I really can't control myself

Chapter 3530 Car Accident

The light of the car lights reminded her of what had just happened.

Just when she was talking to Soma Yukihira on the phone, suddenly a bright light appeared in front of their car, attracting her attention.

To be honest, this situation is quite strange. It is not surprising that there is a car in the opposite lane, but the problem is that the light of the car lights appears suddenly.

If the car coming from the other side kept turning on its headlights, she obviously wouldn't pay attention. But the car lights suddenly turned on, and it felt like I was waiting for them here, and only turned on the car lights when I saw them appear.

Then, under the light of the street lights, Mito Yumei could see clearly that the opposite side was a rather shabby-looking small truck, but what surprised her was that at first glance, she didn't seem to see the driver of the car.

Of course, because the light is not good at night and the other party has their car lights on, it is normal to see clearly. Although Mito Yumei noticed something strange, she didn't take it seriously. Just as they were about to continue chatting with Soma Yukihira, they suddenly discovered that the car on the opposite side had left the opposite lane and rushed towards their car.

"Be careful!" Mito Yumei shouted anxiously.

Of course, her driver had already noticed this. After all, he was not only a driver, but also a bodyguard. Mito Yumei is the eldest lady of the Mito Meat Industry. Although she is not as exaggerated as the Totsuki Group, she is still quite wealthy. A bodyguard like him is hired to deal with things like this.

The driver was quite calm and started to adjust the direction directly. However, the road itself was quite narrow, and there was not much room to dodge, and the opponent's speed was unexpectedly fast, so he still made up his mind to rush towards them.

Accompanied by a loud "bang", the driver failed to avoid the collision after a series of maneuvers. Not only that, this operation also had some counter-effects. Because there was no head-to-head collision, their car was hit to the side. The force of the forward thrust directly caused the entire car to start to flip. As a result, the car turned over on all four wheels. .

Fortunately, both of them were wearing seat belts, otherwise the situation would have been more serious.

Mito Yumei was greatly shocked and felt pain all over her body, but she didn't know exactly where the injury was. And when she endured the pain and climbed out of the car, she happened to see the familiar light of the car lights shining over her.

Yes, this little truck actually turned around and pointed in her direction again, trying to kill everyone.

Hearing the sound of the car accelerating again, Mito Yumei didn't know where the strength came from at this time, but he stood up directly, and then ran directly towards the direction of a house next to him.

Yes, the place where the car accident occurred at this time was not in the wilderness, and it was impossible for Mito Yumei to go to such a place when she returned home. The nearby streets are lined with normal homes. The house closest to her was a two-story single-family house with a small courtyard. At this time, the lights in the house were still on, indicating that there was someone there.

The wall of the small courtyard was not very high, but Mito Yumei didn't have time to think about it, so she jumped up and grabbed the top of the wall, trying to climb over. It's obviously safe to go inside.

That's what she thought, but she had just grabbed the wall and before she could get over it, there was a sudden loud "bang" and the car actually hit the wall head-on.

The huge impact directly knocked down the wall, and Mito Yumei was thrown away by the momentum. Fortunately, there were many flowers and plants in the small courtyard. Mito Yumei was blocked by the shrubs inside, and most of her strength was relieved, and she was thrown directly onto the lawn.

Although the wall collapsed directly, the pickup truck did not come in and was stuck by the ruins of the wall.

Mito Yumei also noticed this situation at this time. Although she was in severe pain, she still got up immediately. She knew that the danger had not passed yet.

He stared in the direction of the pickup truck and looked at the other person's condition, obviously wanting to kill her. She looked in the direction of the cab, hoping to see if the driver would come down and do something to her.

However, something shocked her. This time she saw clearly that there was no one in the cab.

At this time, the distance was close, and the situation inside the car was clearly visible. Not only was there no one in the cab, but there was also no one in the passenger seat. It was truly a driverless car.

Mito Yumei looked around in panic. She thought she hadn't noticed that the driver had gotten out of the car, or that the other driver had jumped out of the car before hitting the wall. After all, under normal circumstances, even if you want to kill someone, you won't hit the wall directly.

But not only did she not see anyone, what happened below made her even more confused.

Because at this moment, someone came out of the house behind her.

The other party may not have noticed the car accident before, but now it has crashed directly into the home. The owner of the house naturally heard the sound and came. Of course, when he opened the door and saw the situation in front of him, the owner of the house was also stunned for a moment.

But at this moment, the completely unmanned minivan started up again. Under Mito Yumei's confused eyes, it fell back, then made a slight U-turn and drove away in the direction to the side.

Of course Mito Yumei also knew this time that the car was really driverless and there was no driver in the first place. How is this done?

You said it would be fine if it looked like a high-tech car. She could still imagine something like computer control. But the little broken car opposite, you can guess that it is at least twenty years old just by looking at it. How can this car be driverless?

Although I couldn't understand it, I heard the sound of the car really leaving. Mito Yumei immediately relaxed and sat down on the ground.

Just now it was a critical moment, and the rapid secretion of adrenaline allowed her to move. Now that the force was released, she could no longer move, and her whole body was shaking. And the severe pain came from all parts of her body, and the pain almost made her faint.

"Are you... okay? What's going on?" At this time, the owner of the house finally came to his senses, looking at the girl and the ruined yard in front of him with a confused face.

"Help me call the police, quickly." Mito Yumei shouted to the owner of the house.

Mito Yumei wanted to touch her mobile phone, but now she couldn't even move, and it was good enough that she could stay conscious.

While waiting for the police to come, Mito Yumei suddenly thought of something.

Yes, she remembered the call from Yukihira Soma just now, telling her that there was danger, but how did the other party know that there was danger?

Then she suddenly remembered what Linton said before, and then thought of Yukihira Soma's phone call. If the prophecy that Linton said casually before was true, then it means that... Yukihira Soma and Kurase Mayumi have already had problems, so Yukihira gave her a warning.

Thinking of this, she became anxious. Although they had just known each other for a day, Kurase Mayumi was already her friend, so she must not let anything happen to her.

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