At this time, the battle between the navy and the two big pirate groups was about to begin, but something that no one expected happened. The red harbor where the bubble cable car, the elevator to the Holy Land Mariejoia, is located, was actually occupied. And the people who occupied them were none other than the group of pirates summoned by the previous World Government itself.

The cause of this incident is still a communication issue between the World Government and the Navy. The summoning of these "mercenaries" is the intention of the World Government, and the Navy is strongly opposed to it. However, due to the various embarrassing behaviors of the Navy in the past, the most important thing is that even their hometown was bulldozed, the world government and the leaders of various countries have already had a crisis of confidence in them. They did not trust the Navy's word that it would be able to defend the Holy Land of Marie Joa, and finally passed the bill.

But it is the navy that performs the guarding operations. The navy is very unhappy with these pirates. The world government wants to let them go up and be cannon fodder. Wouldn't it be good? But the navy didn't even bother to talk to them. More importantly, if these pirates really played a role, wouldn't that mean that their navy was incompetent? Isn't this against them?

Therefore, the Navy was too lazy to take care of this group of people and asked them to gather at the assembly point. After that, no orders were issued. In fact, because of Linton's incident in the Holy Land Mariejoia, no one had time to care about these pirates. Then these pirates are not happy. They are here just for money and for the title of Shichibukai. Why do they want to be Shichibukai? Is it not for those privileges or for legal robbery? Let them gather together now and ignore it. They are gone, and they still have to look at the stinky faces of the Navy guys. Who can feel comfortable?

Originally, they didn't dare to do anything. After all, the navy general and marshal were not something they could deal with. But soon, things changed. Not only did the main force of the navy go out, but the most important thing was that the Holy Land Mariejoia burned down. This caused the pirates to get into chaos.

The pirates don't care much about what's going on above, and what the world government has to do with them. What they care about is their money. The employment fee has not been paid yet, let alone Shichibukai's promise. If something happens to the World Government, who will they ask for money?

So the pirates who saw something was wrong got into trouble. This trip couldn't be in vain. At this time, someone stood up. This person was Ba Jin. Of course, he stood up as Weibull, the guardian of the Qiwuhai. The pirates originally didn't have a leader, but now that a Shichibukai has come out, they have a leader.

Weibull also instantly killed several thorn-headed pirates. His ability was still very strong and he could easily kill some junk. In short, Ba Jin quickly took control of the situation. Ba Jin's purpose was also very simple. Didn't Linton tell him before that he could grab whatever he wanted? As a money addict, she had always kept this in mind. Now when she saw this opportunity, of course It's time to vote.

Ba Jin's idea was recognized by most of the pirates. These people are a bunch of lawless guys. They originally came for the treasure, but now they are being encouraged to rob it, why don't they go? Anyway, the main force of the navy is not here, and Mariejoia has already begun to burn, so who cares about them.

So Shichibukai led a team and directly raided the navy's temporary headquarters. Because the main force of the navy was not there, some went to the front line, and some were in Marigioa. There were almost no ones left who could fight. Weibull was killing everyone by himself. Now the pirates were more confident. Soon, they raided the red harbor and directly occupied the elevator. After plundering the harbor, several people led by Ba Jin prepared to go directly to rob it.

At this time, the Navy was really in trouble. Their frontline troops had just engaged in a battle with Whitebeard and the Red-Haired Pirates. It was not easy for the Navy soldiers to muster up the courage to prepare for a counterattack. As a result, the rear urgently contacted the pirates. Instead, they started attacking their temporary base directly. The people behind them couldn't stop them and asked for support.

Aokiji originally wanted to suppress the news, but the pirates behind him set fire to the red harbor, and he saw another flame burning in the distance. In short, all kinds of troubles caused their battle to be greatly affected. Qingzhi is anxious, but he is also in trouble now.

The person who appeared in front of Aoki now was Ace, and the two of them, one with fire and the other with ice, were confronting each other. Aoki also discovered that Ace has indeed grown a lot in the past two years. After all, the Whitebeard Pirates have been miserable in the past two years. The strong ones really died, and those who were not strong died. Ace also went through it. After many life-and-death battles, it was completely different from what it was back then, with the two fighting back and forth.

Aokiji wanted to capture Ace quickly, but now he realized it was impossible. He was also anxious, even the marshal was so anxious, and naturally the navy below was also anxious. In matters like war, the more eager you are for success, the more flaws will appear. Therefore, the Navy has to fight harder and harder, and gradually the situation is tilting towards Whitebeard and the Red-Haired Pirates.

This is probably what happened below, and on Mary Joa's side, Linton faced off against Sengoku again. There is a golden Buddha on one side and a black Susanoo on the other. This scene seems familiar.

The situation is like this. Linton's side cleared the area with the Shinra Tianzheng. Most of the people didn't know where Beng had gone. Linton couldn't chase them one by one. So what to do now? At this time, Linton saw something like a castle next to him. Linton had noticed this building when he sneaked in before. The tallest building in Mariejoia is this castle. It should be where the throne room is in the original book. It's a place.

Linton decided to take a look. The most important thing was of course to get closer and see if there were any reminders of valuables. After all, he now knew that valuables not only included Devil Fruits, but also other things, such as historical texts and the like. Yes, even if they had given him all the devil fruits here before, he could still look for anything else that could be exchanged for points.

So Linton also wanted to go to Pangle Castle directly, but just as he was about to take off, a giant Buddha shock wave hit him. The wounded Sengoku appeared in front of him and blocked his way.

"We have faced each other several times, Warring States." Linton said with a smile, "Don't you know if you are my opponent?"

"It's impossible for me to let you pass." Warring States said firmly, "If you want to pass, just step over my body."

"As you wish." After Linton finished speaking, a black giant sword appeared directly in Susanoo's hand. He waved it towards Sengoku in front, and a huge black sword energy slashed directly towards Sengoku. .

"Big Buddha Shock Wave!" Warring States launched a palm, preparing to block the attack with a shock wave. However, the two forces collided, and the outcome was decided in an instant. The black sword energy directly broke through the shock wave and hit Sengoku's right hand. With one swipe, Warring States' right hand was cut in half. The sword energy moved forward and almost attacked Pongol Castle, but in the end it passed through the front of the castle and disappeared into the distant horizon.

"Warring States, you have become a lot weaker in the past two years." Linton looked at Warring States who was half-kneeling on the ground with his hands covered, "It seems that you are indeed getting old, and the navy is really miserable. You can't take care of yourself at this age. I want you to come out and lay a corpse..."

Linton really felt that Warring States was weaker than two years ago. His strength had really dropped drastically. He didn't know what he had gone through in the past two years. His hair and beard had all turned white. Two years ago I didn't even look that old, but suddenly I seem to be gray-haired.

"Huh...huh..." Warring States wanted to say something, but he was really speechless. His right hand was spurting out a lot of blood. He was very tired just holding on to the form of the Buddha. To be honest, he really felt like he was going to die here.

"Then, let's send you on your way." After Linton said that, he directly pulled his hands back, "turtle...sect...qi...gong..."

A "whoosh" of white light shot towards Warring States in front of him. Warring States really had no strength to avoid it. He raised his head and looked at the white light with some despair. Just when he was about to close his eyes and wait for death, suddenly a figure rushed towards him. in front of.

"Ha!" The other party roared and rushed forward towards Linton's Tailed Beast Cannon. After Yuebu rushed in front of the Tailed Beast Cannon, he crossed his hands and directly protected himself in front of him, while his whole body lit up with a weapon-colored light.

With a loud "boom", the opponent was directly shot down by the tailed beast cannon and hit the ground heavily. However, Linton's tailed beast cannon was also forcibly twisted at an angle, grazing the Sengoku behind and passing through the clouds. It disappeared directly into the horizon.

"Ka... Garp?" Warring States looked at the person who fell not far in front of him in surprise, it was Garp.

"Garp?" Linton was a little surprised. He had attacked Garp with the Tailed Beast Cannon before, and Garp couldn't block it at that time. Why did he feel stronger this time?

Just as he was thinking about it, Garp on the ground actually turned over. Seeing the other party's appearance, Linton was slightly stunned, because Garp's face... seemed to look younger suddenly.

"Garp, you..." Of course Sengoku saw Garp's condition at this time, and said a little surprised, "Did you use Vegapunk's potion?"

"I can't care about so much now." Garp said, "This guy must be stopped!"

"You..." Zeng Guo gritted his teeth and asked again, "Do you still have it?"

"No, I drank it all." Garp said. He knew what Sengoku meant, but he didn't want the other party to drink too. "You can rest first, and I will stop him. Now, I am the only one who can stop him."

"This is... interesting." Linton said with a smile.

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