I really can't control myself

Chapter 3129 Questioning

He didn't wait long, and with a few rays of light flashing, several figures quickly appeared in the square of the front hall.

Most of the people were floating in the air, and only one person quickly landed on the ground and came to the side of the inhuman Guyue. While helping him up, his aura moved, obviously checking the other person's condition.

Obviously this person is the great elder of Meng Zhangshan and the father of the Guyue brothers and sisters, Gu Qiaoting.

However, Linton couldn't tell how old he was from the way he looked. At least he looked like a middle-aged man under forty years old. Compared with the elders in Cangqing Mountain in the lower realm, he always looked like a bearded man. , looks quite young.

Gu Qiaoting quickly checked his son's condition, and the result was a bit surprising.

Although it looked like he was beaten badly, in fact these injuries were 100% external injuries.

In this world of cultivation, it is really rare to be hit with 100% traumatic injuries. Most of the cases are internal injuries caused by the influx of zhenqi into the body. For example, situations such as the Dantian being shattered are more difficult to deal with. But the most serious injuries on Gu Yue's body were that his legs were broken, and the others... were not that serious, at least not so serious for the medical level of the cultivation world.

But this made Gu Qiaoting even more angry, because in his opinion, the main purpose of the other party's attack on his son was not to hurt his people, but to humiliate his son. Otherwise, is it necessary to type like this? This was obviously intentional. Look at the current situation. His son was thrown into the square like a dead dog. All the disciples were watching. This was a slap in his face.

"Who is it?" Gu Qiaoting was filled with spiritual energy. He looked up at the position in the sky, but the next moment, a loud "dong" sound came from in front of him.

When Gu Qiaoting heard the sound, he subconsciously thought that the other party had thrown his daughter down. After all, the two brothers and sisters went out together. However, when he looked over, he realized that it was still a young man who crawled out of the pit.

"Uh... yes, I was the one who beat me." Linton dusted himself off and said nonchalantly.

"I have never seen such a poor landing." Qinglong here couldn't help but say.

"What do you know? This is called intimidation, do you understand? Look at them like this, are they intimidated by me?" Linton shouted directly.

"Is this a method that normal humans would use to intimidate? You still said you are a human?" Qinglong really believed that Linton was doing this to intimidate. After all, flying is a basic ability in the upper world, and of course landing is also. Linton's landing was so weird, it must have been intentional, right?

While he was still arguing with Qinglong here, something like a sword technique or an air blade suddenly hit Linton over there. Yes, the person who took action was naturally Gu Qiaoting. Unexpectedly, this elder was quite impatient. He would take action immediately after a disagreement, even faster than Linton.

Linton noticed it, but he didn't take any action. He just stood there without raising his head. The next moment, the sword technique swept directly over Linton's body, but it just swept past. Apart from a gust of wind blowing around him, there was no actual reaction.

"Uh... that... was it your attack just now? Or was it a greeting?" Linton asked.

At this moment, the expressions of the other elders nearby changed. Although Gu Qiaoting's fencing technique was just done casually, it was not something that ordinary people could follow. There is definitely no problem in casually killing someone of Bao Ling's level, but hitting Linton didn't even cause a splash, so it was obvious that the opponent was a tough opponent.

Of course, the other party dared to come to their Meng Zhangshan alone to find trouble. He obviously had something to rely on. They knew this from the beginning, so so many people came out all at once. But the degree of difficulty is still a bit beyond their imagination.

Moreover, the opponent blocked the attack without revealing any spiritual energy fluctuations on his body. He was completely calm when he blocked it. At this moment, I couldn't even tell which sect the other party belonged to, and active testing had no effect.

"Where is my daughter?" Gu Qiaoting here was quite shocked, but he still continued to ask.

"This question is a bit troublesome to answer. If you ask about your daughter's body, she is probably still lying at the door of Hehuan Sect, but if you ask about her head, you don't know where she flew to." Linton said.

"You...killed her?" Gu Qiaoting's heart trembled.

"This...isn't it clear enough? Your daughter can survive under normal circumstances after her head is decapitated, right?" Linton said, spreading his hands.

"Why?" Gu Qiaoting said with a gloomy face and gritted his teeth.

"Then why do you want to destroy the whole family of Hehuan Sect?" Linton asked directly.

"..." Gu Qiaoting did not answer, but he also noticed the looks of other elders behind him. Although he didn't look back, he knew that everyone was looking at him.

Yes, obviously the other elders don't know about this. Meng Zhangshan is not too far away from Hehuan Sect, and they have heard of this sect. Of course there is no grudge between the two sides, otherwise the Hehuan Sect would have been wiped out long ago. So why did Gu Qiaoting want to destroy the entire Hehuan Sect?

However, considering that there were outsiders present, no elder directly asked him what was going on, otherwise it would be a joke to outsiders.

"Are you from the Hehuan Sect?" Gu Qiaoting asked, obviously not prepared to answer.

"What do you think?" Linton, of course, used the same method, answering questions with questions.

However, this question is not difficult to answer. Not to mention that the Hehuan Sect only has female disciples. Linton's strength is obviously not something that a small Hehuan Sect can handle.

Gu Qiaoting didn't believe that Linton came for the Hehuan Sect, so why on earth did he kill his daughter and hurt his son?

"Okay, stop guessing. I'm here for two things. First, if you want to destroy the Hehuan Sect that I'm covering, then I'll destroy your whole family, too. That's no problem, right?"

"What?" Linton's words shocked everyone present. What did this guy say? Destroy all of them Meng Zhangshan? Although they are both exterminators, Hehuan Sect and Meng Zhangshan are not the same concept at all, right? Opposite there is a small sect with a few hundred people, and the leader is not even at the level of a heavenly being, but here is Meng Zhangshan.

Before everyone could digest and understand the news, Linton raised his second finger and said: "Secondly, what are you talking about? Who told you to use the image of my pet casually? You are breaking the law, do you know? ? I don’t have to ask you for an explanation? Can you believe that the compensation will cost you everything? "

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