I really can't control myself

Chapter 3520: Attacked

"Are you going to take this thing with you?" Alice Nakiri asked as she watched Kurokiba Ryo wrap the samurai sword in his hand with a layer of cloth, making it look like he was going to carry it on his back.

In this era, no one would really go out with a samurai sword. What do you want to do? Even if there is a need for protection, wouldn't it be enough to just take a gun? What's the point of taking a knife? This thing is not easy to hide or use.

With the strength of Totsuki International, it is not difficult to equip bodyguards with guns, and it can even be made legal. As Alice Nakiri's attendant and bodyguard, Ryo Kurokiba might be able to get a gun if he really applies. So Alice Nakiri was really confused when she saw Ryo Kurokiba going out with a knife.

"I think it might be useful." Ryo Kurokiba didn't know how to explain it, so he said vaguely.

"It's really a cute stray dog." Alice Nakiri smiled. She thought she might be in danger, so she bought a knife for self-defense? The behavior is quite cute.

Alice Nakiri felt that there was no need for this. After all, they were going to the academy, their territory of Totsuki. Could they really encounter any trouble?

However, she did not stop Kurokiba Ryo's cute behavior. He thought that it would be safer to bring a knife.

Soon, the company's driver took the two to the academy. Although he didn't know why the young lady wanted to go back to the academy so quickly, the driver obviously didn't think much about it.

At this time, there were still police on duty at the gate of Totsuki Academy, and a small number of reporters were still here. Although the first-hand news had been reported by someone last night, everyone was also paying attention to what was going on at the shrine, so there were even reporters on duty at the gate 24 hours a day, even if they couldn't get in.

However, there is no new news at all.

The police had obviously explored the shrine many times. After watching the news last night, they knew that someone had appeared in the shrine, wearing the clothes of a priest, suspected to be the chief priest of the shrine.

However, they searched for a long time but did not find anyone in the shrine, nor anyone nearby.

They had sent people to guard the way up the mountain, but no one had entered or left until now.

They could not find anyone, and the shrine did not show any abnormality, so they could not find anything at all. The current situation was quite embarrassing. For a moment, they did not know what to do.

The scientific search team had of course checked it, and even the people from the National Academy of Sciences had come to see it, but so far, at least scientifically, there was no sign that anyone had lived in the shrine recently. There were indeed traces, at least from a few years ago, and it had been confirmed that they were all traces of the former priest of the shrine, the Gushan family.

Yes, at least they had found out that this shrine was the Gushan Shrine. After going there and taking a look, there was only a big pit left at the original location of the Gushan Shrine. It was basically certain that the Gushan Shrine had flown to the Totsuki Academy.

But how did it fly here? This was a complete mystery, and they did not know where to start.

Obviously there was some power that they did not know about, but the question was who knew what this power was? The only clue now is the priest who appeared in the shrine, but he only appeared in the VCR and could not be found at all.

At present, in addition to searching for this priest here, many Jing forces are actually investigating the Gushan family. The current news is that the Gushan couple died many years ago, and their only son, Gushan Shun, is currently missing.

Jing suspects that the figure that appeared in the shrine before may be Gushan Shun. But at present, there is no trace of him alive or dead, so we can only find a way to find his trace.

Of course, Jing certainly does not know that Gushan Shun has been destroyed by the previous investigators, and it is definitely a waste of effort to find nothing now.

And the Totsuki Academy is also very troublesome now. Of course, they also know what the situation of this shrine is, so why did they fly here inexplicably.

To be honest, the academy obviously does not want to be associated with this shrine, it is too troublesome. Now Jing is investigating in their academy 24 hours a day, which seriously affects the academy's schedule. Although we have negotiated with Jing many times, there is definitely an impact.

At present, the highest decision-making body of Totsuki, the Council of the Ten Greatests of Totsuki, is meeting to study this matter. Yes, Erina Nakiri came here to attend the meeting right after returning from her residential training. The meeting is still going on. To be honest, it is really a headache. Even the Ten Greatests of Totsuki don’t know how to deal with this matter now.

And no one would stop Alice Nakiri’s car from entering the academy. He and Kurokiba Ryo quickly arrived at the hill at the entrance. The car went up the mountain road all the way, but soon reached a place where there was no road.

"Miss, are you going to the shrine?" At this time, the driver here realized that Alice Nakiri was going to this strange shrine. Of course, he also knew about the shrine. After all, he knew it from the news. The news could not be concealed at all. It is estimated that even if the higher-ups wanted to conceal it, they didn’t have time. Anyway, it is basically public now, which is why so many people came.

This driver is not an ordinary driver. He is also a retired soldier and also serves as a bodyguard. Although he is just a driver and theoretically should not stop the young lady, he vaguely feels that this shrine is a bit strange and wants to stop Alice Nakiri from entering the dangerous place. In case of an accident, I don’t know how to explain to the president and his wife.

However, how could he stop this young lady? There was no way, so he finally started climbing the mountain with Alice Nakiri.

The three of them quickly walked into a place where there was no road. It was evening again and the sky began to darken. The outline of the shrine in front could be seen, but for some reason, the mountain road was quite long to walk.

"Something is wrong." As they walked, the driver here suddenly stopped and looked around and said, "It's too quiet."

"Huh? Huh?" Alice Nakiri looked around and obviously there was no one around, "Is there any problem?"

"Didn't they say that the road here has been closed? Why didn't you encounter any police along the way?" In fact, the driver had just thought about what to do if he encountered a police inquiry. He was thinking that the young lady was stopped by the police and he would persuade her to go back. But after walking for a long time, no police came to take care of it. This was too strange.

"Indeed..." Kurokiba Ryoya said beside him. Unconsciously, he tightened his samurai sword in his hand.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew over the three people, and a huge black shadow suddenly appeared behind them.

Although they didn't look back, the three people seemed to feel that there was something standing behind them.

The three people looked behind them at the same time, but at this moment, a scream sounded. It was the driver's scream. Before Kurokiba Ryo and Nakiri Alice could see what was going on, they felt a warm liquid splashing directly on them, and then a strong smell of blood filled their noses.

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