"Tell me all the news you know." Nakiri Souji was very serious. He rarely said such serious words to his daughter. However, this time, after experiencing life and death, he understood the seriousness of the problem.

This is obviously not just their own business, but it is obviously related to the future of the entire Nakiri family. Nakiri Souji was not very interested in the head of the family and did not have much ambition. He did not want to compete for who would be the head of the family.

But if it is as Alice Nakiri said, if their family really cannot keep up with the changes in the world, it is not a situation where we just need to keep our own piece of land.

If there is a problem with such a big cake of the Nakiri family, not everyone wants to have a bite. This is not a question of whether they want to fight or not, but a question of being in the arena and not being able to retreat.

Naturally, Alice Nakiri has nothing to hide from her parents. She didn't say it at the beginning because she knew they would not believe it at all. In this case, unless they saw it with their own eyes, Alice Nakiri would not even believe what she said.

So Alice Nakiri directly told Nakiri Soe and Nakiri Leonora everything she had encountered in the past few days, including some information she had inquired from Aizen. After hearing everything, the couple frowned.

It was obviously a field they had never touched before, and too much information they had never heard of poured in at once. If it weren't for their previous experience, it would be absolutely impossible to believe such a ridiculous situation.

However, now the facts are in front of them, and they can't help but believe it.

"It turns out that the shrine that flew to the academy is called Furuyama Shrine." Nakiri Soe nodded, "Flew to our academy on purpose, and wanted to teach the art of fighting demons in the academy. Why did you choose the academy? Is there anything special?

Nakiri Soe was a little confused. Is there anything special about Totsuki Academy? Originally, their main business was not theology, but teaching students to cook. Why did this Furuyama Shrine choose them?

Is the other party's purpose to cooperate with them to train a group of students who can fight demons? Why students? Do you really need to fight? If you are a person with strong strength and fighting will, shouldn't you find some places like soldiers and troops? Why do you have to pick some students?

Although there are still some doubts now, there is obviously no problem, that is, this is indeed an opportunity for their Nakiri family.

According to what the priest named Aizen said, there will be more and more such things in the future. Nakiri Soe is really believing it now, or you have to believe it, this thing has come to your door.

If you don't get on this bus, you will be left behind, and people have driven the bus to your doorstep. Do you think you can get on it?

And his daughter has been involved. Even if he lets go now, it is probably too late, because according to the current statement, Touma Corporation has already set its sights on them.

According to the previous meeting between his daughter and the chairman of Touma, the other party said that they can cooperate, but Alice Nakiri must be the person in charge of the company, because his daughter is now also the chairman of the Toyama Shrine Council.

According to the other party, people like him and his wife are Muggles in the eyes of people in the other world, and from the tone of voice, they can't even be considered human beings. And his daughter has already entered the industry. , only then are they qualified to talk to them.

That’s why they asked Alice Nakiri to take control of the company, and that’s why my daughter came to talk to me today. To put it more clearly, if Totsuki International was under my name, I wouldn’t even be qualified to cooperate with them, and I wouldn’t be considered a human being at all. If they want to rob me, they can just rob me, what can you do?

It’s nothing more than my daughter has entered the Tao, so she’s qualified, otherwise today’s attack would have directly removed Totsuki International from the list.

“Is this attack just a test sent by the Touma Company to test whether we have the strength to cooperate?” Nakiri Soe asked.

“Yes, it’s also a warning, or a show of strength.” Alice Nakiri nodded, “If we can’t make it today, the other party won’t care, and we can only be considered unqualified to cooperate with them. ”

“…” Nakiri Souji didn’t say anything, but just clenched his fists silently.

Today, he almost lost his life, his wife’s life, and his daughter’s life, but this was just a test from the other party. The guy behind the Togomo Group is obviously not an easy person to get along with, acting so erratically.

Nakiri Souji was actually quite angry, but he also knew that being angry was useless. Today, this terrifying thing was just a test from the other party. They didn’t know what the other party was confident about. As for themselves, they didn’t have much confidence. After all, the attitude given by Toyama Shrine, the current backer of their daughter, seemed to want their daughter to cooperate with the other party.

After all, from now on, although the other party’s behavior is erratic, it should be mainly against demons, and demons should be their biggest enemy. Toyama Shrine should agree to cooperate because of this.

“Can I meet this priest Aizen? "Souei Nakiri suppressed his anger and asked Alice Nakiri.

"..." Alice Nakiri thought for a moment and shook her head. She looked like she wanted to explain but didn't know how to start.

Souei Nakiri was not surprised and could even guess what Alice Nakiri wanted to say.

Judging from the previous statements, the people from Dongwu Magic Company called them Muggles and obviously did not regard them as human beings. And does Furuyama Shrine really like them?

Although in the eyes of ordinary people, he is the superior chairman of the Yuanyue Group, but in the eyes of people in the other world, this status as chairman is nothing.

That's probably what Nakiri Alice meant when she said she was unlikely to see him. His daughter was attracted by the other party because of her spiritual talent, and now she is considered a person in the other world. She... is nothing.

"I understand." Nakiri Munue did not show any discomfort, but said with a smile, "Alice, from today on, you will be the chairman of Totsuki International. And, I will do my best to I support you in becoming the next head of the Nakiri family.”

"Father!" Nakiri Alice was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect her father to make a decision so quickly and fully support her.

"I know what you want to do and why you do it. You are right. The Nakiri family is now standing on the edge of a cliff. One step back will lead to the abyss. I support the path you have chosen and believe in you. Judgment." Nakiri Munue said, "It's just that my father hasn't seen those things with his own eyes, so it's probably not that easy to convince."

"It doesn't matter, because in a few days, everyone will understand what humanity is about to face." Nakiri Alice said.

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