Linton's main income this time is naturally from points. Currently, Linton has more than 17 million points. This is not all, because Linton has not yet uploaded the points for the last 18 Devil Fruits traded. In the past, Linton had redeemed points directly. After all, he was poor at the time. But now that he has some money, Linton has begun to make other preparations.

Devil Fruit is indeed a very useful thing. Although it requires training, it can give a person a very powerful ability improvement in a short period of time. If the person has a basic foundation from the beginning, of course the improvement will be even more. You can think about the people in CP9 who can use it immediately after using the fruit to fight the Straw Hat Pirates.

Anyway, you can upload it at any time if you really need it, so Linton is not in a hurry to use it now. Maybe he needs this thing somewhere else, and the main reason is that after uploading it, he can't bring it up. All he can bring up are demons. The ability of the fruit is not the entity of the fruit. The difference between the two is that one can be used by others, and the other can only appear in one's own skill list if purchased.

Linton distributed these points slightly, mainly to make up for some skills that he had no money to buy before. For example, those magical skills of Otsutsuki Kaguya are really too expensive. If it weren't for this wave of profit, it would be really difficult. can not afford. In addition, he can also slightly purchase some new skills obtained in the pirate world.

For example, Linton discovered that he could actually buy a more upgraded version of the weapon color, but it was not an S-level weapon color, but an A+ level one. Until now, Linton had always believed that the highest level was A level. Of course, after playing too many games, he felt that there should be something similar to S level, but it was not through purchase or the like. Maybe he would be able to contribute in the future. Degree exchange or something, but this is the first time I have seen this A+ level.

Recalling it, Linton felt that this A+ level was probably obtained just now. When he attacked the World Government, Linton sorted out his points a little bit. He didn't see this at the time, so he could think of getting this. The skill is... Garp. It is true that the ability shown by the opponent before was simply explosive. Even if the eight gates of Dunjia are fully activated, the opponent can still fight 50-50. It is really a peak-level ability. Now it seems that it may be the highest level of use of weapon colors.

Thinking about it this way, Linton also understood why he did not gain abilities like prophecy, telepathy, and listening to the voices of all things after his ability to see and hear rose to A level. It was estimated that he would have derived abilities of A+ level at that time. Of course, there are no derivative applications in these aspects in Linton's list. The ability to predict comes from Katakuri, but he has never fought against him; the telepathy comes from Otohime from Fish-Man Island, she has died long ago; listening to the voice of all things It was Roger, and of course he was already dead. Of course, judging from the original work, the protagonist Luffy also has a similar development trend of ultimate knowledge, but at least when Linton defeated him, the opponent did not know this skill. This is how the skill list shows.

Of course, A+ level skills are not as expensive as expected. Linton had bought B+ skills before, but he just paid the price of B+ skills one more time. The same is true for A+. For 1 million points, Linton bought it on the spot. Including the skills he had replenished before, Linton spent a total of about 6 million, leaving 11 million points, which can be used to browse Taobao for a while. After all, he really had no money before, but now... I have money.

Of course, Linton didn't go directly. There were still some issues that needed to be dealt with. The main gain this time is points, and the gains in other aspects are actually not big. Linton mainly spends his efforts on improving points. The effect is indeed good, but the gains in other aspects are really too small. For example, in terms of skill acquisition, after all, most of One Piece's abilities are fruit abilities, but Linton really doesn't want to try to exchange them. I really don't know if this exchange will remove the shortcomings, otherwise it won't be possible to spend some money to buy one for myself. What are the characteristics of swimming? Do you lack that ability? Then there are the gains in terms of contribution points, which are also small and pitiful.

Yes, although Linton had a lot of fun this time, he only completed one task. The evaluation of this task was only a B. I don't know if it took too long or if the excess exploration points were not enough. Yes, Linton felt that there was a judgment of overexploration, but it was just not displayed. When I was in Hokage before, I continued to explore for a while after my completion rate was 100%. I finally got an A rating, not long after I completed it this time. I came back, maybe it was because of this aspect that I got the B rating.

That only gained 100 contribution points. The current contribution points are 220, and there are still 80 points needed for promotion. At least one task needs to be completed, and the evaluation is estimated to be B or above. So Linton looked directly at the task list, and sure enough, a new task appeared.

The tasks this time were unexpected. However, Linton took a closer look and found that the difficulty of these tasks seemed to be much higher. Maybe it’s just as the saying goes, when your ability becomes greater, your burden becomes heavier.

First of all, the construction task. The first thing Linton saw was the task of building the main city. Linton had already expected this task, because a series of previous tasks made Linton feel as if someone was asking him to build an online game. Even the dungeons were built, and the main city was certainly not surprising.

However, the more troublesome thing is that this task cannot be completed by myself now. It requires at least an eighth-level weapon shop, an eighth-level tailor shop, an eighth-level armor shop... and a lot of other requirements, and in my construction list There are no such buildings at all, they are all low-level buildings with insufficient levels. Of course, this is not the first time Linton has encountered this situation. It seems that his level is not enough.

Linton chose to give up on this mission. After all, one level would be deducted if the mission failed. Next is the city construction task, which requires the transformation of at least four cities and the establishment of a bunch of requirements such as resurrection points, temples, teleportation points, custom weapon shops, tailor shops, etc. Linton can build all the buildings required above. The problem is that the time for this task is to be completed within 10 cycles. Although the time given for the construction task is not very long, it is too anxious to complete four cities in 10 days. ?

Seeing this, Linton was also glad that he had accumulated a lot of points. He didn't have to worry about points for the time being. You see, these construction tasks require a lot of points. After all, all kinds of buildings require points to buy. Although the system will reward you with some points after the construction is completed according to experience, which can be regarded as making up for your losses. If the score is high, you may still earn some points, but the initial investment still requires your own points, so it is still very important to ensure that you have a certain number of points. It's necessary, otherwise how can you afford it if a Rebirth Temple only costs 1 million points.

After thinking about it, Linton felt that these construction tasks were relatively high-level tasks, and he might not have planned to let people do them at the beginning. After all, they required a certain amount of points accumulation and advanced levels to open up building restrictions. Linton thought for a while, and now it is best to focus on the exploration task. As for the points, he can keep a little bit now. Anyway, the store can be opened at any time, so he can buy it temporarily when needed. He doesn't feel comfortable having money in his pocket. Panic.

So Linton looked at the exploration mission. There are currently two exploration missions. One is the mission to explore a new world. It needs to explore a new world, and it needs to achieve at least 20% of the exploration rate. The cycle is given. Twenty days. As for this task, it is easy to say it is simple, but it may be difficult to say it is difficult, because after all, it is a new world, and I have no idea what kind of world it is. Whether it can be promoted is a big problem.

Although Linton seems to be very capable now, if he really encounters trouble in the world, it really won't be a big deal. For example, everyone knows that in the Dragon Ball world, stars can be exploded at will. So how much combat power does it take to explode a star? According to the original plot, these words were originally said by Vegeta, when his combat power was 20,000. As for Linton, if he opens an infinite Tsukuyomi now, he might be able to reach the level of destroying the world, but he is not like a Saiyan who can destroy a planet with just one wave, even if he has a combat power of 20,000. , what level of combat power does this have in Dragon Ball? I don’t know anything else, but the first form of Super Saiyan starts with a combat power of 100 million.

Of course, if you really encounter a suitable world, this task is still easy to complete. At least Linton has already tried it. Didn't the world of Death advance 44% in one go?

After thinking about it, Linton gave up on the task for the time being. After all, he not only wanted to complete the task, but also needed a certain score. Even if he spent a lot of effort to barely complete the task, would 20% of the progress be enough? What if the score is not enough? The score for this task is obviously calculated based on the exceeded exploration progress.

The last remaining task was a task that Linton felt was more appropriate, which was to advance the exploration progress of an existing world by at least 30%. Because it is a world that has been explored, it is naturally simpler, and the task requirement is also 30%. Of course, the world that has been explored is also more difficult after the exploration level increases. It is not as simple as the new world, but this task can last 60 cycles. Much more relaxed than the previous mission.

After some consideration, Linton finally accepted this task. Because the difficulty of the overall task had increased, Linton did not dare to take on more tasks this time. However, since the difficulty has increased, there should be more rewards, and the contribution value should also increase a little.

Then the next step is to decide which world. However, although Linton wants to think about it, trouble always comes at this time.

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