Obviously, it seems that three explorations a month are not demanding. Since the guild has been established, there must be a lot of people under it, so it is still very simple to brush three explorations.

Even this basic requirement is just to let you go out to explore, and it does not say that you must complete the task. And even if you cannot complete it, it will only deduct some points from the guild. It is not like a person who will force you to explore if you do not explore, so there is no compulsion.

However, Linton only knew now that he can directly send his people to go without going himself.

It’s just that the system Ji here explained the situation and what the specific operation is. Linton can only use the simplest method here, of course, to try it out.

Thinking of this, Linton also looked at the people next to him. At present, the most suitable person to lead the team is undoubtedly Aizen.

For example, Vegeta and Sun Wukong in the team may be stronger than Aizen in terms of combat power, but the problem is that it is too difficult for them to lead the team, and it is also difficult for Linton himself.

The main purpose of the team is to get points and contribution points, but if Vegeta goes, he will probably eat all the people in that world. Saiyans are good at this. Sun Wukong doesn't eat people, but he eats everything except people. I guess he will just eat and eat when he gets there, and he won't work at all.

So in terms of ability to do things, it has to be Lan Da. Linton has also felt Aizen's ability to do things these few times. He can really do things. As long as he doesn't make trouble, then...

"Puh, puh, puh..." Linton said that he almost scolded himself. What trouble? He was just going to help from the beginning. It's just that he didn't achieve Aizen's previous plan, and the result didn't make any difference.

In any case, Linton must try this new function. He said before that he wanted to catch up with the ranking, so the guild points will definitely not be deducted casually. The basic points for three explorations a month cannot be lost, so other teams must be sent.

In this case, there is no time to lose, and Linton immediately explained the situation to Aizen. That is, about the ranking of the guild, the basic tasks of the guild, and letting him lead the team himself.

After saying that, Linton felt that Aizen's eyes lit up, and he was obviously very interested. But I don't know whether he is interested in his own exploration or in this new authority.

Yes, new authority, that's because the captain who leads the team really has some new authority.

The position of captain is not the captain just because Linton sends him out, but it must be set by Linton first. The exploration captain under the name of this guild has certain permissions. For example, the captain can take any other members of the guild to explore together, and they don't have to be members of his own team. This is calculated separately from the personal team.

In addition to this, there is another special thing that Aizen can also open a new world.

Yes, originally only Linton could open the exploration of the new world, but Aizen can now open it. Of course, after the new world is opened, it will be counted under the name of the guild, not the world opened by Aizen personally.

There should be some other special permissions, but they have not been studied yet. The main thing is that the system Ji said it very simply. In actual operation, you will always encounter situations that you have never seen before, so you still have to try it to know the specific situation. This is why Linton wants to try it now.

Aizen is obviously very interested in this, so he naturally agreed to help Linton test it. Originally, Linton was going to disband, but now Aizen is not going to leave, and he is going to work overtime directly.

As far as we know now, the new world opened by his subordinates is similar to the previous rules, and the minimum exploration period is at least ten cycles, that is, ten days. However, Linton is not sure whether this ten days is calculated according to his side or the ten days of the captain in charge, after all, the time flow rate of each world is different.

This system Ji must not have made it clear, so this has to be tried.

If you don't want to stay for ten days, either you die, or you directly turn the plane into a low-threat plane, that is, the exploration progress is 100%, but this is obviously not that easy.

At the same time, when Linton set up the captain for the first time, the task page for the guild team's exploration was also activated.

Linton looked at it and found that the exploration mission of the guild team was not much different from his own exploration mission. It was just a matter of completing certain exploration progress.

These missions also had contribution points as rewards, but Linton found that he did not get all the contribution points.

Yes, the captain in charge of exploration could get contribution points, which was a new discovery. Before, whether it was points or contribution points, all belonged to Linton, and the team members did not get any commission. Now that he suddenly learned that he had to share a part, Linton was obviously a little reluctant.

However, another page that was also activated made Linton feel relieved. This page was called Guild Donation.

As the name suggests, this page is a place where team members can donate contribution points directly to the guild after they have obtained contribution points.

It is estimated that this place is designed to facilitate the management of the guild president. After all, there is a certain return for donations, but this return is set by the president himself.

For example, you can set a reward, such as spirit stones, and set it to get 10 spirit stones for every contribution point donated, and then you can just ignore it and wait for the members to donate. It is quite convenient to manage, which is equivalent to the nature of half a guild store. After all, it is actually useless for members to take contribution points. The natives do not have a system and do not need to be promoted. Only the explorers need it.

Of course, this convenient management tool directly becomes a tool for convenient exploitation when it comes to Linton. This is equivalent to taking a step in the middle, anyway, it all belongs to Linton.

Aizen is obviously quite sensible, and he obviously does not complain about things like rewards. He does not care about working more, no matter what he wants, he knows the current situation very well.

So soon, Aizen's white light flashed, and he disappeared in front of Linton. This time Linton asked him to take a very simple task, and he only needed to complete 30% of the exploration progress.

Because it is a new world, and Linton knows very well that it is quite easy to push the exploration degree of the new world, and pushing it to 30% is not a big deal at all.

In fact, the reward for this mission is not much, Linton just wants to test everything. The specific situation will have to wait until Aizen comes back.

However, Linton soon discovered that there are some particularly interesting places in this team's exploration.

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