In the morning, Tanaka Hui suddenly flipped out of bed, and the next moment, she looked around in confusion.

The familiar environment around her made her feel at ease immediately. This was her dormitory, Room 302 of Polar Star Dormitory.

However, the peace of mind only lasted for a moment, and soon a huge question immediately appeared in her mind. When did she come back? Or how did she get back to the dormitory?

Thinking carefully, her last memory seemed to be that she went to the shrine and met Mr. Linton’s friend, who was the priest of the shrine. Of course, Tanaka Hui didn’t seem to know the name of the priest yet.

The other party asked her to be a shrine maiden, but she didn’t agree before the other party left. Then... she didn’t know what she was thinking and suddenly worshiped the statue over there. The things she prayed for were also very simple, just wanting to pass the assessment of residential training, not be expelled from school, and improve her cooking skills.

By the way, she suddenly seemed to remember that at that time... she seemed to see the ball of light again, and just after she finished praying, she opened her eyes, and it seemed that the ball of light appeared in front of her.

Then... what happened then? Tanaka Hui seemed to suddenly forget. When did she return to the dormitory?

She looked at herself carefully and found that she was still wearing her school uniform. She went to bed without changing clothes? Normally, this was obviously impossible, so what happened?

Her memory was a little confused. Of course, she didn't feel that anything had happened to her. After all, she knew her body best. Not only did she not feel anything abnormal, but her body was unexpectedly energetic.

She was thinking about what was going on. Suddenly, her eyes swept across the alarm clock beside her bed. The moment she saw the time, she suddenly jumped out of the quilt.

"Oh no!" Tadokoro Megumi screamed.

Obviously, she was going to be late, because there were only 45 minutes left before the morning assessment, and she was still in the academy.

If she missed the exam, then what was waiting for her was obviously expulsion. Tadokoro Megumi obviously didn't care so much. She didn't have time to wash up, and went out directly in her slightly wrinkled school uniform.

As soon as she went downstairs, she saw Omido Fumio on the first floor. This Omido Fumio is the administrator of the Polar Star Dormitory, that is, the dormitory aunt. Although she is said to be quite strict, she is very caring towards Megumi Tadokoro and is also a very kind elder in her eyes.

"Good morning, Grandma Fumio." Although Megumi Tadokoro was very anxious, she still stopped to greet Omido Fumio.

"Xiaohui? When did you come back? Shouldn't you be in residential training?" Omido Fumio saw Megumi Tadokoro's face full of surprise. She really didn't know when Megumi Tadokoro came back.

You know, she is the one who manages the dormitory. Who enters and leaves the dormitory is her business. How could she not know that Megumi Tadokoro came back last night?

And why did Megumi Tadokoro come back? Shouldn't she be in residential training? Could it be that...

Omido Fumio seemed to understand the situation. Coming back at this time, could it be that... the assessment failed? Megumi Tadokoro was expelled? Coming back to pack up and prepare to leave?

Now Omido Fumio was a little anxious, after all, Megumi Tadokoro was a cook she recognized. Although this little girl is quite unconfident and always feels that she will be expelled from school, Omido Fumio knows that she is actually quite capable, but she just lacks confidence and gets nervous when it comes to the test.

Could it be that she didn't perform well this time because of nervousness?

She just wanted to comfort her and also wanted to think of a way for the little girl, but Tadokoro Megumi here doesn't have time now, she must rush back to take the exam immediately.

"Well, Grandma Fumio, I have to rush back to take the exam. I'll explain to you when I come back in the evening." Tadokoro Megumi said and rushed out directly.

"Hey? You... aren't..." Omido Fumio subconsciously chased out, but when he ran to the door, he could only see a small back of Tadokoro Megumi.

"Run so fast?" Omido Fumio was surprised. How could he run so far in such a short time? Tadokoro Megumi's athletic ability was a bit beyond her expectations.

But what is going on? Tadokoro Megumi said she was going back to take the exam? She was not eliminated? Why did she come back? Omido Fumio was also confused.

At this time, Tian Suo Hui obviously didn't care about so much, and she ran all the way. Because she was anxious, she didn't realize how fast she was running.

There were many students in class in the morning. At this time, they felt that a figure suddenly jumped out in front of them, and they didn't see clearly what was going on.

"What is that?" It wasn't until the figure disappeared that many people reacted, "Is it a person? Why is it running so fast?"

Tan Suo Hui didn't hear those discussions, and rushed out of the school gate and headed towards the station.

Yes, she was going to take the same bus as yesterday, which went directly to Totsuki Resort. According to the current time, she might still have time to rush back.

However, the accident still happened, because just when she ran to the station, she saw the bus leaving the station.

Tan Suo Hui panicked, because she knew that this bus runs every hour and a half. Yes, this is not a bus, but a bus arranged by the resort itself. It runs every hour and a half every day on holidays, and every three hours on non-holidays.

Today is a holiday. If she misses this bus, she will have to wait for an hour and a half, which is obviously too late.

Seeing that the car had already left and was heading in her direction, Tian Suohui was so anxious that she had lost her mind. All she could think of was the word "drop out of school".

At this moment, Tian Suohui seemed to have lost her mind. She took a step forward and walked to the road. She actually shouted in the direction of the bus: "Wait!"

The bus driver was completely confused. He had just started and was stepping on the accelerator to speed up. Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him. He was panicked. Fortunately, he was experienced and stepped on the brakes.

But the big truck was not so easy to stop. Although it started to slow down, it still went in the direction of Tian Suohui.

Tan Suohui was also confused. Seeing the bus rushing straight towards her, her mind went blank. It was also because her mind was confused since she got up in the morning, and she had not really calmed down to think about the situation until now.

Subconsciously, Tian Suohui raised her hands and blocked in front of herself. Yes, she didn't even think about hiding or anything like that. She was stupid.

"Bang", as expected, the car finally hit Tian Suohui. However, unexpectedly, she did not fly out, but was pushed forward by the car for three meters and stopped.

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