"Why can this tiger even fly? Is there any royal law? Is there any law?" Linton, who was riding a phoenix, couldn't help but said while looking at the white tiger flying next to him.

"So what are you struggling with here?" Chu Chengwen, who was also following the flight, said speechlessly. He really didn't understand what Linton was struggling with. After all, in his eyes, Linton immediately questioned Very strange.

He had seen Linton flying with a sword before, and of course he had no doubts about it. With Linton's strength, how could he possibly realize that Linton could fly? And it's not surprising that a mythical beast of the White Tiger's level can fly, so Linton's words sounded mindless.

"Sure enough, those who can fly are enemies..." Linton couldn't help but say.

"Hmph." The white tiger here has learned to hum on his own this time, with a proud expression on his face, showing that he has learned in style.

"So what are you humming about? I really hit someone." Linton yelled.

"But...but just now you called me tiger, not a stupid dog. Can I call me tiger in the future?" Bai Hu said.

"No!" Before Linton could say anything, Phoenix said hurriedly, "Once you are a stupid dog, you will always be a stupid dog. You have been brainwashed. You cannot just dislike your new name. Do you understand?"

"Oh..." The white tiger here nodded in disappointment, "I thought I could hum."

"Have you ever learned how to train animals or something? I'm really convinced by you." Linton couldn't help but said, this Phoenix's dog training skills are really better than him, what can be said.

"By the way, Xiaoling, why did you come to my cave?" Phoenix suddenly asked.

"Ah!" Upon hearing this, the white tiger here suddenly burst into flames and almost stopped suddenly in the air. From the look of it, it seemed like he was just thinking of business now, "By the way, my dad asked me to come to you about my brother's wedding."

"Your brother is getting married?" Fenghuang was stunned when he heard this.

"Yes, my dad asked me to invite you to the wedding." Bai Hu here said at this time, "But when I came to find you, I found that you were not there, sister. I could only wait for a few days, but I didn't expect that I had just waited for you. When I came back, I was also caught by this despicable human being.”

"No, did you agree?" Linton raised his forehead, "So your brother is also a white tiger?"

"Of course." The white tiger here even showed an expression like "What are you asking a stupid question?", as if he was wondering why Linton suddenly became mentally retarded.

"Isn't your sister just a phoenix?" Linton couldn't help but say.

"That's the sister I recognize, not my biological sister. My brother is my biological brother." Bai Hu said immediately.

"You TN, if you don't tell me, how will I know if he is my real brother or a recognized brother?" Linton yelled.

"Uh... it seems so." Bai Hu thought for a moment and nodded, "So that's the case."

"..." Linton looked at the white tiger here and said nothing.

"Why do you invite me to the wedding?" Phoenix asked strangely at this time. Obviously, Baihu usually doesn't invite Phoenix to his wedding. This time seems to be an exception.

"Oh, there weren't that many things originally. It's just that the marriage partner is a princess from the Qinglong clan. It seems that there is such a habit of getting married there. My dad said you should know about it." Bai Hu said.

"I see." Fenghuang nodded. Marriage on Baihu's side was relatively simple, and there weren't that many things involved. But the Qinglong clan is obviously different. His clan likes to hold big and special events. The custom is a bit like the wedding habits of the human clan. Maybe they learned it from the humans?

Fenghuang has also attended several weddings of the Qinglong clan, so he knows exactly what is going on. However, she did not expect that the White Tiger clan would actually marry the Qinglong clan this time. This was considered a relatively big thing, at least in their circle of mythical beasts.

"When does the wedding start?" Phoenix asked.

"About... uh huh... twelve... thirteen days later, I can't quite figure it out." The white tiger said a little anxiously, and even Linton felt that it seemed to be picking off its own paws to count the time.

"You can't even add or subtract within a hundred, can you?" Linton held up his forehead, "Your family's training of the younger generations is simply amazing."

"Hmph." The white tiger here raised his head and said.

"So why are you so proud? I, TN, am mocking you." Linton shouted.

"Huh? Oh..." Bai Hu lowered his head, as if he just realized that he was scolded.

"The princess of the Qinglong clan you are talking about, are you talking about the little princess? What is her name... Xiaoyue?" Phoenix here continued to ask.

"Yes, yes, yes, my sister-in-law is already at our place. I'll see you soon. Although my sister-in-law looks a bit strange, she is a nice person." Bai Hu here said.

"It looks a little strange, but that's okay." Linton said, "No, isn't the wedding not held yet? Why has the person already taken her home? This isn't right."

"Maybe it's because the customs are different?" Chu Chengwen said next to him, "It's different from the weddings here as humans."

"Yes." Linton nodded, and then suddenly said, "Does the Qinglong clan have money at home?"

Linton asked about the phoenix, but before it could answer, the white tiger next to him said first: "Sister-in-law brought a lot of fun things over and gave me a lot..."

"No, every one of you cuts are black, right?" Linton couldn't help but said.

"Huh?" Bai Hu looked confused. What does it mean when the cut is black? It didn't feel that what it said was wrong, why did it suddenly want to cut itself off? This human being is really despicable and vicious.

"Anyway, the Qinglong family is also very rich?" Linton asked.

"And he looks very silly." Phoenix answered directly.

"Looking like a silly dog ​​is okay. Do you think that a silly dog ​​is not safe, and are you planning to find another silly dog ​​as a backup?" Linton couldn't help but said, "I'm a little curious now. , what do you think Xiao Yue of the Qinglong family looks like? One said he looks strange, and the other said he looks like a silly dog."

"Does my sister-in-law look like a silly dog? Does a silly dog ​​look like this? But my sister-in-law and I look nothing like each other, so do I no longer have to be a silly dog?" Bai Hu asked.

"That's right, as long as your sister-in-law is captured and treated as a silly dog, you can no longer be a silly dog." Fenghuang seduced from the side with a devilish voice.

"Is this what co-authoring is? Who of you invented this strange rule on your own?" Linton couldn't help but said.

"Really?" Bai Hu's eyes seemed to light up suddenly, and Linton twitched. He probably knew what Bai Hu was going to say.

Sure enough, the next second, the white tiger here said happily: "Then let's catch my sister-in-law and treat her like a stupid dog."

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