Of course, it was not just Linton. Fubuki was also attracted by the brown cubes. Of course, she was much more professional than Linton. She took a quick look and asked, "Is this... puffer fish jelly?"

Fish jelly, to put it simply, is the gelatin made from fish skin and frozen.

When Fubuki mentioned fish jelly, Linton recognized it.

I remembered that I saw Xiang En bring a lot of ice cubes just now. It seems that he was making this. Thinking about how she spent a lot of time making it this time, it is estimated that a lot of time was waiting for the fish jelly to freeze. After all, the other two flavors should not take too long to cook.

No wonder these two chefs who cooked in a hurry spent a lot of time this time. One of them made the soup five times over there, and the other waited for the fish jelly here. They had to be symmetrical, right? Ice and fire.

No matter how it was done, taste is still the most important. Everyone quickly started to taste it.

Linton was a little slow, as long as it was not to see which one others, especially Fubuki, would eat first. Linton didn't know which one to eat first, and if he got the order wrong, he would be exposed. Anyway, he just copied Fubuki's dish.

First, the sashimi, which was as delicious as he imagined.

This deliciousness was mainly based on two points. On the one hand, it was Xiang En's knife skills. The sashimi was cut as thin as a cicada's wing, and there was a reason for it. In fact, the meat of pufferfish is completely different from the fish meat of salmon that melts directly in the mouth.

Fresh as it is, the fish meat is very tough. If you cut it thick, it will directly affect the taste. For example, if you cut it into a strip and chew it, it will chew like chewing gum, which is quite bad. So in fact, the thinner the pufferfish sashimi is, the better, and Xiang En's knife skills are fully reflected here.

The second aspect is the sashimi sauce specially prepared by Xiang En.

Linton also tasted the sauce. It should be made of citrus, so let's call it citrus sauce. It can be said that it is a perfect match with the puffer fish sashimi, which neutralizes the raw fishy feeling of fresh food, and can maintain the freshness to the greatest extent, enhance the freshness and remove the fishy smell, which is quite perfect.

By the way, seeing Linton put the puffer fish sashimi directly into his mouth, the people around him were a little surprised. After all, eating this thing in this era is quite dangerous.

Unlike the non-toxic puffer fish specially cultivated in later generations, the puffer fish at this time must be prepared psychologically when eating.

Others must not know that Linton is not afraid of being poisoned to death. They only see that Linton is so bold and think that the new emperor is really courageous. More importantly, this is the dish made by Xiang En. He is a person in the dark cooking world, and everyone has seen that this guy has no bottom line. She dared to use the previous taste numbing method on Linton. You must know that Linton is the emperor. Don't you worry about what she will do with the puffer fish dish this time? Just without hesitation?

However, Linton certainly did not hesitate at all, let alone being afraid of being poisoned to death. He doesn't understand cooking, but he knows people's hearts very well.

Is it possible that Xiang En poisoned himself? Absolutely impossible.

No matter how dark the dark cooking world is, they are still cooking. If your people cook and directly poison the emperor to death, then your dark cooking world will be famous. Even the emperor dares to poison, who else can you not poison, and who dares to eat your food?

The ultimate goal of this group of people is to control the whole country by cooking. If no one dares to eat their food, it is to cut off their own path. It is strange enough for a group of chefs to rebel, and then block their own way, which is to cut off their own path.

You don't really think that you can become the emperor by killing the emperor, right? Rebellion is rebellion, but it also needs support from others. Who can support this chef? No one dares to eat your food, who will support you?

This is completely different from Xiang En's previous desire to blow up Linton. Killing the king and killing the king with food are not the same thing at all, at least for this group of chefs.

So Linton dared to guarantee that Xiang En's cooking was 100% fine, and of course he didn't care if there were any problems.

As for why no one tried poison on the emperor, it was a joke. Linton was a temporary emperor, so how could there be a poison tester?

At this time, Linton also saw that his niece chose fish jelly as the second choice, so Linton had nothing to say and followed her to eat.

After eating a piece of fish jelly, a very refreshing taste was beyond Linton's expectations.

Linton had eaten other fish jellies before, and the taste in his impression was quite strong, and it was usually the kind that could be directly used to mix rice.

But this fish jelly tasted quite fresh, and the taste was unexpectedly small.

The only thing that could be clearly tasted was the taste of soy sauce, so this fish jelly was brown, and soy sauce should have been added. As for the others, Linton couldn't taste them anyway, and had no idea how they were made. He could only watch Fubuki perform.

Finally, there were fried fish cubes of puffer fish. What was unexpected was that the fried fish nuggets were still served with this citrus sauce. Linton had previously thought that this citrus sauce was just a sashimi sauce, but he had never thought that it could be paired with fried food.

The taste of the fried fish nuggets can be simply described as crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with a crispy crust on the outside, not very thick. Linton felt that it was fried like tempura.

Of course, although the original work is about China, the author is Japanese, so it is not surprising that such a slightly inconsistent situation occurs. You can feel it when sashimi appears. Although fish sashimi should also originate from China, not many people usually eat it this way. Many people died from eating it this way, such as Chen Deng in the Three Kingdoms period.

So these are not very important, the important thing is to taste good.

The citrus sauce has a very good effect in relieving greasiness, so it is also very delicious with fried food.

And after eating these three flavors of puffer fish dishes, Linton can also feel a very satisfying sense of hierarchy. So my guess should be correct, it seems that this thing really has an order to eat, right?

"Yeah, that's it." Fubuki started to speak at this time, looking at Xiang En and asked, "If I guessed correctly, is there some toxin left in your dish? Tell me, did you do it on purpose or accidentally?"

"Huh?" Everyone was stunned when they heard Fubuki's words. Some toxins remained? No kidding, is this really trying to poison the emperor?

"I did it on purpose." Xiang En stepped forward and said.

"What?" The audience around was even more surprised. It's really poisonous? And you admitted it directly?

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