I really can't control myself

Chapter 339 Chance Encounter

Frightened by the sudden sound, Ba Jin straightened up and looked around for Linton's location, but of course she couldn't find him. Ba Jin soon understood that Linton was definitely invisible. Could it be another fruit ability? Anyway, what kind of fruit Linton is has always been a mystery. I only know that he has explosive abilities, and Ba Jin has also heard of it.

The ninjutsu used by Linton was the second-generation Tsuchikage Mu's ninjutsu, Wuchen Mystery. It was said to be a weird ninjutsu that could make him disappear completely. According to him, even the Sharingan could not see through it. Linton couldn't see it at all when he fought with him before, but because they were in automatic combat mode, he could just rely on the battle girl to find it. Because this ninjutsu is indeed very versatile, Linton bought it directly.

At this time, the surrounding navy had also gathered around, and Ba Jin could no longer dwell on Linton's problem. She knew that Linton was nearby anyway, otherwise he and Weibull would have burst into flames and exploded. Seeing the navy surrounding her, she directly asked Weibull to take her out.

"Are you... Edward Weibull, MISS Ba Jin?" Soon, the navy captain who took the lead recognized these two people. After all, they were the current King Shichibukai, which was quite easy to recognize.

"Yes, I am Whitebeard's lover MISS Bajin, and this is my treasure, Edward Weibull." Bajin said directly, "We came here in accordance with the summons order. What do you mean by surrounding us? Do you want to die?"

"Damn it..." The navy captain was so angry that he wanted to shoot him. He was obviously just a pirate, but he was so arrogant. However, the Shichibukai were indeed considered a government establishment, and there was nothing he could do about it. But the question still needs to be asked, "Since we are here to gather, why did it fly here from the sky?"

"Do you care how we got here?" Ba Jin said, "The World Government invited us here. Is there any problem? Tell your people to put down their guns and get out of here!"

The colonel was very angry, but he had no choice. With a wave of his hand, the surrounding navy also dropped their weapons. After looking at the situation, he suddenly found a lot of injuries on Weibull's body. It felt like he had been beaten: "What's going on? Who did you fight with?"

"What kind of battle? Try falling from the sky and see what it's like!" Ba Jin reacted quickly and said immediately.

There is no problem with the answer. After all, everyone saw them falling from the sky and falling like this. The naval colonel really wanted to find a reason for them, but he couldn't find any. After thinking for a while, he said directly: "Follow me and gather with the mercenaries."

"What? Mercenaries?" Ba Jin shouted. Yes, the World Government has summoned this gang of gangsters. Of course, it cannot be said that they are allied with pirates. Isn't this too shameful? So I came up with the idea of ​​​​mercenaries. Anyway, I didn't check the identity of this group of people. Is that any different from hiring pirates? However, Ba Jin felt that since he was a Qibuhai, how could he stay with that group of people.

"In short, your status is not complete at present. If you do not perform well in this battle, you will not be able to continue to hold the position of Shichibukai." said the navy captain.

"What did you say?" Ba Jin was also angry. He didn't expect that the navy would really treat them as soldiers.

"Tell him you want to go up." Linton suddenly said in Ba Jin's ear. Yes, if you have the skill of invisibility, it is very simple to use the elevator. As long as the elevator starts, Linton can just follow it.

"I want to meet people from the World Government." Ba Jin also said immediately, "I want to go to Mary Joa."

"This is impossible!" the naval captain said immediately, "Emergency martial law has been issued. Anyone who does not go to Mariejoia at will, let alone a pirate, even we must go through strict scrutiny. The Bubble Lift has been out of service for a few days. I don’t know what you’re going to do, but there’s no way you’re going to get on it.”

"How dare you do this to me and prevent me from meeting people from the World Government, then I will go back." Ba Jin yelled.

"If you want to leave, just leave." said the navy captain. "Originally, we didn't think you could do anything. If you leave, the status of the Shichibukai will be cancelled. That's it."


"Either follow me to gather with the hired troops, or go back." said the naval colonel. "I don't think you need protection here."

It seems that this is also the personal view of the naval colonel. The decision to summon the pirates was made by the people above. However, the navy hates this plan very much. They can't wait for these pirates to go back on their own. Of course, part of the reason is that they have been too frustrated recently. The order to cancel the Shichibukai was clearly about to be issued before, but they did not expect that because of the poor performance of the navy, it only worsened, and they themselves felt very uncomfortable.

"Do you want to die?" Ba Jin shouted. Next to him, Weibull also raised his machete, "You made mom angry, I'm going to beat you to death!"

The colonel is obviously not afraid of things getting serious. Perhaps he also hopes to cause conflicts. This will also prove that all pirates are really just a mob and will only cause chaos. The only one they can really rely on is their navy.

The scene suddenly became tense, and it seemed like a fight was about to begin. Linton was also a little worried. Judging from the current situation, it was impossible for the navy to let the pirates go up, whether it was the Shichibukai or not. After all, the policies above belong to the policies above, and the people below who implement them are the navy. It seems unlikely that he will follow Ba Jin up there, but what should we do now?

Linton looked around and suddenly discovered that the elevator not far away, what the Navy called the Bubble Cable Car, was running, and it had just landed from above. Linton was stunned for a moment. Didn't it say that its use has been banned?

"What's going on?" At this moment, the door of the cable car opened, and a person walked out of the cable car. He happened to be right next to him, so the other person directly saw the situation here. Linton was stunned when he saw the person coming out, because he was an old acquaintance.

"Lieutenant General Garp!" the naval colonel saluted immediately.

Yes, the person who came out of the cable car was Garp. The other person came over while picking his nose. Was it actually Garp? No wonder you can use the elevator. Garp also directly saw Weibull and Ba Jin standing there, frowned slightly, and was about to speak when he suddenly turned to the side, where Linton was standing.

"Huh?" Linton was stunned for a moment. Was he seen? Can the domineering person see through his own innocence? Linton really wasn't sure. After all, he hadn't tested it at the time, but he didn't make any moves and just stood there without moving.

"What's wrong? Lieutenant General?" the naval colonel asked, looking at Garp who suddenly became motionless and seemed a little alert.

"Nothing...it seems...well." Garp said nothing in the end. Linton was a little confused, didn't he notice? Or something like intuition?

"Edward Weibull, I have heard of you. It is said that you are Whitebeard's son." Garp continued, "What are you doing here?"

"Uh... we are here to participate in the summoning order." Ba Jin saw Garp feeling a little scared. Yes, she is actually very unhappy with Garp, because she has known Garp since she was a pirate. Of course, as someone who has seen Garp's power, she can only hide her displeasure.

However, Garp didn't remember this woman at all, and continued to pick his nose, "The summoning order is really boring. Okay, just be quiet and don't cause trouble. I don't want to beat you scum away."

"Huh?" Everyone was stunned.

"Sorry, I accidentally told the truth. Just pretend you didn't hear me." Garp said, "Get out of the way, someone is about to pass."

Although he was extremely unhappy, Ba Jin held back. The name of a naval hero was too loud. Besides, fighting with him was not as simple as beating one person. Attacking the lieutenant general would require facing the entire navy, and she had no intention of doing so. Linton’s strength. After thinking about it, she took a few steps back. Soon, the people in the cable car came out.

"Murloc?" Of course Ba Jin also looked towards the cable car, and it turned out that there were some strange people. It was obvious that they were all members of the murloc tribe.

"This is..." Linton was stunned. He was even more surprised than Ba ​​Jin. Of course it wasn't because of the sight of fishmen. After all, there were fishmen in the Whitebeard Pirates, so there was nothing surprising. To his surprise, he heard the system's beep.

"Reminder of valuables?" Linton was stunned. If there is a reminder of valuables, does it mean that the other party has a devil fruit? Linton looked over there, and saw a huge mermaid at the first sight.

Yes, this is really a mermaid, the kind in fairy tales with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish, not the indescribable things I saw before. Moreover, this mermaid was indeed beautiful. Linton's eyes lit up when he first saw her, and he immediately knew her name.

"Mermaid Princess Shirahoshi...wait a minute." Linton suddenly thought of something. The reminder of the valuables was not that the other party was carrying a devil fruit. This group of people was obviously the royal family of Fish-Man Island, Shirahoshi and her father, King Neptune. There are also several brothers. They should be here to attend a world conference. No one would bring a devil fruit to a conference, so this prompt should be...

"Ancient weapon. Poseidon, King of the Sea." Linton said while looking at Bai Xing.

"I see, it's not the lieutenant general who wants to use the elevator, but the king?" Linton nodded. No wonder the elevator can be used during martial law. After all, he is the king of a country, so there is no problem.

Thinking of this, Linton suddenly had an idea. He couldn't go up with the Shichibukai, but there would be no problem if he went up with the king.

"I'm going to do something." Linton whispered to Ba Jin, "I changed the trigger conditions for your skills. If you expose me, it will ignite. Take care of yourself and don't cause trouble for the time being."

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