Mayumi Kurase instantly recognized that it was Soma Yukihira's voice, and she cried out on the spot when she heard this heavenly sound. The instinct for survival made her shout directly in the direction of the voice: "Help... me!"

At this time, Soma Yukihira had just arrived here. From a distance, he saw a figure standing on the bridge suddenly fall down, but because it was dark, he didn't see who it was, and didn't know what happened. He just subconsciously thought that the person might be Mayumi Kurase, so he shouted.

At this time, he ran over and heard Mayumi Kurase's cry for help. He saw that Mayumi Kurase was hanging on the side railing of the bridge for some reason, and her lower body was out.

Soma Yukihira had no idea what was going on, but he rushed up immediately and grabbed Mayumi Kurase's hands.

"Someone is pulling my feet!" Mayumi Kurase didn't know what was going on at this time, and didn't know who was pulling her, but she quickly shouted to Soma Yukihira.

Soma Yukihira tried to pull Mayumi Kurase up, but he was afraid that he would hurt her if he used all his strength. When he grabbed her, he looked under the bridge and saw that Mayumi Kurase's left foot was grabbed by a hand.

But because it was dark under the bridge, he could only vaguely see the hand, and he couldn't see where the hand came from, nor did he see the figure.

"Let go!" Soma Yukihira shouted directly under the bridge.

However, there was no response at all. Not only that, the other party had no intention of letting go at all. Soma Yukihira could still feel the other party's huge pulling force.

"Damn it!" Soma Yukihira looked around, but there was really no one at this time.

After thinking about it, he stepped forward and approached Mayumi Kurase, said "I'm sorry" to her, then hugged the other party's upper body with both hands and began to pull up with all his strength.

"It hurts..." Mayumi Kurase was torn from both sides, and it was of course very painful, especially her left foot that was caught. She felt as if her left foot was about to be torn off.

But she also knew the current situation, and gritted her teeth and pulled the railing together to pull up.

However, the guy below was really strong. Soma Yukihira felt that he had used all his strength, but still failed to pull him up.

There was no way, he directly pressed his feet against the railing of the stone bridge, and at the same time, he used both feet to pull up.

Finally, it seemed to have some effect. Mayumi Kurase was finally pulled up a little, at least not half of her body was out.

At this moment, Soma Yukihira suddenly saw the hand that was holding Mayumi Kurase's left foot.

His first reaction was the same as Mayumi Kurase's. This was definitely not a normal human hand. This blue hand looked like it had been soaked in blue paint, and it was really weird just looking at it. More importantly, this hand... its forearm part was too long.

Yes, he only saw the upper half of the hand at this time, but the elbow of the hand was not visible at all, just a long forearm, extending from the darkness below.

This weird thing made Soma Yukihira feel creepy for a moment.

Fortunately, Mayumi Kurase's cry of pain called him back to his senses from the panic. If he was alone in such a situation, he might really be paralyzed by fear. But this time he was saving people, and Soma Yukihira calmed down very quickly.

While holding Mayumi Kurase, he suddenly raised the foot that was against the stone bridge railing and stepped directly on the blue hand.

"Get out of here!"

This step was very solid, and Soma Yukihira almost used all his strength. A normal person would definitely let go of his hand, but this thing was obviously not normal.

After one step, this thing actually grabbed Mayumi Kurase's foot and was still pulling hard.

Soma Yukihira was actually panicking, but he didn't stop at all. He raised his foot again, stepped down, raised his foot again, and stepped down again.

He stepped on the face five or six times, and I don’t know whether this hand was really hurt by the step, or found that he couldn’t drag the person down so he gave up, and this hand suddenly loosened.

Because of the sudden release of force, Mayumi Kurase and Soma Yukihira both fell directly backwards. Suddenly, both of them fell hard, but Soma Yukihira cushioned Mayumi Kurase, and he fell directly to the ground.

The scene became silent again, and both of them sat on the ground panting, looking at the direction where the hand stretched out before.

After more than ten seconds, they were relieved because the hand did not appear again.

Soma Yukihira ignored his injuries and pulled Mayumi Kurase back a little and left the bridge. Then he looked at the situation under the bridge from the side. However, he still saw a dark place, and there was nothing under the bridge.

I always feel that the bottom of the bridge was not so dark before, and I don’t know why I feel that I can’t see anything today.

“Hmm…” I suddenly heard a groan next to me. Soma Yukihira turned around and saw Mayumi Kurase holding her feet.

"Are you okay?" Soma Yukihira asked quickly.

At the same time, he also looked at the ankle where Mayumi Kurase was holding her feet. What appeared in front of him was a dark handprint.

This handprint was too weird. It looked like the hand that grabbed Mayumi Kurase was covered with black ink and then printed. Otherwise, even if it was black and blue, it couldn't be this color.

However, Soma Yukihira knew that it was definitely not ink, because that thing was too weird. He felt goosebumps all over when he thought about it now.

"What...what is that?" Mayumi Kurase asked in a panic. It was obvious that she had also seen the black handprint on her ankle.

"No...I don't know." Soma Yukihira certainly couldn't answer. He was confused.

But he came to his senses quickly because he saw Mayumi Kurase in front of him shaking all over. Although he was usually very nervous, he quickly hugged Mayumi Kurase at this time. The little girl was really scared.

"No matter what it is, send you to the hospital first." Soma Yukihira said.

"Wait..." Mayumi Kurase seemed to suddenly remember something at this time, "that prophecy."

"What?" Soma Yukihira hadn't reacted yet.

"Mr. Linton's prophecy, do you still remember it?" Mayumi Kurase said anxiously.

"Huh?" Soma Yukihira was stunned and remembered it. Thinking about it this way, it seemed that if he didn't show up in time, Mayumi Kurase would really be in danger. But he immediately said, "Forget about the prophecy, I'll send you there first..."

"I'm not talking about my own business, the prophecy is not over yet, there is another one." Mayumi Kurase said quickly.

"It's bad." At this point, Soma Yukihira also understood, "The meat charm is in danger!"

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