I really can't control myself

Chapter 305 Diversion

The visitor was naturally Vice Admiral He, and she recognized Linton at a glance. After all, she had seen him before during the war on the top.

"Black Demon Linton?" He was very surprised. Linton actually sneaked into their warship, and no one knew anything about it. This was really an exaggeration. But now is not the time to worry about how the other party came in. She has a very good relationship with Gion. Seeing what happened just now, she immediately asked: "What did you do to Gion?"

"What do you think?" Linton said with a smile.

"Release Gion quickly. You are already surrounded and it is impossible to escape." He said immediately.

"So where do you get your confidence from, and why do you think I'm going to run away?" Linton said, "Think about it carefully. I came here specifically just to run away from here. Do you think it makes sense? "

"What do you want?" Crane asked.

"I have only one request. I need this ship to change course and go to the Navy Headquarters." Linton said directly.

"What?" He was stunned again. She was considered resourceful, but she didn't understand what Linton's condition meant. The moment she saw Linton, all kinds of speculations about him coming here, that he had contact with Doflamingo to save people, that he came to them to settle the accounts of Ace's trade, etc., came to her mind, but no matter what They never expected that the other party would ask them to sail the ship to the Navy Headquarters. "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Didn't I make it clear enough? Drive the ship to the naval headquarters and I will release Gion." Linton said.

"You..." Did He really not understand what was going on and drive to the Navy Headquarters? Then aren't you throwing yourself into a trap? What does this mean? Linton shouldn't be that stupid, so what's the point of letting them do this?

Taking a breath, He calmed down a little and began to negotiate with Linton: "The Four Emperors, seizing a woman as a blackmail is not in line with your status."

"You are right." Linton said, "It is indeed inappropriate, but if we fight here, I am afraid that the ship will sink. It will be difficult for you to explain, and it will be difficult for me to explain, so I asked you to sail to the Navy. Headquarters, by then I will naturally release Gion and let you all deal with me together."

"..." He really didn't understand Linton's tricks.

"Don't think too much, I'm just here to fight with you." Linton said, "I just hate conspiracies and the like. If I want to fight against the Navy, I will fight head-on, not in vain. By the way, you can Contact the headquarters and be prepared, just tell me to call the door. But... I don’t have time to delay with you. How long does it take to get to the Navy Headquarters from here, Brother Ming? "

Doflamingo frowned slightly. He still felt uncomfortable hearing the name Linton, but he still said: "I guess... it's a two-day voyage."

"Don't waste time for preparations. You must arrive at the headquarters within two days." Linton said, "Go ahead and notify us and update the route. When we get to the headquarters, I will naturally release Gion."

"..." Linton's purpose was really unclear, but after thinking about it for a moment, she said, "I have to confirm the safety of Gion."

"A reasonable request." Linton said, "Come here."

He hesitated a little, but after thinking about it, he took a few steps forward. Linton also walked up to her. He was very cautious, as if he was ready to take action at any time. However, she also felt that Linton's knowledge was covering her surroundings. The other party had a hostage in hand, and she was a little helpless.

At this moment, Linton suddenly put his hand on her shoulder. The next second, the surrounding air twisted. Crane did not react at all and was directly sucked into the divine space by Linton.

What a coincidence, just as the crane disappeared, someone else arrived and happened to see the crane disappear. And this person is the former Navy Marshal Sengoku.

"Crane!" Warring States roared, and at the same time he was directly preparing to attack Linton.

"Are you really going to take action?" Linton's words suddenly made him stop. If it was Garp, this punch must have been delivered, but the Warring States Period was the Warring States Period after all, and it was not unreasonable to be called a wise general. At this time, he still stopped the car in time.

"You are really the gourd boys saving grandpa, you really come one by one." Linton said.

"What did you do to the crane?" Warring States roared.

"It's the same question again." Linton held his forehead, "I'm too lazy to answer them one by one. I'll tell you later when she comes out."

"Let her go!" Seeing Linton's perfunctory attitude, Warring States was a little anxious.

"Okay, look at the worried look on your face, I have no intention of catching her." After Linton finished speaking, his body shook for a while, and after the space was distorted, Linton pulled He and appeared in front of Warring States again.

"Let's finish reading." After Linton finished speaking, he let go of his hand. He also frowned. To be honest, she really didn't expect Linton's skills, and she fell for it accidentally. She thought she was also held hostage by Linton, but unexpectedly, Linton took her out again soon.

Although he was full of questions, He still came to Sengoku, walked to his side and explained the situation to him. What happened before, Linton's conditions, and what he saw when he entered the Divine Power Space.

Warring States was also confused after hearing this, and had no idea what Linton wanted to do. But the matter of the Divine Power Space gave him a headache. It seems that Linton has the ability to create a space. Fortunately, there are all kinds of special abilities in this world, so it is not incomprehensible. But now they know nothing about Linton's abilities, and Gion is in his hands again. According to He, she took a general look at the situation when she went in, and also asked Gion, but she has not found a way out so far. In this case, it would be difficult for them to take action against Linton.

"So, your request is to sail the ship to the headquarters, and then you will release Gion?" As a replacement for the general, of course Gion cannot be given up casually. Sengoku thought for a moment and asked.

"That's right." Linton said, "My only request is this, to sail the ship to the headquarters."

"I can't believe you." Sengoku said, "I don't believe you only have this request. I will not make a deal with pirates."

"Then... okay." Linton nodded and said, "The negotiations have broken down. I will go and get the heads of Gion, and then we can start a war here."

"Wait a minute." He suddenly said, "Warring States, it's better to agree to his request. Although I don't believe him, at least he let me out just now. Looking at this, it seems that at least his purpose is not to kidnap. .”

After speaking, He lowered his voice slightly and said, "We need time."

Of course, Sengoku was just talking, and he didn't intend to give up Gion so easily. After thinking about it, he said: "If the condition is just to sail the ship to the headquarters and then release the people, I can agree, but if there is If you ask for anything else, I will never trade with you again. Gion is also a member of the navy, and when she swore allegiance to justice, she was ready to sacrifice."

It means don't take hostages and continue to threaten them. Linton naturally doesn't care, he is just taking advantage of the boat. Linton smiled and said: "I have made it clear enough. My request is just to go to the Navy Headquarters. I will naturally release you wherever you go. There are no other requirements."

After saying that, Linton waved his hand directly: "There are still two days of flight, so you have to prepare well. By the way, I'm a little hungry and haven't eaten yet. It's time for dinner, right? Where is the restaurant?"

You are so arrogant that you actually plan to dine on their boat? Zhan Guo was so angry that he couldn't speak, but He nodded and said a few words to the soldiers next to him, which probably meant taking Linton to eat.

"Hey, at least let me out first." Doflamingo said. Although he got rid of the chains, the cell was also made of seastone, so he still couldn't get out.

"You stay here for two more days, and I will let you out when you get to the Navy Headquarters," Linton said.

Doflamingo is really furious. It seems that Linton is really planning to take him to the Navy Headquarters. Is this guy really planning to attack the Navy Headquarters alone? Can you please stop dragging yourself? If you don't let yourself out, you will obviously not let yourself escape. But there is nothing he can do now, he can only depend on the situation.

Linton was indeed taken to the restaurant, and the navy also helped him prepare a meal. After eating for a while, Warring States appeared again with He and the others. It seemed that they had discussed how to deal with him before, and they had probably discussed it with him. Naval headquarters has been contacted. And now, he probably came to test himself further.

"The ship is already heading towards the headquarters. What exactly do you want to do?" Warring States sat down in front of Linton and said.

"Have you contacted the headquarters? What did Red Dog say? I guess he asked you to take me back and prepare to kill me with your own hands, right?" Linton said.

"What conspiracy do you have? Whitebeard's fleet is currently struggling to deal with the pursuit of the Beast Pirates, and there is no way he would come to provoke us at this time." Sengoku said, "The person you have to deal with now should be Kai That’s right, what exactly are you going to do?”

"Don't think too much, I'm really just here to antagonize you." Linton said, "I just said, I'm not interested in conspiracies and the like. I will directly antagonize whoever I want, even though you arranged it for me. The route is for me to fight Kaido, but I don’t have to follow your plan."

"Are you planning to attack the naval headquarters alone?" Sengoku still didn't believe it. "I don't believe you will do this. You must be planning something. I warn you, no matter what you are planning, don't think that our navy is so easy to mess with."

"Don't you feel a headache from all the guessing?" Linton said, "You can worry about it yourself. You'll understand it in two days anyway."

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