I really can't control myself

Chapter 3361 Activation

Although Lu Xing didn't understand most of what Linton was doing. But he could see the momentum of Linton very clearly at this time.

Although he felt that the opponent's momentum was very strong at this time, he also felt that he would never lose.

After getting the magic weapon, Lu Xing felt an incomparable power. He himself couldn't tell how strong this power was. Anyway, he felt that he could defeat anyone now. There was a feeling that the destruction of the world was just a matter of a moment.

Looking at Linton in front of him, he felt that the opponent was not so scary at this time. The powerful force gave him strong confidence. The time for revenge was now.

Raising the sword to point in the direction of Linton, the two fingers of the other hand slowly crossed the Tiandao magic weapon. At this time, Lu Xing was raising his momentum.

But at this moment, Linton on the opposite side also moved. Lu Xing immediately concentrated and prepared to meet the opponent's moves.

I saw Linton on this side suddenly exerted force with both feet and jumped high. Then the next moment, he landed on the spot again.

Yes, Lu Xing stared at Linton for a long time as if facing a great enemy, and then saw him jump on the spot.

"Hey, hey, what the hell, what's the matter with TND, where is the combined flight? Are the two big wings on my TN's back grown for nothing?" As soon as he landed, Linton pointed at his back and shouted, and I didn't know who he was shouting at.

"Can our settings be a little more normal? Since we have wings, can we fly?" Linton was indignant, "Although it is normal for Kamen Rider to not fly in general, it doesn't mean that Kamen Rider can't fly. Look at W's final form, he also has wings, and he can fly. My TN just has a decoration, right?"

"That... my fault?" Phoenix asked uncertainly.

"I didn't call you, shut up!" Linton shouted directly. After all, it's not Phoenix's fault for not being able to fly. He can fly, and then he can't fly after combining with himself. Whose fault do you think it is?

This is definitely the fault of the system, okay? Otherwise, can it be my fault? Anyway, Linton will never take the blame for this. You see, he has a face that can fly. This is definitely a problem with the system. He must have been cursed when he was bound.

Linton didn't say that this was the problem of the battle girl because he could really fly for a while when the battle girl controlled his body. Although it can be clearly seen that he didn't fly very well, he could. Then it can only be the fault of the system girl. If you have the ability, you system girl should refute it.

Linton can only bully the system girl who doesn't speak actively. If this is a system that can complain, it is estimated that it has already cursed on the spot.

Linton didn't know who he was competing with, but Lu Xing's face on the opposite side was dark again.

Yes, seeing Linton's serious transformation, he thought the other party was finally going to get serious. And he was also ready to fight to the death with the other party, but what happened when he jumped on the spot?

So this is the situation. Is Linton still teasing him? This guy didn't take him seriously as an opponent from beginning to end, right?

Linton did have this attitude before. In fact, Lu Xing had already seen it from what he did to Lu Xing twice before.

At that time, Lu Xing was quite weak, but Linton did not kill him, but just knocked him away casually, like driving away a bug. This is the point where Lu Xing is more resentful, and it is also the devil in his heart.

If Linton fights him and really defeats him, Lu Xing will obviously not be so unable to lose. After all, Lu Xing still has self-knowledge, and he is not the biggest guy in the world. But Linton defeated him, which made him feel humiliated.

People don't take you seriously.

He originally thought that the current situation should be different. However, Linton's attitude has not changed at all until now. At this moment, Lu Xing here is somewhat losing his mind.

Since the other party still thinks so, Lu Xing can only rely on his own strength to make the other party understand.

At this time, Lu Xing's momentum had actually reached its peak. He opened his mouth and slowly uttered a few words: "Tianxing Sect, Lu Xing, come to ask for advice."

Although Lu Xing was already the master of Yundian at this time, in Lu Xing's heart, he actually still remembered his original sect. His goal from the beginning was to carry forward his sect, and joining Yundian was actually just a means of revenge.

At this time, he still reported the name of his original sect, obviously expressing an attitude of wanting to fight Linton to the death.

However, Linton was obviously not entangled in this matter at this time, and Lu Xing's feeling was indeed fine now. Even with the magic weapon in hand, Linton didn't take this guy too seriously until now.

But at this time, Lu Xing didn't care so much, and didn't care about Linton's reaction. The next moment after reporting his name, he had already made a move.

A sword was slashed directly, which looked like an ordinary vertical slash, and he didn't even use any sword moves. But this simple blow, at this time, had a feeling of returning to nature.

With just one strike, not only did the sword energy and sword intent burst out, it even casually pulled the vast spiritual energy around at that moment.

When the magic weapon was born before, the surrounding spiritual energy was all condensed around him, and even turned this place into a Feng Shui treasure land.

With such a large amount of spiritual energy, it is dangerous for cultivators to stay here now.

However, Lu Xing's casual attack seemed to be able to control this huge amount of spiritual energy at will, and the actual situation was terrifying.

This time, Linton had a clear reaction, but it was still not his own reaction, but someone else's reaction for him.

"Hostile target detected, automatic combat mode turned on."

Obviously, Lu Xing's strength at this time was qualified to let the battle girl take action. So just before the sword energy swept over Linton, Linton jumped up again, twisted his body in the air and shook off the sword directly.

"Come on, use the knight kick." The sudden appearance of the battle girl disrupted Linton's plan a little, but he was used to it after all, so he said immediately.

"Knight kick? What move is it?" Phoenix's voice came again in confusion, obviously still unable to keep up with Linton's mindless rhythm.

"I didn't say you, be quiet." Linton said directly.

Phoenix suddenly seemed to understand something. It turned out that besides herself, there might be other little creatures possessed now?

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