I really can't control myself

Chapter 3501 Reporter

It is obvious that the reporter who came up here could not escape the detection of Linton and Aizen. They could sense that the other party was coming towards the shrine from a distance.

Of course, this was originally arranged by Linton, otherwise they would not have smashed the gate of Totsuki Academy with such a big fanfare.

In order to speed up the progress, Linton hoped that everyone would know about the shrine, otherwise how could he harvest the emotional value.

At this time, Linton also looked directly at Aizen next to him and said, "Well... we need a spokesperson for the shrine here, preferably a gentleman type."

"..." Aizen's mouth twitched uncontrollably. Although he knew that Linton was arranging a job for him, he wondered if he should change to a more normal adjective.

"Leave it to you, Mr. Aizen." Linton patted Aizen on the shoulder and said.

It can only be said that there are more and more strange names, but Aizen still nodded to indicate that he received it.

When the reporters arrived at the shrine, Linton was no longer inside the shrine. However, Aizen was still standing at the main entrance of the shrine, and he also changed his clothes.

Now Aizen not only wears the iconic black-framed glasses, but also wears a very priest-like clothes. It can only be said that he looks like a priest from a distance.

The reporters who arrived at the scene also saw Aizen at the door of the shrine from a distance, but they could only roughly see Aizen's appearance from a little distance.

Under the current situation, it is really impossible to get to the shrine. After all, this shrine is directly smashed into the mountain, and it was not built here from the beginning. The front door of the shrine is now facing the outside and facing the gate of the academy, and there is obviously no way to go up from this side of the mountain.

Now the reporter is standing on the side of the shrine. There is really no way to get there. If you really want to get there, you can only climb hard.

Of course, the reporter's attention is all on Aizen now. He didn't expect that there was actually someone on the shrine.

You know, this shrine flew from the sky. Did this person fly here with the shrine? Who is he? Obviously, it can't be someone from this academy, because he can basically be sure that he is the first person to arrive.

Moreover, the other party looked like a priest from a distance. He should be the chief priest of this shrine. Does he have anything to do with the incident of the shrine taking off? Or was he the one who caused the shrine to suddenly fly here?

"Quick, quick, did you take the picture?" The reporter shouted to the assistant who had just rushed over.

He had been filming with his mobile phone, but the problem was that his mobile phone could only zoom in to four times the distance at most, and the pictures were quite blurry. If he wanted to take pictures of the face of the priest opposite, he would naturally need a professional camera to take pictures.

However, although his assistant was holding the camera, this was mountain climbing. This professional camera weighed dozens of kilograms, and the assistant had lost half his life carrying it all the way up the mountain. It was considered that the assistant had good physical strength to be able to carry it all the way here.

Of course, he was still a little late. When he took out the camera and prepared to film, Aizen, who was standing at the door, turned around and walked into the shrine.

The camera only captured a back view, of course someone must have taken it clearly.

Seeing that the footage was not satisfactory, the reporter here was really anxious. The face captured by his mobile phone was a little blurry, and the professional camera only captured the back.

Faced with such an exclusive big news, the reporter was really unwilling, so he started to take further action, that is, to find a way to enter the shrine.

As mentioned before, it is more troublesome to go directly to the shrine, and you can only climb up through the connection. Now this situation is still a bit dangerous.

However, the reporter didn't care so much, and immediately took his assistant to climb directly. After a little effort, he really climbed to the place where the shrine was located.

Just after stepping into the scope of the shrine, or more precisely, just after walking through the iconic torii at the door, the reporter and assistant here felt a sense of abnormality.

To be precise, it was a sense of abnormality that seemed to hit the soul directly, as if something made their souls vibrate.

The abnormal feeling was so obvious, but it was a feeling that I didn't know how to describe. The reporter and assistant here looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.

The two people now seem to have the feeling of sneaking into someone else's house. I don't know why they don't want to be discovered by the owner here. Maybe they think that this way they can take more shocking pictures.

The two continued to move forward and came to the main entrance of the shrine. At this time, the main entrance was closed at some point. There was no movement in the entire temple. It was as quiet as if there was no one.

The reporter hesitated a little when he walked to the main entrance. He didn't know whether to knock on the door. After all, he was sure that there was someone inside. The priest of this shrine is inside. Although they were climbing the mountain just now, their sight almost never left the shrine. The other party couldn't leave.

"Hello, we are here for an interview. I am Matsumoto, a reporter from TBS News..." Matsumoto introduced himself and subconsciously pushed the door. As a result, the door was only half-closed. With a slight push, the door opened.

The assistant next to him quickly aimed the camera at the interior of the shrine. Although the filming laws in Japan are quite strict, they are not live broadcasting, but recorded broadcasting. First capture the footage, then negotiate with the other party whether it can be broadcast. If that doesn't work, blur it out. This is what we've always done.

However, the situation inside the main hall surprised them.

The old shrine was covered with dust everywhere, and it seemed that no one had been here for a long time. There was nothing special about other places, just like an old shrine that had not been taken care of for a long time. But the question was... where were the people?

Yes, the entire main hall was clear at a glance, and of course there was no one in sight.

Reporter Matsumoto was also stunned. He had just been thinking about how to negotiate with the other party, but he didn't expect that this living person was gone. He just saw the other party walk in with his own eyes, and there was no other place to leave, just this place.

For some reason, Matsumoto suddenly felt a little flustered, and subconsciously looked at the somewhat weird multi-handed statue enshrined next to him. Although this shrine was flown directly over, the experience of personally experiencing the ghost-like experience still made his hair stand on end.

Soon the two looked for it again in this small shrine, and they really couldn't find anyone at all. However, they didn't have much time left, because at this time they had seen a large number of JING cars gathered at the foot of the mountain, and they had to go down the mountain immediately, otherwise they might be sent to drink tea.

This exclusive news that could make him famous, Matsumoto didn't want to send it to anyone else. Before the police surrounded this place, he hurried down the mountain and rushed back to the station to prepare for the explosive news that night.

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