I really can't control myself

Chapter 3567: Deception

"Good fellow..." Linton didn't expect this guy to be so cooperative. Is it me or you who is reciting the lines?

So what is the price? Linton didn't know, after all, he was just here to make trouble.

Of course, I can't just say I'm here to make trouble, right? Linton thought about it and decided to use his skills and talk nonsense.

"Once there was a god named Er Er Yiming, who met a beautiful woman at the Cape of Kasa. After asking around, he found the girl's father and asked him for his daughter." Linton went straight into the mode of telling a story. "It turned out that the girl's father had two daughters. In order to show his sincerity, the father offered both daughters to the god."

"But what I didn't expect was that because the elder sister was ugly, Er Er Yiming looked down on the elder sister, so he directly returned the elder sister, leaving only the younger sister Mu Hanakayahime. What about you... now you are the noble lady who was returned." Linton said with a smile.

The story was from the myth book that Linton had read before. At first glance, it seemed that Linton was using this story and the characters in it to compare Erina Nakiri, or really to point out the identities of Erina Nakiri and Alice Nakiri.

In fact, the story that Linton told had no meaning at all. Yes, it was really nonsense. What stood out was that it was completely irrelevant. You can make any association you want, which is a common method used by riddlers.

Of course, there must be some atmosphere to do this. Look at the current situation. Linton is telling this story to Erina Nakiri with such a serious attitude. Who would know that this guy is completely talking nonsense, right?

Anyway, Erina Nakiri couldn't see it. She felt that Linton must be telling her something, but the words were a little obscure.

And the actual situation is that if Linton told her directly, she might not believe Linton 100%. But this kind of situation that sounds confused will make people feel that it is quite credible.

"You want me to betray the Nakiri family?" Nakiri Erina was silent for a while and asked directly.

Linton didn't know what Nakiri Erina understood, but it didn't matter anyway. He didn't know how to do it, so he let the other party associate it himself, and then come up with a reason for him to continue to make up. The same was true when he recognized his nephew before.

"Betrayal?" Linton smiled, "What's wrong, do you think that the Nakiri family and I are in a hostile relationship?"

"..." Nakiri Erina was stunned for a moment, and then said, "You and the Furuyama Shrine should not have a good relationship."

"So now the Nakiri family and the Furuyama Shrine are completely bound? Has the Nakiri family joined the Furuyama Shrine as its subordinate?" Linton asked again.

Nakiri Erina was stunned. Indeed, the Nakiri family is the Nakiri family, and the Furuyama Shrine is the Furuyama Shrine. Linton and his people have a bad relationship with the Furuyama Shrine, and they are not in a hostile relationship with the Nakiri family. This is indeed not contradictory.

Then she also heard another meaning from Linton's words, which was to warn her that if she continued like this, the Nakiri family would become a vassal of the Furuyama Shrine.

There was obviously a meaning of instigation and dissension in these words, and Nakiri Erina certainly couldn't fail to hear it. But the problem is... the current situation really makes her a little worried.

When she met Nakiri Alice before, the other party's attitude was that only she could lead the Nakiri family to the right future.

But is this future really right? What is the future of the Nakiri family? Will it exist as a vassal of the Furuyama Shrine?

In the final analysis, is the Furuyama Shrine really a good person? Just this point, Nakiri Erina couldn't confirm it.

Now it seems that Nakiri Alice has completely trusted the Furuyama Shrine. Other people in the family, her grandfather, uncle, and uncle-in-law have been persuaded by Nakiri Alice, and are now working for the Furuyama Shrine peacefully.

The transformation of Totsuki Academy into a spiritual power academy was entirely the intention of the Furuyama Shrine, or it could be said that it was intentionally guided by the other party. Although the highest authority in Totsuki Academy is the Yuanyue Poet Council in name, in fact, the members of the council are all from the Furuyama Shrine, and it is impossible for them to disobey the will of the Furuyama Shrine.

The entire academy can be said to have basically become the private property of the Furuyama Shrine. And just one day ago, this academy still belonged to the Nakiri family.

Is this really a good thing for the Nakiri family? Is it really the right way?

Once the seeds of doubt are generated, they begin to grow and spread uncontrollably. Nakiri Erina knew that this was intentional by Linton, but she did have doubts.

"You don't trust me?" Linton looked at Nakiri Erina's face and continued, "Why?"

"This..." Nakiri Erina couldn't say it for a while. She really didn't trust Linton, but she couldn't tell the reason for a while.

"Before Godzilla invaded, his Furuyama Shrine contributed manpower, and I also contributed manpower, but the last kill was taken by Aizen. We did the same thing, but the attitude of that side was a little more similar, and most people leaned towards that side. The tone of this Furuyama Shrine is really the same as always." Linton said with a smile.

Nakiri Erina also felt that there was nothing wrong with this, because Linton did contribute manpower. Everyone saw that Linton was also fighting monsters at the time, and even directly cut off Godzilla's right arm, and was almost able to kill it, but it was indeed taken away by Furuyama Shrine at the last moment.

But the current trend is that most people are leaning towards the Gushan Shrine. According to Linton, the two sides are doing similar things, but the Gushan Shrine pretends to be fine.

"What about you? Do you think Gushan Shrine is a good person?" Linton asked with a smile.

"I'm not that superficial." Nakiri Erina said immediately. Of course, she did think that Gushan Shrine was more favorable, just like Linton thought. As for the reason, she herself can't explain it clearly now.

"In fact, your spiritual power qualification is higher than that of your cousin." Linton suddenly said.

"What?" Nakiri Erina looked at Linton in astonishment. She naturally didn't know about this. After all, other people don't know how to judge the qualification.

In fact, it is impossible to judge at all. After all... At present, all those who use spiritual power have let the system Xiaohei directly exchange spiritual power. Just use as much as the system gives you. What qualification, there is no spiritual energy recovery now, and no one can practice. Where is the difference in qualification.

So this thing is whatever Linton makes up.

"Then guess, why didn't the Ancient Mountain Shrine choose you?" Linton said with a smile.

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