I really can't control myself

Chapter 3364 Collapse

Linton is certain of one thing now, that is, this continent in the upper world should not be in the form of a planet. Otherwise, his attack would have exploded long ago.

Of course, it is the world of immortality after all, and it cannot be viewed from a scientific perspective. If you insist on saying that the world is flat, Linton thinks he can accept it.

Moreover, this upper realm is really quite big. Linton himself has flown there before, so he knows it very well.

But even so, it seems that no matter how unscientific the world is at present, it cannot withstand Linton's behavior.

This is not the first time Linton has encountered the situation of cracking the sky. When I was in the lower realm, I encountered a similar situation while fighting Phoenix, where the sky was split open.

At that time, I heard Phoenix say why this happened.

The composition of this world actually has a lot of space. Including the lower world that Linton was in before, there are actually many similar lower worlds.

He is not from this world to begin with, and all kinds of causes and effects cannot be attributed to Linton, so the destruction he causes will cause various disruptions to the rules of this world.

But now Linton knows that what stands out is that whether a person explodes to death or not is not that important.

The huge energy wave directly collided with the sword move coming from the front. The two huge energies met in the air and burst into brilliant light, illuminating the entire world.

When a sword is thrust out, a strange phenomenon occurs in the heaven and earth. All the spiritual energy around him instantly condenses towards his sword as if it has been evacuated. This sword can be said to change the color of the world.

Although there is an upper limit to the stability of this world, this upper limit is not so easy to reach. Even for Linton, it is not as easy as it is now to reach such an upper limit.

There is another reason why Linton can cause such a situation now, which is that Linton is now challenging the original rules set by Tiandao.

Of course, if the amount is small, such as sending hundreds of tons of water to Mars, this amount of course will not have any impact. But the situation that Linton has created now is really going to break the entire water vapor circulation rule.

"Turtle~pai~qigong wave!"

This type of lower world is actually like a small secret realm to the upper world. In fact, the nature is not much different, because the secret realm is also such a space, but smaller, and may even be opened by humans.

This crazy accumulation of bugs has affected the operation of the rules of heaven, which is why the results are seen so quickly. This is why problems arise so quickly with the stability of the upper bound.

Of course, at this time Battle Ji also began to respond, holding the ball with both hands, and the light began to condense in the palms of her hands.

All these rules are set by Heaven.

Linton looked up and saw that the good guy was indeed Lu Xing. It seemed like nothing serious happened to the person. Although there were obvious traces of battle damage on his body, he just looked at it. In fact, the opponent was not only fine, but was even holding back his ultimate move.

But Linton was not surprised, because another key feature of the prince's strategy is that it can't do any damage at all. The term smoke without injury was originally used to describe this fighting method. Every time it produced a puff of smoke, it never killed anyone.

Linton didn't know why Vegeta developed this technique at first. Have you ever tried to kill someone? Why are you practicing this if you can't kill someone?

Linton himself obviously didn't know this very well. Anyway, all he wanted to do was to have a good time. Even if he knew, it was none of his business. Linton who doesn't accept the mission is so terrifying.

Among these worlds, the one with the highest spatial stability is naturally the upper world that connects many lower worlds. The upper limit of the world here is also the highest, and one can directly cultivate into an immortal, unlike other worlds where one has to ascend.

And those lower worlds were not opened by man. If I have to say it, they were probably opened by heaven. Because the rules for the passages linking these worlds should be formulated by Tiandao. If you want to pass, you must meet certain conditions. For example, the lower realm must pass the ascension ceremony and survive the heavenly tribulation before you can ascend. This is obviously a rule formulated by the way of heaven.

The outcome of this wave of collisions has not yet been decided. There are suddenly more cracks in the surrounding sky, and the changes are quite fast.

With Linton's current flat speed, if he were a person from this world, how much karma would he be exposed to? But Linton just refused to do it.

Of course, after Linton leaves, the space damage caused by these things can be repaired slowly, so there is no need to worry so much.

Yes, if Linton was from this world, the same level of destruction would not cause the upper limit to come so quickly. Because the cause and effect of this world can also be regarded as a kind of reincarnation. If you have to use a metaphor, it can be regarded as a cycle of water and gas.

Just like the lower world where Linton stayed before, his battle with Phoenix had already caused turmoil in the stability of that world's space. In other words, that space cannot withstand a battle of Linton and Phoenix's level. If the battle continues, the whole world may not be over.

While Linton was still thinking wildly, Lu Xing's sword move from the opposite side was already flying out.

The main reason is Linton's identity.

Just as Linton was still bombing wildly, he heard a voice a little above the front.

Of course this is one of them, but the actual situation is far more than Linton knows.

The water vapor cycle on Earth can ensure that the consumed water can be fed back in some way, so that the total amount of water in the atmosphere can always remain the same, and generally there will be no drastic changes. The same is true for the cause and effect cycle in this world.

However, Linton's intervention is different. He is equivalent to sending the water on Earth directly to Mars, and none of them participate in the circulation in the atmosphere.

"Nine Palaces Heavenly Sword. Sorrow City."

However, the stability is high, but there is obviously a limit. At present, Linton has begun to challenge the upper limit of this limit.

What determines the upper limit of these worlds is the spatial stability of that world. Of course, this word is understood by Linton.

At this time, the two people in the wave did not know how serious the consequences of such a fight would be. Because if Linton was a person in this world, he would fight with the opponent with aura, then no matter what the result was, it would obviously not have much impact on the aura of this world. As the saying goes, it would rot in the pot.

But now this fight is actually using Linton's magic value to exchange for the consumption of this world's aura. But the question is what is Linton's magic value, and does it have anything to do with this world?

So the current situation is that there is a bug on top of a bug, and the problem is much more serious than the collision that the two people can see with their naked eyes.

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