For some reason, Linton felt that sometimes the Phoenix's casual words were darker than his own heart. In order not to be called a stupid dog, it would be okay if he directly prepared to drag the white tiger in front of him into the water.

"No need, I already told you that you won't be allowed to take anything alive back home." Linton said directly.

"But they also have a lot of good things..." Fenghuang said quietly.

Without saying a word, Linton said directly to Bai Hu: "Hmph, I was just about to catch you, but I didn't expect you to throw yourself into the trap. Since you are here today, don't even think about leaving. Just be brainwashed by me. , become my servant.”

"Damn... damn, despicable human being! I won't be your servant!" The white tiger here still showed a slightly frightened tone for some reason. It was obvious that this was an infant mythical beast that had never seen much of the world.

"That's not up to you... Wait, I've run out of master balls." Linton said, touching his pocket and taking out a high-level ball, "How about a high-level ball?"

"I don't!" the white tiger here roared.

"Then... then wait a minute and I'll ask about the production progress," Linton said.

"What I mean is that any ball you mentioned will not work, I will not be caught by you!" The white tiger here roared.

"Come on, catch her." Linton waved his hand to Phoenix beside him.

"Little spirit, don't move. Just act like a silly dog." Phoenix beside him said immediately.

Seeing that the Phoenix next to him really supported Linton and started to take action, the white tiger here was really panicked and said quickly: "No, sister, don't come over. This human is controlling you, please wake up."

"Ah ah ah, I tried my best, but if it doesn't work, please don't move, or I will really do it." Phoenix said.

"No, you are a bit too perfunctory." Linton next to him couldn't help but said, yes, Phoenix's "struggle" really needs to be as perfunctory as possible. How can anyone not see that it is perfunctory? ?

It really does, at least the white tiger here really believes it. Maybe the phoenix just knew that the white tiger was stupid and just wanted to fool him.

"But... damn it, you despicable human being, you have the ability to challenge me to a duel!" White Tiger yelled at Linton.

"Are you sure?" Linton looked at Bai Hu here, "This is the first time I've heard such an outrageous request. Come on, come on, wait, I'll challenge her to a duel."

"Uh... Xiao Ling, are you sure?" Phoenix here also said, "You may die in a very ugly way in a while."

"Really, really? This human being is so powerful?" Bai Hu looked at Linton in surprise and said.

"No, let's take a step back and say, didn't this guy say that he was controlled by me? Why would you believe what she said?" Linton said.

"Yes... that's right." Bai Hu suddenly realized, "That's it. Now I can't believe what my sister said. Then... what should I do? What should I do now..."

"How about... you just surrender and become a stupid dog." Fenghuang suggested here.

"No, I don't want to become a stupid dog!" Bai Hu roared.

"What's the difference between you and a stupid dog now..." Linton couldn't help but said.

"If you don't act like a stupid dog, your existence will be meaningless, you know?" Phoenix continued to educate with all his strength.

"The purpose of co-writing it is to get rid of the title of this stupid dog for you, right? Your evil has been overflowing beyond cover, okay?" Linton couldn't help but say.

"Uh-huh." Phoenix here held his head high and looked proud.

"I already told you that I'm not complimenting you. How can someone take this as a compliment? You're so smart... you're not a ejaculate, are you?" Linton yelled.

"I mean, I think my idea is very clever." Phoenix was ready to explain.

"I don't know what to say about you in every sense." Linton said, "Forget it, hurry up and get to work. Come to the ball, or I'll beat you."

"I...I don't!" The white tiger here said immediately, "Don't even think about it!"

"It's not up to you... Hahaha, it shouldn't be Jie Jie Jie... MD, I really don't look like a bad person when I smile." As he said that, Linton opened a portal directly next to him and stuck his head in. Go in.

On the other side of the portal was Asuna, who was debugging the machine. When Linton suddenly poked his head over, she didn't react. She asked while working, "What's going on?"

"Where's my master ball?" Linton asked.

"The machine is still being installed, it's still early." Asuna replied, "Conservatively, it will take another 15 hours to produce the first master ball."

"Blank!" Linton cursed directly.

"Are you... going to catch something again?" Asuna asked.

"Another silly dog..." Linton said.

"Don't bring silly dogs home," Asuna said, "It will affect your work."

"But her family has money," Linton said.

"Then just tie him up," Asuna said.

"What am I doing?" Linton said. "Do I have any other choice besides throwing high-level balls?"

"What kind of system?" Asuna asked.

"Ah?" Linton heard this and turned to look at the white tiger here, and then asked the Phoenix next to him, "What kind of attack attribute does this guy prefer?"

"Uh... in terms of the five elements, it belongs to gold." Phoenix was actually able to follow Linton's train of thought.

"Steel-type Pokémon." Linton turned back and said.

"What about the weight? Is it heavy?" Asuna asked.

"How much do you weigh?" Linton turned to Bai Hu and asked.

"???" The white tiger here is full of question marks.

"I don't know, I guess it's about two or three times." Linton turned back and said without waiting for Bai Hu's answer.

"Is that property a light metal?" Asuna continued to ask.

"How do I know where you have so many problems?" Linton yelled directly. He was not a very patient person.

"If the weight is enough, you can throw the weight ball, but if it doesn't work, just throw the timing ball." Asuna took out a bunch of weight balls and timing balls directly from the bag and said, "I will do the master ball as soon as possible, and try to do it within ten hours. Get it done, and if it doesn’t work, just hit it with a ball for ten hours.”

"You are really good at being a human being. Being hit by balls for ten hours makes me want to kill myself." Although Linton said this, he came back directly with a lot of balls.

"This... so many?" Looking at Linton holding a bunch of balls, the white tiger here immediately panicked.

"Okay, let's start catching." After Linton finished speaking, he looked at the white tiger here, and then suddenly looked at the phoenix next to him, "Will this guy be resurrected like you? Forget it, if not, I can help it resurrect, you Go up and peck it first, and then kill it."

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