I really can't control myself

Chapter 3090 Accident

"The upper world? It doesn't sound like a friendly place." The person who spoke was Aizen. Although he was not very kind, Aizen raised the corners of his mouth as he spoke, clearly as if he had found something interesting, "Sure enough, no matter what world it is, there is such a place."

When Linton found Aizen, he felt that there should be quite a lot of things in the upper world. It is slower to collect by yourself, but of course it is faster to find a few tool people to help.

Of course, Luo Shiming and the Sword Immortal Heavenly Group can't be counted on. They are somewhat useful in the Lingzhou Realm, but they will definitely not be of any use in the Upper Realm. Maybe all the people there are sweeping the floor. Much higher than their cultivation level. Therefore, Linton could only take his own people to work.

As for whether Aizen can beat the immortal, Linton is not sure. He seems to be quite confident. To be honest, Linton didn't know what level Aizen was at now.

Now this guy is experimenting on himself, and he doesn’t know what he added to his body. The dark demon blood before, and later the gods and ghosts in the God of War world were all studied by him. The specific research content Linton has no idea. not interested.

In addition, he is a genius in his own right. You can see that even skills like portal can be learned by the opponent by just watching. Therefore, after experiencing several worlds, Linton does not know what level of strength Aizen is.

As for Asuna, I can only say... I don't expect her to fight anyway. She is good at logistics. Just let her integrate resources with Aizen.

Of course, in addition to coming back to call for help, Linton also collected all the flying swords he had just cast at once. This time, the number of flying swords has soared to more than 5,400, which is considered to have completed half of Linton's goal.

Although the quality is uneven, they are all flying swords, and they have all been refined by Linton. They still have some combat effectiveness, even if they go to the upper world. It's just that Linton has almost drained the world of Lingzhou. You see, almost all the materials accumulated by the three sects have been trained into flying swords by Linton.

As for the latter, Linton decided to use materials from the upper world to refine it. It is estimated that the quality of the flying sword will be better. Of course, this matter is mainly left to Aizen and Asuna, because they have already learned how to refine the sword.

Yes, Aizen has begun to cultivate immortals here. To be precise, he should cultivate demons. Didn't he go to the Demon Sect and become the Demon Lord before this? Those skills of his are all skills obtained from the Demon Sect, and he can really practice them.

Now Aizen has learned how to refine weapons, and also got the method of sword refining from Tiefeng Mountain. Now he is refining in a decent way. As long as he has the materials, he can probably become a master of weapon refining.

As for Asuna, she still can't learn any skills, especially such idealistic skills. She probably couldn't understand what cultivating an immortal was. Moreover, things like spiritual energy mainly rely on the body to store them, and Asuna has no body at all. Unless she develops some method of cyber cultivation, she will not be able to practice spiritual energy.

As for sword refining, Asuna said she could use a blast furnace to refining steel, but how to use a refining cauldron to refining a sword? Sorry, I can't understand how high the temperature the material of this refining tripod can withstand? This refining cauldron is obviously so poorly sealed, why can it maintain the high temperature in the furnace? Why can these materials be successfully turned into metal alloys despite being incompatible with each other?

It can only be said that this thing in the world of immortality has almost burned out Asuna's CPU, causing her to seem a little confused now, and she can only do co-ordinating things.

After getting the remaining flying swords, Linton successfully collected enough points to purchase A-level spiritual energy.

Linton hesitated for a moment. After all, it was still short of average and he could just buy A-level Saiyan blood. He didn't even know what level the A-level Saiyan bloodline was. After all, he was already invincible with the B-level bloodline, and he had already figured out the Ultimate Intention Kung Fu himself. What else could he do with the A-level?

Do you want to try to get this A-level Saiyan blood?

After thinking about it, Linton decided... to directly purchase A-grade spiritual energy. After all, this thing is worth so much, so I can’t buy it wrong. Maybe... if I buy A-level spiritual energy, I can actually fly with a sword? That's a qualitative leap, right?

It’s safe to put it in your bag, click here to buy directly from Linton. A large number of points were wiped out, and his points dropped to more than 14 million again. Then he found that his total magic value increased by about 40%.

Yes, this is indeed an exaggeration. You must know how exaggerated his current magic value is. It has increased by 40% in one go. The effect is really amazing.

Then Linton excitedly took out his Flying Sword No. 1, called the Boss's Flying Sword, and was dragged by the opponent to fly in the sky for a while. In the end, he could only say the word "fuck".

Obviously, a qualitative leap did not occur, which made Linton somewhat melancholy.

You say it’s okay in this Lingzhou world. After all, there are ordinary people here, and only monks in the foundation-building stage can fly freely. The number of these people in the Lingzhou world is estimated to be only 1%, and most of them are still In the same situation as him, it's not obvious.

But in the upper realm, the entrance level is all immortal level, which means that everyone can fly. Doesn't this make him very embarrassed?

The most annoying thing is that Aizen can fly, and Asuna can also fly. Yes, Asuna is now embedded with the Mind Stone. She can almost be understood as Vision. Of course Vision can fly, and of course Asuna can too.

Is it really a world where everyone except you can fly? It makes Linton want to destroy the upper world directly. Why is there such an unfriendly world?

"Isn't this cheating me out of my money? What about the free flight we promised? Are my points thrown into the water?" Linton couldn't help shouting.

Of course, Linton could only be helpless and furious. No matter how loud he shouted, nothing would change. Just by doing this, Linton, who was already angry at Phoenix, now felt even more angry and wanted to find someone to vent his anger to.

Then Linton found it quickly. Because he had already finished the finishing work, he naturally set off directly to the upper world.

The teleportation point was naturally Chu Chengwen's side, but he didn't expect that when he teleported to Chu Chengwen's side, he found that he seemed to be... falling into a prison.

It was pitch black all around, and Linton immediately saw Chu Chengwen lying half-dead on the ground next to him, looking injured.

"What's going on?" Linton looked at Chu Chengwen with a confused look on his face and said, "What's going on, little brother? How come we haven't seen each other for a while, and why are you acting like this?"

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