I really can't control myself

Chapter 3119 Selection

"Not enough." Linton said here.

What Linton didn't say enough was naturally referring to the pile of "ransom" in front of him. Yes, Baihu was really cooperative in paying the money, and it was quite a lot. Linton didn't know why these two were so cooperative. It seemed that he was really worried about his daughter.

In fact, Linton was quite satisfied and happy because he already had a lot of things in front of him. But there should be more opponents. Linton certainly chose to push the envelope.

"Alas..." After hearing Linton's words, White Tiger's father here frowned slightly. Isn't that much enough? It would be against the rules to take the initiative to ask for more.

But before he said anything, the white tiger mother next to him stepped forward to hold him and whispered: "Forget it, it's rare for Xiaoling to fall in love with someone. If he runs away, I don't know how long it will take to wait. If you have to add dowry all the time, you should pay it in advance."

"Well..." Father Baihu nodded. At this moment, Linton also said: "Well, I don't want too many, I just pick one thing, but I have to choose it myself."

Linton really doesn't have much desire for these things themselves, mainly for points. As long as it can be uploaded, it doesn’t really have to be anything. Simply put, it’s fine if you can go through it once.

"In this case, you only need one thing, right?" Hearing this, the white tiger dad nodded, "Okay, I'll take you to pick it out."

To be honest, this white tiger is a bit naive. Linton just said this casually and the other party really agreed directly? Are you really not afraid that Linton will rob you directly?

Maybe it's because he's more confident in his own strength? In short, the white tiger father here really agreed, and took Linton directly to prepare to hide the treasure house.

However, Linton proposed to take Chu Chengwen with him. This is mainly because he is afraid that there will be some determination issues such as ownership rights. If it really cannot be uploaded, he is prepared to ask Chu Chengwen to deal with it. Linton is already very skilled in dealing with this aspect.

To be honest, even Linton himself felt that such a proposal was quite suspicious, but the white tiger dad here still nodded without any hesitation, unexpectedly trusting himself, and Linton didn't know why the other party would have it. With such trust, the other party seemed to have just said that he was one of their own. How could he not be one of his own? Wasn't he a kidnapper? Why does it feel like something is wrong?

In any case, before Linton could figure it out, they had already arrived at the place where the things were placed. This place can only be described as extremely plain.

The place where the White Tiger clan lived was originally a cave-like place, but it must have undergone certain renovations, but the decoration style was relatively primitive. And this treasure room is actually just a slightly repaired cave, and the things inside are all piled on the ground in a relatively messy manner.

Although the piles are messy, the things look very good at first glance. After all, Linton can also sense spiritual energy now, and the spiritual energy emitted by these things is relatively strong.

Of course, Linton still didn't know what it was, and Chu Chengwen next to him also didn't know much about the materials in the upper realm. But what's strange is that although Linton prepared Chu Chengwen to take a look at it, the actual situation is that these things are really just It can be uploaded directly, no need to do anything at all.

Linton didn't know what was going on, because there should be ownership issues in this world. In the past, Linton needed to personally change the ownership of the treasure room at the Daning royal family, but I don't know why it was not used here.

Of course, Phoenix didn't use it before, because the system on Phoenix's side should also think that the other party is from their side, so it can upload it directly. But what's going on with Baihu's side? It can't be that Baihu's side is also one of its own, right?

Although Linton was a little confused by this sudden situation, it was actually a lot more convenient. Originally, Linton wanted Chu Chengwen next to him to hold it for him first, and told Bai Hu here to roughly select a few pieces, then pick one from among them, and then let Chu Chengwen faint repeatedly to upload them all.

Now I suddenly don’t need to, I just read them one by one and upload them.

Linton's favorable impression of the White Tiger clan suddenly became much higher. Although this family generally has no brains, they are quite cooperative, and Linton likes to be cooperative like that.

While he was collecting the points with satisfaction, Chu Chengwen, who had been following Linton, suddenly stood still. Linton turned his head a little strangely, only to find that Chu Chengwen was staring blankly at what looked like a weapon placed in the corner next to him.

I think this thing is a weapon because Linton looks a bit like a lance. It's not the Chinese-style long gun used on horses, but the Western-style conical long-barreled lance. Obviously, it is strange for something with this shape to appear here. After all, this is the world of cultivating immortals, and it is a bit strange to see a Western-style lance suddenly appear.

But it's also possible that it's not a weapon, just a resemblance. Linton looked at Chu Chengwen next to him and asked directly: "Do you know this thing? What is it?"

"I don't know." Chu Chengwen said, "It just... has a rather special feeling, as if this thing is... destined to me. That's right."

"Destined to be with you? I understand." Linton nodded. Although what he said was rather mysterious, Linton still understood it directly. After all, Chu Chengwen is the protagonist. In novels, there are often scenes where the protagonist randomly sees something on a street stall and then buys it to become a treasure. Isn't it the same as now?

"Then take it, you hold it first." Linton still had other things to pass on, so he planned to let Chu Chengwen hold the gun first, and then just ask Bai Hu directly for it. Since it is what the protagonist is interested in, it should be the best thing here. Let’s take it back and talk about it later.

Chu Chengwen also nodded, unexpectedly not being polite to Linton. However, when he reached out and touched the Western-style spear here, a burst of strong light suddenly emitted from the top of the spear, and a beam-like thing directly hit Chu Chengwen who touched it.

The strong impact directly swept Chu Chengwen away. The sudden movement also made Father Baihu, who was waiting not far away, rush over.

"What's going on?" Father Baihu asked directly as he looked at Chu Chengwen who was framed on the wall next to him.

"Uh... I'm not sure." Linton was of course confused. What happened suddenly? Is this a weapon that can choose its master? Directly backfired? But Chu Chengwen is the protagonist, okay? What kind of weapons can’t even give the protagonist face?

"What is this?" Linton pointed directly at the spear on the ground and asked Father Baihu. He wanted to find out what this thing was first.

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