After the food battle, everyone had a lot of things to do.

For example, after the food battle, Yukihira Joichiro and his son started to talk, and they talked about Yukihira Soma's desire to give up the road of being a chef.

"How about it, although you lost to the opponent, you should have felt it in this duel. It's not anything else, but the passion for cooking in your heart should not be extinguished." Yukihira Joichiro said.

Yukihira Soma did not deny it, because what his father said was absolutely right. Although he thought he had some determination before, he obviously couldn't be indifferent to such a cooking duel. He also wanted to participate in such a cooking duel, and wanted to show his passion for cooking. He really loves cooking.

But in the end, he still sighed: "I'm sorry, dad. I do have something I have to do now, and this thing is more important than cooking now."

Yukihira Joichiro felt a little surprised again. The reason why he asked Yukihira Soma to watch his cooking duel was actually because Dojima Gin told him some things about the residential training.

From his point of view, his son was probably hit. Didn't Yukihira Soma taste Fubuki's cooking during the residential training? The opponent's oppressive strength may have really hit Yukihira Soma, which made him confused about the road of cooking.

So according to his idea, it would be best to let Yukihira Soma watch his cooking duel with Fubuki. Of course, it would be best if he could defeat the opponent.

But the current situation seems to be a little different from what he thought, that is, he can see from his son's eyes that his passion for cooking has not faded.

Then the question is, if that's the case, why give up the road of cooking, is there really something more important? But what is that more important thing? Why doesn't he know it at all.

This matter is really weird. What important things can his son who just went to high school have? He raised him since he was a child, how could he not know that there is such an important thing. This matter even surpassed the previous dream. After all, he knew that his son's dream was to become a great chef. Now put this matter aside, what do you want to do? Save the world, right?

Sighing, Yukihira Joichiro couldn't help asking, "Then tell me, what is so important?"

"I..." Yukihira Soma didn't know what to say. On the one hand, no one would believe it if he told it to others. Even his father would believe it. He wanted to become an Onmyoji, then get rid of the spirits, and then save the world.

On the other hand, he didn't want his father to worry about him. Yes, what Aizen told them at the beginning was that fighting those things was risky.

It's just that the spiritual power of several of them is strong. Aizen told them that they have been targeted, and the attacks on several people also prove this point. If they don't master the power themselves, they can only wait for others to save them or wait to die when they encounter something.

Obviously, these people are not people who want to pin their lives on others or fate, so they choose to join the Koyama Shrine. And they all have things they want to protect.

Now Yukihira Soma can't say it, but after thinking about it, it seems that this matter can't be concealed for long. Because according to the previous plan, they will officially take the stage in these few days.

Considering this, Soma Yukihira decided to confront his father. However, just as he was about to speak, his cell phone rang. He looked and found that it was Alice Nakiri who contacted him.

"Emergency, that guy seems to be coming out." Alice Nakiri said on the phone.

"What? Today?" Soma Yukihira was stunned. Although he said it would be these few days, he didn't expect it to be so soon.

"That's right, gather outside the shrine and come over now." Alice Nakiri said.

"I know." Soma Yukihira naturally nodded immediately to indicate that he received it.

After hanging up the phone, Yukihira Soma looked at his father Seiichiro and said seriously: "Dad, I have something very important to do now. If you believe me, I hope you leave Tokyo immediately."

"Huh?" Yukihira Joichiro looked at Yukihira Soma with a confused look on his face, but looking at his face, he didn't seem to be talking nonsense, so he immediately asked: "You want me to leave Tokyo? You mean it's very dangerous here, right? What do you mean? Have you done anything dangerous? Or is there any danger coming?"

"I don't have time to explain now. If it's really too late, then leave the academy." Yukihira Soma said, "Wait a little longer, you should know everything."

"What do you mean?" Yukihira Joichiro heard Yukihira Soma's words and asked anxiously.

"In a short while, there will be terrible things coming to attack Totsuki Academy. This is not something that ordinary people can contend with." Kohei Soma said, after all, it can't be concealed for long, but there is no time to say it in detail now, so he simply said, "Anyway, you leave here immediately, I'm going to join the war here."

What do you mean? Aren't you also an ordinary person?" Yukihira Joichiro asked.

"Now, it's not." Yukihira Soma said, "Shua", and appeared a few meters away. Yes, it was the skill of instant step. Anyway, Aizen has moved all the systems of the god of death. Of course, they are all skills suitable for the model of this world after asking the system Xiaohei to go through them.

This move naturally stunned Yukihira Joichiro, but Yukihira Soma did not continue to explain. He just shouted "You must do what I say" and ran away.

About ten minutes before the two talked, Linton and Aizen also met.

"Hurry up and do it. I'm too lazy to wait." Linton also said directly.

"Then... start tonight?" Aizen asked.

"Right now, what I hate most is that Godzilla from who knows which movie. That thing always comes out in the middle of the night. The picture is always black and you can't see anything. Isn't this a mess? I just want to see the daytime version. Come directly in the afternoon." Linton waved his hand and said.

"Based on the current situation, these guys don't seem to be our opponents at all. Apart from anything else, we haven't even gathered all the Ten Espadas yet." Aizen said.

"Who cares? The fusion progress won't increase. Let's do something big right now. Anyway, you and I are both in control. If it doesn't work, we can just use Deus Ex Machina or something. Anyway, let's do it right now." Linton waved his hand and said.

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