attacked Karakura Town. It seems that this should be the case now, so at this time Linton directly There is no point in going to Aizen. The other party doesn't care at all that he is ruining his situation. He just wants to accomplish his goal, which is to use Bengyu to create the King Key.

Of course, Linton had guessed this situation in advance and was deliberately attracted by the other party. Otherwise, if he didn't move, Aizen wouldn't take action. How long would this drag on? According to the Gotei 13 team's guess, it might be delayed until winter, but Linton couldn't wait any longer.

Although there was a reference to the original work, Linton felt that since he appeared, Aizen might choose to focus on killing himself first and then study Bengyu. However, the other party still chose to divert the tiger away from the mountain. To be honest, Linton was still quite unhappy. Although he had made a plan for himself, he still didn't pay enough attention to it. In this case, Linton was not polite to let Aizen feel despair. Of course, he would have to wait until the other party felt that his plan was about to succeed before Linton chose to appear. Now, let him be happy for a while.

In short, what I have said so much means that Linton does not need to rush to find Aizen now, and can kill some time and wait for Aizen's action. Of course, he must also seriously deal with the people left behind by Aizen. After all, if he "acts according to Aizen's plan" here, Aizen will feel at ease, right?

"Where is this?" Linton asked, pointing to Toshiro on the screen.

"This is……"

"Forget it, just take me there." Linton said.

The controlled Sal Apollo naturally began to lead the way, and the two quickly walked up the stairs and walked out of the laboratory area. This laboratory is indeed like a maze. Without Sal Apollo to lead the way, Linton can only break through the wall all the way out. Linton was just thinking about this when suddenly there was a "boom" sound, and the wall in front of him really exploded, and a figure walked in directly from outside the wall.

"Oh? You...are Linton." The other party naturally saw Linton at the first sight and showed a satisfied smile, "I really found you."

Although it was the first time we met, the other party was still easy to recognize. If Linton remembered correctly, this guy was the 5th Ten Blade, Neutra Gilga. This was another war-mad guy, but he was very familiar with it. What is surprising is that this man is very war-crazy. Almost all his winning records are achieved through sneak attacks. For example, a sneak attack on Neru, a sneak attack on Grimmjow, a sneak attack on Ichigo, and then face to face with a scumbag like Sadatori Taihu who just defeated him. If he fights Nelu head-on, he loses; if he fights Zaraki Kenpachi head-on, he loses. Well, to put it simply, this guy is a master at killing vegetables, the three-season rice of the Ten Blades world.

"Thall Apollo, what are you doing?" Nnoitra looked at Sal Apollo at this time and said, "If I read it correctly, you seem to be leading the way for this guy? I'm also surprised, It felt like your spiritual pressure was fighting someone before, and suddenly you are here again. What is going on? Don’t tell me, you are going to betray me."

Faced with Nnoitra's questioning, Sal Apollo certainly had no reaction. Sal Apollo, who was controlled by the illusion, was in a state of unconsciousness. The system judged that the opponent had lost consciousness and ended the automatic battle. There was almost no reaction to the words of anyone except Linton.

"Lord Nnoitra, something seems wrong." At this time, another Arrancar with a black eyepatch came in through the hole in the wall. He should be Nnoitra's subordinate officer. "He seems to have been attacked by this intruder." Got it under control.”

"Controlled?" Nnoitra looked at Sal Apollo's situation, and then suddenly smiled, "I see, I asked you why you are like this."

With a "swish" sound, as soon as he finished speaking, a huge slash wound appeared on Sal Apollo's chest, and the person who attacked him was naturally Nnoitra standing in front of him. The opponent used a huge sickle with a strange shape, and almost cut Sal Apollo in half with one blow.

The huge pain caused Sal Apollo to escape directly from the control of the illusion. The first thing he saw was Nnoitra in front of him. To be honest, he didn't know what the situation was.

"Since you are controlled, then go die." Nnoitra said with a smile, "The loser... has no reason to continue living."

"You..." Sal Apollo wanted to say something, but it was too late. At this time, he was not in the state of returning to the sword and could not use skills to reincarnate. After falling to the ground, Sal Apollo's body gradually turned into a white ash-like thing, which quickly dissipated in the air.

"Okay, the obstructive garbage has been disposed of." Neutra turned to Linton's side again, "Now it's our turn. I specifically wanted to find you, Linton, but it's a pity that you don't have a soul." Pressure, I didn’t find it at the first time, but I felt that Sal Apollo was fighting and couldn’t feel the opponent’s spiritual pressure, so I guessed it was you, and sure enough, I came to take a look and was caught by me.”

"These guys really embarrassed our Ten Blades... Grimmjow and Thrall Apollo also lost to a human. However, don't think that they can represent the level of the Ten Blades." Noi Terra stuck out her tongue as she spoke, "I am the fifth Ten Blades, Neutra Gilga, the strongest Ten Blades..."

"Wait a minute, I really can't help it. That's not how you brag. You are the best, why aren't you number one?" Linton couldn't help but say.

"..." Neutra naturally couldn't answer this question.

"I understand, I claim to be the strongest, right?" Linton touched his chin, "Is it true that I claim to be the best in the universe? Is it really just a point of shame...Wait, I seem to have done such a thing, this one I even ridiculed myself for being awesome..."

"You guy..."

"Look, you get angry when you talk about painful points." Linton pointed at Neutra and said, "I am different from you in this regard. You are just bragging. I am really number one, so I..."

Before Linton finished speaking, Neutra raised the sickle and accelerated towards Linton's head.

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