I really can't control myself

Chapter 3506 Going up the mountain

As soon as she got to the mountain, Megumi Tadokoro regretted it.

It was just the time when the sun was setting, and it was getting dark very quickly. When Megumi Tadokoro went up the mountain before, there was still some afterglow of the sunset, but when she reached the most difficult part, the sky suddenly became dark.

The difficult part here refers to the mountain road. Yes, the road at the beginning, there was originally a road. After all, this is the interior of Totsuki Academy, and the main building of Totsuki Academy itself is on the top of the mountain, so there was naturally a road.

But the shrine was halfway there, and it was obviously really no road where it was.

Megumi Tadokoro groped over, and she was afraid all the way, and she kept backing out in her heart.

Because of this state of mind, she began to find various reasons to back out. It was almost dark, would there really be people in the shrine over there? Would this place be dangerous? Was she deceived?

Although various excuses appeared in her mind, Megumi Tadokoro did not stop, and kept walking towards the shrine. Until... she heard a sound.

Yes, she heard voices. There was someone in front of her. At first, she thought it was the friend that Linton mentioned, but soon she found that there was more than one voice.

Tan Suo Hui hid behind the tree and looked at it in fear. To be honest, she didn't know why she hid, just to see the situation first. It turned out that she had misunderstood.

The person in front was not a bad guy, on the contrary, it was a police.

Yes, the police not only blocked the gate of the academy, but also the vicinity of the shrine. However, there were not many police officers on the mountain at this time, because the police had sent people to the shrine to check before.

The shrine was empty, there was nothing. The police also searched it, and it seemed that it was just a shrine that no one had visited for some time. There was really no clue.

The only problem now is how this shrine flew over, not the problem inside the shrine.

This did not find any problems at all, and a lot of police officers could not stay on the mountain all the time. So after leaving a few unlucky police officers here to work the night shift, most of the other police officers either went back or helped at the door. There were not many police officers left on the mountain.

What Tian Suo Hui heard was the complaints of the few police officers who stayed on duty, because this was really a tough job. According to the current arrangement, they seem to have to stay all night, that is, spend the night on this mountain. Not only is there no place to sit in this place, but there are also many mosquitoes. Whoever stays here is unlucky.

Seeing the police here, Tian Suo Hui began to retreat again, and she wanted to go back again. Then at this moment, she suddenly saw a light in the darkness ahead.

Tian Suo Hui was stunned for a moment, and then blinked again, as if the light was gone again. Looking forward carefully, it seemed that it could be seen again.

This was not the light of a flashlight. It gave Tian Suo Hui a strange feeling, as if it was a very gentle light. She herself didn't know why she used the word gentle to describe the light she saw, but she suddenly felt that this was the case in her heart.

It seems that... the light is calling me.

That should be the direction of the shrine.

It was already dark, and Tanaka Hui couldn't actually see the location of the shrine, but she seemed to feel that the shrine was in front of her and was calling her.

The feeling from nowhere encouraged Tanaka Hui again. After thinking about it, she decided to... bypass the police in front. To be honest, this was the boldest thing she had ever done since she was a child. She was even a little surprised that she could make such a bold decision.

So she started to act. After all, it was dark, and she couldn't see anything around. Because these police were all holding flashlights, Tanaka Hui could see them clearly, but they obviously couldn't see Tanaka Hui's side.

Tanaka Hui moved forward cautiously, afraid of making any sound. Logically speaking, even if she was really caught, she would just say that she was a student here and came to see because of curiosity, and the police would definitely not do anything to her. But Tanaka Hui was panicking to death, and her heart was in her throat.

Taking small steps, it took Hui Tanosuke more than ten minutes to walk such a short distance, fearing to make any noise.

However, just when she was about to succeed, suddenly, a burst of music sounded, which seemed so abrupt in the silent night sky.

Hui Tanosuke froze, because the music sounded like her cell phone ringtone. Hui Tanosuke turned her head blankly and looked at the position of several police officers over there.

But to her surprise, the police officers here seemed to have not heard the noise at all. They were still chatting among themselves.

Seeing this situation, Hui Tanosuke was obviously confused. Such an obvious sound, but these police officers didn't even look at her? Why?

She didn't understand, but she ran away subconsciously. Yes, probably because she was guilty, she saw that the other party didn't react, so she ran straight to the front. After running for a few minutes, she stopped and looked back carefully. No one really caught up with her. The light of those flashlights was always in the same place.

Tian Suo Hui didn't know why, but she took out her phone and looked at it. The previous call was naturally disconnected, so she called back directly.


The person on the other end of the phone was actually Soma Yukihira, and of course there were other people from Polaris Dormitory. These people found that Megumi Tadokoro had suddenly disappeared. They should have returned to the room by now, but they still hadn't seen her, so they called her to ask where she was.

"Well... I have something to do, and I need to go back to the dormitory of the academy." Megumi Tadokoro didn't know how to explain the situation in front of her. To be honest, she didn't know how she got here now.

"You are in the academy?" Soma Yukihira asked in surprise.

"Yes." Megumi Tadokoro said.

"There will be an assessment tomorrow morning." Soma Yukihira said.

"I will rush back to participate, don't worry, Soma-san." Megumi Tadokoro said.

Perhaps because he thought that the other party was in the academy, Soma Yukihira was not too worried. Of course, he didn't know that Megumi Tadokoro was still halfway up the mountain. He just thought that the other party should be in the dormitory, after all, it was so late.

As for what Megumi Tadokoro was going back for, Soma Yukihira didn't ask much. After all, they are just classmates. They may have forgotten to bring something, such as family seasonings, family kitchen utensils, etc. Tomorrow is an important exam, this is normal.

Knowing that the other party is fine, Soma Yukihira hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Megumi Tadokoro was suddenly surprised to find that she had unconsciously walked to the door of the shrine while talking on the phone. At this time, she looked up and saw a figure standing under the torii.

She was startled and a little scared. But soon she saw the other party showing a kind smile and waving at her: "Are you here? I've been waiting for you for a while."

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