I really can't control myself

Chapter 3149 Persuasion

"You, what do you want to do? You don't want to catch it, do you? Don't, really don't, what kind of thing is this thing? I can barely bear the phoenix, is he worthy of this thing? Is he worthy? Can you please stop?" Linton said quickly when he saw Zhan Ji's movements.

However, it is obvious that the fighting girl here has no intention of stopping. However, the time in Phoenix was relatively sudden, and Linton had almost no time to persuade him. This time, he was experienced.

"Wait a minute. In fact, this is also a suggestion for combat. You really don't need to throw this ball." Linton said quickly.

"Please explain the situation to the host." Sure enough, he said the key words of the battle suggestion, and the battle girl really stopped.

"This is the Master Ball. It's such an important thing. We can't just waste it on this thing. Good steel should be used on the blade. What if we encounter a more important Pokémon in the future and don't have the ball to catch it?" , isn’t this delaying my work of uploading valuable items? You should be assisting in combat, so you can’t delay my normal work.” Linton quickly picked up something that Battle Ji could listen to.

"According to the current judgment, the enemy target should be regarded as a unit with strong combat effectiveness. The composite is an important criterion for judgment." Fighting Ji here said.

"That's because you made a mistake in your judgment. Think about it carefully. There are not many real mythical beasts. For example, in the Pokémon game, there is only one mythical beast in each save file. That is the important goal, right. Look again The thing in front of me is exactly the same as mine. How can such a mass-produced thing be important?" Linton said.

Linton's body stopped when he said this, as if he had really deceived the fighting girl. However, things on Battle Girl's side are not over yet, the enemy's attack has already come.

Linton was still chatting with Battle Ji, but Qinglong's father opposite him didn't care who Linton was talking to. He did see Linton muttering something over there. Although he didn't hear the specific content, it was just that there were many immortal weapons with weapon spirits in the upper world, and it was obviously difficult to communicate with his own weapon spirits. Not surprisingly.

Of course, it was so angry now that it couldn't wait until Linton finished speaking before taking action. At this moment, it had already accumulated enough power, opened its mouth, and a huge blue thunderbolt spurted out from its mouth.

The thunderbolt was as thick as a huge beam, shooting directly at Linton below. Even if Linton's perception of spiritual energy is not very good, he can still feel the power contained in this move. Yes, he can feel it just by looking at the momentum.

Obviously this is the most powerful skill that the beast-level Qinglong can unleash, and its purpose is to blow up Linton into ashes. In fact, even in the upper world, no human being can withstand this blow. If it is hit, the physical body will definitely explode directly, and the soul may be directly annihilated.

It's a pity that this range does not include Linton. Although he is still discussing things with Battle Ji, it does not hinder the combat matters at all. After all, the main function of Battle Girl is to fight. Even chatting with Linton will never affect this aspect.

In this battle, Ji didn't prepare to dodge. It was probably because the previous attack had already tested the opponent's approximate strength, so she felt there was no need to dodge.

Linton was seen crossing his hands directly in front of him, and the silver fighting spirit on his body flashed.

The next second, the huge cyan lightning cannon engulfed Linton's whole body, sweeping all the way across the ground, penetrating from west to east. Wherever he passed, everything disappeared, which looked extremely scary.

However, when the smoke gradually dissipated, Linton's figure still appeared intact in the gully swept out by the lightning cannon. Apparently there was not much physical damage. There was a bit of smoke on the forearms of the hands in front of him, but that was all. For Linton, recovery was a matter of seconds.

On the other hand, Linton was directly hit by the light and slid back ten meters on the ground, which made Linton feel quite powerful.

"Okay, this strength..." As soon as Linton finished speaking, he saw Battle Ji here silently taking out the Master Ball again. Linton said quickly, "Even so, it's not worthy of my Master Ball. It must be saved to catch more precious Pokémon."

Battle Ji didn't say anything, but after standing for a while, she actually put the master ball back again. It seemed like she was convinced.

Linton was so moved that he almost cried. He actually convinced Battle Ji?

"As the host said, a combat pet of the same type has been captured. Although its combat ability is quite outstanding, it has not been of any use in actual combat. Based on this judgment, it is indeed not suitable for capture." Battle Ji said.

"That's right!" Linton said immediately. Didn't you expect that Battle Ji made this judgment? Sure enough, the only issue I had considered was combat.

It is true that Qinglong has not participated in the battle since he was caught in the ball. When he went to Mengzhang Mountain before, Linton originally took it to work, but in the end it was Linton himself who did the work, and it didn't help at all. Perhaps because of this, Fighting Ji also felt that this thing was useless in fighting, so she accepted Linton's suggestion.

Of course, no matter what the reason is, just don’t use the Master Ball.

At this time, Father Qinglong did not continue to attack. The reason was very simple. It was really stunned. The previous attack was obviously not its full strength. After all, it thought it was obviously unnecessary to use all its strength to deal with a mere human being. If you were to step on an ant, you wouldn't step on it with all your strength.

But in that angry attack just now, it really used all its strength, and the spiritual energy on its body exploded with all its strength, and the result was this? The other party stepped back a little because of the impact, and then had no other reaction? Is this TN a human?

At this time, for the first time, Qinglong's father had the idea that he might not be this human's opponent. After all, it had not used its full strength before, so it felt that it was just not serious. But this time, the idea has been overturned.

Therefore, this situation also calmed it down a little. After all, it was not as naive as the white tiger. It would not have already realized that it might not be able to defeat it and would go ahead rashly.

However, it can stop here, but Linton cannot stop here. Just as Father Qinglong was thinking about what to do now, Linton had already picked up the iron rod tower that had just been thrown away. He swung it again, still attacking from top to bottom. After picking it up from the ground, he swung it 180 degrees. Du hit Qinglong's father.

What I didn't expect was that before it could hit Father Qinglong, the stick hit something in the air, and a muffled sound and an obvious scream came directly from above.

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