I really can't control myself

Chapter 3482 Conflict

"Is it so difficult to check?"

It was already the second day, and Linton had just come out of the hot spring.

Yes, this resort basically has all the facilities, including hot springs.

Hot springs are not rare in the volcanic earthquake zone of Japan, and there are many places. And this Totsuki Resort has a huge hot spring.

And because Linton stayed in the highest-level guest room, there was a hot spring directly in the room, so he could soak in the morning.

Of course, Linton was a little free, and he gave himself a holiday. Isn't it that Aizen hasn't come back yet?

Yes, Linton has been waiting for Aizen to come back and report the situation, but Aizen didn't come back all night. Theoretically, Aizen should come back and report as soon as he finds out the situation, but he didn't expect that he hasn't shown up yet.

Looking at this situation, it's really difficult to check? Otherwise, according to Aizen's ability, he should have found it long ago.

Linton looked at the fusion progress, which was still 2.6%, with no progress at all. I still haven't found a way to get started.

"Let's go, little niece, I'll take you to a big meal." Linton said directly to Fubuki in the living room.

"The kind I made?" Fubuki wanted to roll her eyes again. Yes, this was not the first time that Linton did this. He had said before that he would take her to a big meal, and then she would cook this big meal herself. It was clearly Linton who asked her to cook, but the statement was so fresh and refined.

"My little niece, have you heard a motto of our family? The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Now you are the hope of our entire guild. You are the one who can cook among the fighting people, and the one who can fight the best among the cooks. You are so capable, it would be a pity if you don't cook more." Linton said.

As he said that, Linton also pointed to Tornado lying on the sofa next to him: "Look at your sister, she can't fight, and she can't cook. Do you think she can achieve anything? Is it because the big account is ruined that they rely on you, a small account? You are the hope of our family now."

As soon as he finished speaking, a pillow next to him was thrown directly towards Linton, and Linton caught it casually. Tornado on the sofa gritted his teeth, even if he knew he couldn't win, he still wanted to fight with Linton directly.

"Let's go." Fubuki tried to mediate. My sister's personality was already quite bad, and she met Linton, who was even worse than her. She was afraid that if she didn't fight with both sides, this city and this country might disappear.

When the three of them went out, Linton started looking for the unlucky guy.

What's the point of just letting my niece cook directly? Linton naturally found faults, after all, watching a cooking competition is much more interesting than cooking alone.

There are so many chefs in this place, and Linton can just provoke a few of them and fight, and have fun and eat at the same time, how great.

So the first person Linton found was Asuna.

Yes, although Linton just got up, it was almost noon.

Asuna was no longer in the room, but went to the residential training course. Linton also went to see if Asuna would be eliminated today. If she was eliminated, she would just fight with her mentor in the food battle.

However, what was more disappointing was that in this morning's course, Asuna was still given points.

Yes, Linton found Asuna and asked about the situation, but he didn't expect that she had already passed.

The reason is that this morning's course was set by the guy named Shinomiya Kojiro yesterday, and the assessment content he arranged was to make a dish exactly the same as the recipe he provided.

It can only be said that this assessment content is just like it was customized for Asuna. If you let her play freely, she really can't do it at all, but if you let her follow the recipe, then she can make whatever you give her.

Shinomiya Kojiro asked everyone to make French vegetable jelly, which is not a difficult dish. He also deliberately reminded all the students that they could not change the recipe he made, and they must strictly copy it.

Then Asuna naturally completed it directly, and she was the first to complete it.

After eating, Shinomiya Kojiro also gave a qualified evaluation, because it was indeed qualified. He even praised Asuna a few words. This was the first person who praised Asuna's cooking skills after Asuna entered school.

From his point of view, Asuna is obviously a very qualified assistant chef. Being able to complete the work completely according to the requirements of the chef, and the speed is very fast, how useful it is, I must praise it.

"So sensible? Isn't it already scared?" Linton said that the other party was so sensible that it was a headache, after all, he was here to cause trouble. Could it be that yesterday's food battle really scared the Totsuki side, so they chose this topic on purpose?

Yes, although Linton has read the original work, he doesn't remember all the plots. Linton knows the plot of the residential training in general, but Linton naturally can't remember what courses are held every day in the past few days.

"Then... okay, look for it somewhere else..." At this time, Asuna had finished the course and could leave naturally. Just as she was about to leave, she suddenly heard that there seemed to be a quarrel in front of the classroom.

The sound caught Linton's attention. After walking two steps to the side, Linton found that they were really quarreling. This side was naturally the instructor Shinomiya Kojiro, and the other side was the male protagonist of this world, Yukihira Soma.

"I am the chef. How can I tolerate a handyman who casually changes the menu I ordered?" Shinomiya Kojiro said to Yukihira Soma with his head held high. "Listen carefully. If you, a handyman, talk back to me, the chef, don't blame me for using my power as the chef to make you drop out of school along with this guy."

"What did you say?" Yukihira Soma was obviously very angry. He was about to go forward and continue to argue with Shinomiya Kojiro, but was stopped by a girl with two long braids behind him.

"Souma-kun, stop talking. If you continue like this, you will be implicated. Just let me be dropped out. I don't mind." The girl said as she started crying.

"This plot looks familiar." Linton said after taking a look.

"This girl is Tadokoro Megumi. She failed the test because she changed the recipe. Then the male protagonist stood up for her and had a food battle with Shinomiya Kojiro on the opposite side, and then canceled the expulsion." Asuna reminded Linton immediately, probably because she found that Linton didn't remember the plot.

"Oh, I remember now." Linton nodded, "Fuck, what's wrong with this? This girl is so pitiful, she just didn't pass the test, how can she be expelled? I feel sorry for her and I am right. I, Linton, have always been disgusted with such bullying, niece, right?"

"Yes..." Fubuki in the back held her forehead, and was too lazy to talk nonsense with Linton. Just say that you are deliberately looking for trouble.

"That's it, come on, plate him." Linton pointed directly at Shinomiya Kojiro in front and said.

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