Linton was indeed a little confused, suddenly receiving such a prompt.

Of course, this was not the first time that Linton had encountered the matter of merging worlds, and he had done it once before.

Linton had tasted the sweetness of merging worlds once, and there were indeed many benefits, especially the reward of contribution points.

It was just that it had never been triggered again after it appeared once before, so now that it was triggered, Linton would definitely not hesitate.

Click to confirm directly, and soon the system prompt came again.

"System prompt: The world will begin to merge, do you accept the task of merging worlds?"

Sure enough, there were still fusion tasks, and Linton naturally clicked to confirm and accept. The next second, as expected, he saw a new task to advance the fusion progress, which was currently... 2.6%?

I don't know why there was some progress, but this matter is not so important for the time being. What is more important now is to figure out which world is being fused.

Linton glanced at his world list, and then he had a headache. Because he had experienced a lot of worlds, Linton himself couldn't remember which one was which. He scanned and most of the worlds he remembered seemed to be there.

After thinking about it, the world that is most likely to merge with this world should be the world of Xiao Dajia who just came back from there. Linton's first reaction is the same. After all, both sides are worlds with cooking as the theme. When he just knew what world this is, Linton understood the situation.

Just now, I said that this is a two-in-one, but I didn't expect it to merge directly.

As a result, Linton scanned here and found that the world of Xiao Dajia who just came back was still hanging on the world list.

It was a bit strange just now. Shouldn't this world be merged with the current world? But the next second, it seems that this world has not started to merge. After all, the fusion task on his side has not been completed, so of course the fusion has not been completed. And the previous world should of course be on the world list, and he should be able to go there at any time.

According to the experience of the last fusion task, shouldn't he become a bridge between the two sides and run between the two worlds?

Just as he was about to nod, Linton suddenly felt something was wrong.

Yes, Linton suddenly felt that there was something wrong here. Why did the fusion prompt suddenly pop up at this time?

If I remember correctly the previous fusion world, after I received the task, a fusion prompt suddenly popped up. I clicked to confirm, and then entered the world to complete the task after accepting the task.

But this time it was different. I received the prompt after entering the world.

So if this world was not opened by me after all, but by Asuna before, it was not considered a world under his control before I came in. After entering, the ownership of the world changed.

This could be explained, but the question is why there is a delay?

Yes, Linton did not get the fusion prompt immediately after entering, but delayed for about a few minutes.

When he landed before, he was in a city. Although he didn't know which city it was, Linton took a quick look and opened the portal to find Asuna.

What was the situation with the delay of a few minutes in the middle? Is there a delay on the system side? Why didn't I start the fusion as soon as I entered this world?

Just when Linton was confused, the situation that Linton didn't expect happened again.

At this time, an orange rotating portal suddenly appeared next to him. Linton was stunned when he saw the portal, because he did not open it.

The next second, a familiar figure walked out of the portal, leaving Linton confused.

"Aizen?" Linton looked at Aizen who walked out of the portal, and he did not understand why he was here. "You are here to help too? Asuna is so generous."

"Uh... is it really the president?" Aizen looked at Linton seriously, and Linton noticed that Aizen seemed to observe him intentionally.

But... why?

Just when Linton was confused, Aizen immediately explained the situation: "Just now, I accepted a new guild mission and was about to enter the world, but suddenly I received a new prompt..."

"Huh?" Linton was stunned, "Fusion prompt?"

"Yes." Aizen nodded.

"So, the fusion of this world was not triggered after I entered this world, but by you." Linton suddenly understood why that happened before.

The world that merged with this one was not the world of Xiao Danjia that Linton had thought of before, but a new world opened by Aizen here?

"Then, have you received the world fusion mission here?" Linton asked.

"Yes." Aizen nodded.

"Did you come in from your new mission world?" Linton asked again.

"Yes." Aizen nodded.

"You noticed my breath as soon as you came in, and then came to check the situation?"

"Yes." Aizen continued to nod.

"Are you sure you didn't enter the wrong world? Logically speaking, you shouldn't be here." Linton couldn't help but say.

Yes, I just said that if the two worlds have been merged, then no matter which entrance Aizen enters from, he will come to the same merged world. But the problem now is that the fusion task has not been completed yet, and the two worlds are still different worlds. How could Aizen enter the same world as himself?

Just like the previous fusion world, if Linton entered from Conan's world, he would naturally be in Conan's world, and how could Aizen enter from the entrance of another Pokémon world?

But now the strange thing is that the two entered the same world.

Obviously, it was not only Linton who noticed this. Aizen must have doubted it before, so he observed Linton when he saw himself, probably considering whether he was the real person, or whether it was an illusion.

In fact, Linton just considered the authenticity of this Aizen, because it was strange to meet here suddenly.

"What task did you take over there?" Linton asked.

"It is said that there is a world that other explorers have given up exploring..." Aizen said.

"I see. So you guys can also take on the quest." Linton nodded. Although he didn't see it when he looked at the guild quest before, it's not strange to see it now. "No wonder there's some progress. But now we just figured out what world this is, and we have to figure out what world the other fused one is."

"Hey, those guys over there, are you students too?" Suddenly, a voice shouted to Linton and the others.

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