I really can't control myself

Chapter 3499 Discussion

It must be said that the location of this shrine is just right. Linton did not deliberately control it. He originally thought that he would sit at the opponent's gate, but he bounced and crashed into the mountain.

But this location is really suitable, because the main gate of Totsuki Academy was knocked down before. Now you are standing at the door and facing in. The first thing you see is the shrine on the hillside, facing the gate of the academy. Look at this location, it is even more conspicuous than the main building on the top of the mountain.

Because he was quite satisfied with this location, Linton even used earth escape to reinforce it, making the shrine here more fixed.

"How about it, this wave of emotions is well controlled." Linton said to the system.

"Breaking through 10,000." The system here was also shocked, "This is really amazing. I was busy for so long before, but I didn't get as many as this time."

"Really? It's so effective, why don't you fly a few more times?" Linton said with a smile.

"No, no, no, sir, although the points are indeed high, I really can't stand it like this." The system said quickly.

"Didn't you just say that you were willing to cooperate with anything? Why don't you do it after just one flight?" Linton asked back.

"Uh... Sir, this is what I think. After all, what we need here is emotional value, and emotional value is something that fluctuates. Although the situation this time is quite scary, and we have indeed gained a lot of emotional value, if it happens a few more times, many people will get used to it, and the emotional value will decrease... right."

"What you said makes sense, but I don't want to listen." Linton waved his hand and said.

"No, no, no, Sir, I actually have a lot of good ideas here. Didn't you just say that my ideas are better... right?" The system said.

"Oh, for example?" Linton asked.

"This... Didn't I get a lot of emotional value this time? Naturally, I also recovered a lot of energy. And I think there should be a lot of emotional value this time. Why don't we come with a big wave at once... We should be able to harvest a large number of emotional values."

"Oh, what do you mean by a big wave?" Linton asked.

"Uh... the kind of Godzilla invasion?" The system thought for a while and asked.

"Oh? You can still play like this." Linton asked in surprise.

"That's right." Seeing that Linton seemed to be interested and changed his original idea, the system here quickly followed up on this matter and said, "Now I still have a lot of energy here, and I can still create a monster similar to Godzilla. In this way, as long as people have emotions about the Godzilla I created, I can naturally get more energy."

"Then... how can I promote the spiritual energy revival of this world?" Linton asked.

"When my energy accumulates to a certain level, I can promote the upgrade of the entire world, and then I can carry out the spiritual energy revival you mentioned." The system said.

"Then what is the specific level of accumulation? Is there a clear goal?" Linton asked.

"Uh... if you follow the numerical value, when the total emotional points obtained exceed one million, you can promote the first step of upgrading, and the world will also show obvious changes." The system here said.

Linton nodded, and then looked at his task bar. As expected, his action this time really found the right point.

Because just when the shrine was flying in the sky, Linton noticed that the progress of his fusion task had increased a little. Of course, it really only increased a little, from 2.6% to 3.6%.

The road was indeed found right, but the current situation is that the growth rate is quite unpleasant. Linton really can't fly this thing a hundred times, and what others say is indeed reasonable. Flying a few times may make people surprised and curious, but if it takes off every day, no matter how surprised and curious it is, there is a limit.

This guy who claims to be a system is quite autonomous and can really think of ways on his own. Linton just followed his words and asked, but he didn't expect that the other party really came up with a feasible solution.

Of course, Linton doesn't like this kind of system that has its own opinions. However, according to the situation that the other party is so opinionated, Linton estimates that this system in the original book also gave a lot of suggestions to the original owner, asking him to act according to his own mind, and it is even possible that this idea of ​​playing tricks was proposed by this system.

So if we follow the method proposed by the system at present, it is likely that the plot will be carried out according to the original book, that is, to promote the progress of the task. However, the progress should be accelerated by myself, because the system will definitely accumulate energy slowly. It is impossible to receive such a large wave suddenly, and it is impossible to start a Godzilla attack.

"Well... OK, let's follow your idea first. If it doesn't work, I'll think of a way." Linton nodded, and then continued, "How much energy do you have now? Can you show it to me?"

"This is OK." The system nodded, and then Linton quickly saw a light screen similar to a three-dimensional projection appear on the shrine in the middle, with a lot of information written on it.

System (no alias),

Level: 1 (22933/1000000);

Energy: 14702;

Subordinates created: Slit-mouthed Woman, Deadly SMS Ghost.

Linton nodded. It seems that these 22933 energy points should be the total energy points obtained so far. When the system reaches 1 million, it can be upgraded to level 2, which is what it said before to promote the upgrade of the entire world and achieve the first stage of spiritual energy recovery. .

And 14702 should be the current energy value, which is usable. Of course, Linton didn't know what kind of movement this could cause, but according to the system, this could at least cause a Godzilla invasion? It's still okay.

"What is this evil spirit of text messages demanding death?" Linton asked strangely.

"This is the second evil spirit created by the previous investigator. It will send text messages to people, and if they don't forward them to three people within a week, they will be cursed and die. I originally thought You can spread terror and gain emotional value in this way, but... before you could execute it, the investigator disappeared," the system said.

"After that, because I was really short of energy, I never carried out this task." The system's voice was even a little aggrieved. "If I had known earlier, if the energy that created this evil spirit had remained, it would have allowed the cracked girl to carry out a few more tasks." This mission, maybe you can get more emotional points.”

"In this age, who still uses text messages?" Linton said speechlessly, "There is also an instant messaging APP here in Japan, right? What is it called? LINE? That's not true in this world. In short, you can't keep up with the times. Come in, I suddenly feel like you are unreliable again.”

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