Soon, Asuna also appeared in the room and began to input a lot of information.

"Today's assessment ended early." Asuna said while inputting the information.

"Why?" Linton asked.

"We called a meeting before and told us the content of tomorrow morning's assessment in advance, and asked us to prepare well, because tomorrow morning's exam will be quite difficult." Asuna said.

It is now the third day of the residential training, and the residential training is a total of four days, so tomorrow should be the final assessment, that is, the graduation exam, which is naturally more difficult.

"Tomorrow's exam, let me think, what is the content..." Linton began to recall the plot.

"It is to make breakfast, the theme is egg dishes." Asuna said, "Each person must sell at least 200 copies to pass."

"Oh... I seem to have some impression." Linton nodded, "If you make it in batches, you should have no problem."

"According to the cooking standards of this world, all the dishes I make can meet the qualified standards, but that's all." Asuna said, probably after losing in a row, she understood her position, after all, she really couldn't tell the quality of the dishes.

"Uh... so you can't guarantee passing the test, right?" Linton said, "Egg dishes, for breakfast... three-egg steamed buns?"

Linton said as he looked at Fubuki next to him, who nodded: "I can do it, but can I pass?"

"It's mainly because Asuna hasn't been to Xiao Danjia's place, otherwise she might be able to get some of the laws and abilities of that world, and maybe she could mass-produce luminous dishes." Linton muttered.

You see, the things Fubuki made here didn't glow before, but after going to Xiao Danjia's world, she inexplicably mastered luminous dishes, and she herself didn't know the specific situation.

Based on this, it can be inferred that Fubuki was contaminated with some of the laws and abilities of that world, and was affected by the laws of that world, so there were some "mutations" in her cooking skills.

Linton didn't know if this would happen if Asuna went, mainly because he didn't have time now. After all, Fubuki didn't master this ability at the beginning, and it took her a while to learn from Xiao Danjia before she mastered it. Whether she really learned it or it takes time to be infected by the law, it is definitely too late for Asuna to go now.

"Why don't you teach her?" Linton said, "I don't know if this thing can be contagious. Maybe she can become a luminous princess after you teach her a few times."

"Why does it sound so unreliable to me?" Fubuki said.

"Anyway, you try it later. If it doesn't work, you can just eat food directly." Linton said, "For now, let's do this first."

Linton pointed to the case data that had been spread out in front of him again.

Asuna had already entered all the data while speaking. It was rare to see Asuna close her eyes. She probably analyzed the data, and then she spoke directly: "Combined with the detailed records of the living and activity routes of thirteen of the victims, we can probably determine a range, and nine of them have overlapping activity spaces."

Asuna said this while taking out a tablet. Probably the data content she had calculated was directly transferred to the tablet, and a map was directly displayed.

Several different color blocks appeared quickly, which should be the activity ranges of the victims. Then a circle was drawn within the range, which was probably the overlapping space that Asuna mentioned.

"Well... after all, they are all people in the same city. Although Tokyo is relatively large, it is normal to have overlaps. The most important thing is that the circle you drew here is so big, what's the use of it." Linton said.

"There are six shrines within the range, and we should start from these six shrines." Asuna said.

"Huh? Why is it a shrine? Is there any information related to the shrine in this information?" Linton looked directly at Aizen next to him because he didn't read the information. The main reason was that the information Aizen just said didn't mention the shrine at all. If you need to pay attention to the shrine, Aizen should have said it just now.

"Is this related to the shrine?" Aizen looked at Asuna with some surprise, "No case happened near the shrine, and these victims are not related to the shrine."

"It doesn't need to be too closely related to the shrine, but some people have obviously been to the shrine." Asuna said, taking out a photo, "This deceased is wearing something like a talisman."

Linton looked at the death photo of one of the victims. Before, he only saw the other party's death, but now he looked carefully, and he really saw a triangular pendant hanging around her neck. Of course, if Asuna didn't say it, Linton would have thought it was a special necklace. After all, he didn't know much about women's decorations. How could it be seen as a talisman?

"This person, he also posted photos of worship on social media." Asuna swiped the tablet and drew a photo. It was a selfie of a man, which was indeed taken at the shrine.

This photo is not in the information. It should be a photo on the other party's social media account that Asuna found on the Internet.

"Currently, we can find that nine out of fourteen people have this common feature, and for the remaining people, there may be no record. I think this commonality should be worth noting, especially when there are no other obvious commonalities." Asuna said.

As Asuna said this, she took out a printer and printed directly on the spot: "This is the location of the six shrines."

"Wow, is it so clear?" Linton took the printed map and handed it to Aizen next to him. Although he didn't know whether Asuna's analysis was correct, he was not the one running errands. He didn't mind the tiredness and asked Aizen to go and see if the analysis was correct.

Linton waited for twenty minutes, and Aizen came back again. Although there were six shrines to run, it was quite fast for Aizen who could open a portal.

"Are there any clues?" Linton asked.

"No." Aizen said, "But things are strange."

"Strange?" Linton asked.

"The six shrines have never sold amulets in the shape of a necklace like this, and... the shrine that the victim just took a photo of was not one of the six I checked." Aizen said.

"Huh?" Linton was stunned.

Asuna, who was standing next to him, seemed to understand something after hearing this. She suddenly closed her eyes, then opened them again and said, "I see. I just checked the current map, and there are six shrines within the range. But if it was a map from two years ago, there was a seventh shrine. One of the shrines closed down in the past two years."

"It seems that I found the right one." Aizen also said.

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