Suddenly a ray of light lit up, and the black ball, which had just seemed a bit ordinary, emitted a strange light. This light is not just white light. If I have to say it, it is probably that kind of... colorful black?

"Ah!!!" Suddenly, a pitiful scream sounded out. What surprised Linton was that the one who screamed was not Chu Chengwen, who had been sucked out of his luck, but the statue. A scream that sounded like a human being or a ghost?

"What's going on?" Linton looked at the statue that suddenly hugged his head, feeling quite uncomfortable. Then he looked at Chu Chengwen next to him who also had a confused expression on his face. He was somewhat confused about what was going on.

"Do you feel anything here?" Linton asked Chu Chengwen, who looked like nothing was wrong.

"There's no special feeling." Chu Chengwen looked confused. It was indeed a little different from what he thought. He even thought that something might happen to him. In the end, not only was nothing wrong, but the guy opposite seemed to suddenly have a problem. Yes.

"Then what's going on over there?" Linton pointed at the screaming statue strangely.

"No, you ask me how I could know." Chu Chengwen said.

"Brother, can you stop yelling? Is this thing done?" Linton asked, pointing to the black ball that was still glowing.

"Ahhhhh..." The response to him was still an unpleasant scream. Not only that, there seemed to be something wrong with the body of the statue. The rocks on the body suddenly began to collapse, and began to fall down bit by bit. Lose.

Although the body of this guy is indeed a statue, Linton did not expect that this thing would really collapse like the statue. So what is the situation now? Linton was really confused.

The next moment, a strange situation suddenly appeared. With a loud, sharp sound like an alarm, the entire cave suddenly began to shake, as if a huge earthquake had occurred.

A large amount of sand and stones began to fall continuously with the vibration, and the vibration was getting bigger and bigger, and the falling stones were also getting bigger and bigger.

"No, what's going on here? Why does it seem like the world is about to be destroyed when you touch a ball?" Although the scene looked very tense, Linton was still joking with Chu Chengwen next to him. It's just an ordinary earthquake, a small scene. Even if it's really a planet explosion, for Saiyans anyway, planet explosions are still small scenes.

Suddenly there was a loud "click" sound, like the sound of something cracking. Linton saw that another beam of light suddenly shone in above his head, but when he raised his head, he saw the entire cave. The ceiling fell down.

"What the hell?" I didn't expect that just by saying it casually, it felt like the whole world was about to be destroyed. Linton didn't know if he really got it right. Could it be that if the protagonist's halo is sucked, will the world really be destroyed?

With a wave of his hand, Susanoo appeared directly behind Linton to help protect the surrounding area. Mainly because Linton didn't want to be buried covered in dust, which would be really uncomfortable.

With a loud "boom", the ceiling of the cave here hit directly underneath, and everything around him was destroyed in an instant, except of course Linton and Chu Chengwen next to him.

Linton didn't see the other people, such as old man Yu Yang and Mo Yu who had just survived. Although they were both immortal cultivators, they didn't know if they could escape after being hit like this.

Linton moved the Susanoo slightly and swept away the falling boulders. Fortunately, the collapsed part was not too exaggerated. It can also be said that the cave was not too deep from the ground. , so the current situation is that the hole has been filled in a bit. From the above, it has really turned into a sinkhole as Linton worried before.

Linton looked aside and saw part of the statue.

Yes, the opponent was relatively large, so it was not completely buried, but partially buried. Now only part of the torso can be seen, and the head, which has a lower SAN value, is also buried underneath.

However, the statue didn't move much and seemed unresponsive. This made Linton feel strange again, because the thing attached to the statue was obviously not a simple thing. Could it be that it had no ability to extract luck? Such a thing can't really be smashed to death by a few stones. Brother, are you too cheap?

Seeing that the other party really had no reaction, Linton even wanted to try to dig at the other party. After all, the sudden situation made him confused. He didn't know whether this luck-drawing thing would work, at least. At present, Linton has not received any hint of the valuables, and he does not know if it is related to ownership. Can Chu Chengwen succeed now? Linton was worried that knocking him down now would ruin the ceremony or something.

But just when Linton was controlling Susanoo to dig, red light suddenly shone down from above.

Noticing the strange situation, Linton raised his head and looked at the sky that had just been opened. Only then did he realize that there seemed to be something wrong with the current sky.

The sky outside suddenly turned blood red at some point. Not only that, the whole situation seemed to have a strange and terrifying feeling.

At this moment, the sound that sounded like an alarm sounded again, causing the entire ground to tremble again.

Linton heard it clearly this time. The sound actually came from the sky above. I hadn't noticed it before, but this time the sound was obviously louder and clearer than before. In other words, there seemed to be something making a sound in the sky outside.

And the vibration here seems to be caused by this thing. It was disturbed by someone.

Linton thought there was something unexpected at first, but he didn't expect a third party to intervene. This made Linton really annoyed. Just now everything was going in the direction he imagined, but something happened to cause trouble.

Thinking of this, Linton couldn't help but want to kill someone. Anyway, let's first see who is coming to cause trouble for us.

Just as he was thinking this, a huge figure suddenly crossed in the sky above, blocking the light in the sky again for an instant.

Seeing this thing streaking across the sky, Linton suddenly felt that it looked very familiar. It seemed like I had encountered this huge body with orange light just now.

"Damn it, isn't this the phoenix from Tianfeng Kingdom? Here it comes again?" Yes, Linton immediately remembered it. Isn't this the phoenix he killed just now? I thought about the other party saying that he would remember me before, but I didn't expect that he would actually come back to me again.

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