I really can't control myself

Chapter 3558 Activation

It was Alice Nakiri's phone that rang, but Alice Nakiri did not choose to answer the call.

In fact, without looking at Alice Nakiri, you can know that this must be her parents calling. Because she just saw a military helicopter flying to the Totsuki headquarters above. It should be the government that came to pick up Minister Aoki Hiroto.

Of course, this helicopter can definitely take the chairman and his parents away. So Nakiri Souji is now anxious to contact Alice Nakiri, and he must be informing her of this matter.

Alice Nakiri did not answer it directly, and she has already made her answer clear.

Nakiri Souji probably knows about it. After the phone rang twice in a row, it stopped ringing because it was obvious that he knew his daughter's choice.

The five people stood there without saying anything, and actually walked towards the approaching Godzilla. No one chose to run away. Even the most timid Tadokoro Megumi did not plan to leave at this time. Of course, her legs were so weak that she could not stand at all.

Until Godzilla here had walked near the academy, and seemed to have discovered them. The ferocious eyes were directly aimed at them. They all knew that the other party was indeed staring at them. It was a feeling of great malice.

"In that case, let's go." Yukihira Soma shouted at this time, as if to dispel fear and to strengthen their confidence.

It was definitely too late to run now, and the five people who stayed behind had obviously made up their minds. But the determination was the determination, and the biggest problem now was how to fight this thing.

You can't really pick up a knife to chop this guy, will it work? It's better to go and trim its nails.

"Miko." At this time, Kurokiba Ryo suddenly said, "Shoot it with your bow and aim at the vital points."

"Me?" Tadokoro Megumi pointed at herself unconsciously.

"Otherwise, do you want me to chop it with a knife?" Kurokiba Ryo roared.

Even without Godzilla taking action, Kurokiba Ryo's roar alone scared Tadokoro Megumi. She hurriedly drew her bow and arrow, and actually listened to Kurokiba Ryo and aimed at Godzilla.

However, for some reason, this scene had a different kind of funny feeling, which made Linton, who was watching the show next to him, laugh out loud.

Just now, Godzilla used atomic breath to spray the plane, which gave Linton a feeling of using a cannon to hit a mosquito, and now the situation of Tadokoro Megumi is completely the opposite, which is particularly funny.

"Aim at its eyes." Kurokiba Ryo continued. I have to say that although the scene looks a bit funny, Kurokiba Ryo should have made a serious suggestion.

Obviously, to deal with the behemoth in front of them, their firepower is seriously insufficient. In that case, they can only attack the vital points in a targeted manner.

Anyway, their mission at the beginning was not to really kill this thing, but to delay time. Isn't the priest Aizen over there preparing a sealing magic circle? This is their only thought.

Tadokoro Megumi has indeed practiced bows and arrows in the past few days, and her means of attack is to use the spirit bow to attack.

It must be said that Tanaka Hui is quite talented in archery. The demon-breaking arrows she shot these days are quite good. At least they are much better than when she dealt with Yamadou a few days ago, and have reached the standard of being a method of attack.

But at this time, Tanaka Hui's movements became clumsy again. After all, both hands holding the bow and arrow were shaking, and her mind was in a mess.

With a "whoosh", an arrow flashing with white light flew out. It was not clear whether Tanaka Hui had aimed it in place. It felt like it flew out of her hand.

However, this bow and arrow also had self-correction after it was shot. After all, Tanaka Hui, who could not shoot arrows at all a few days ago, could aim in the direction of Yamadou.

So this white light really went in the direction of Godzilla's head.

But compared with the opponent's huge body, this shot of white light seemed so small, just like five people standing in front of this thing.

With a "bang", a whole white light exploded on Godzilla's head. This is obviously a hit.

Although the hit was indeed on the head, Godzilla here seemed to have no reaction at all. Not only did his body not shake, but he also did not have any painful reaction after being hit in the eyes.

From the effect of the attack, it was useless.

Oh, it seemed to have some effect, because the next moment, everyone saw Godzilla here taking a deep breath.

The next moment, a familiar light began to emerge from Godzilla's back, lighting up from the tail to the head, as if energy was being transmitted upwards visible to the naked eye.

Then, the same familiar light appeared at Godzilla's mouth. It was obvious that the opponent was preparing to use the same light attack just now.

The five people in front of them really didn't expect that not only would they encounter a full-level demon king as soon as they came out, but the opponent would use a big move as soon as they came up. In an instant, a dead air seemed to cover the five people, making them all dumbfounded.

Yes, the five people didn't even have the intention to run, just staring blankly at the impending destructive attack. Obviously, the minds of several people at this time were blank.

Of course Godzilla's attack would not stop just because the opponent was stupid. The next moment, its huge mouth opened, blue and white light gathered, and a huge beam of light shot out from its mouth, flying directly towards the five people and the shrine behind them.

At this time, the five people were still staring blankly at the beam of light spraying towards them, without any movement at all, as if they had forgotten to close their eyes.

Just when they all had the judgment of "dying", the shrine behind them suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and a purple translucent barrier appeared directly in front of everyone.

With a loud "bang", the next moment the beam of light directly hit the barrier. And to everyone's surprise, the beam of light was actually blocked by the barrier.

For a while, the energy of the beam of light splashed, but it did not break through the barrier. However, the protection range of the barrier is also quite limited, only a part of the area halfway up the mountain. The other parts were directly swept by the energy of the sputtering light, including the Totsuki headquarters on the top of the mountain, which was swept away by the light in an instant.

Of course, it was not just blocking the light. At this time, the five people in front of the shrine felt a huge spiritual power rushing directly into their bodies, and everyone clearly felt a sense of mastering a powerful force.

"It's the shrine barrier that the priest just mentioned that has been activated." Nakiri Alice said.

"It's time to fight back." Feeling full of power, the confidence of the few people finally returned.

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