I really can't control myself

Chapter 2999 Impersonation

Li Jinglong's appearance at Liu Wenxu's house surprised everyone. Didn't he just hear that the other party escaped from the battle, but he didn't expect that the other party would dare to come back. Doesn't he know how much the emperor wants to hack him to death on the spot?

Of course, it is now obvious that the emperor does not know about Li Jinglong's return, but he doesn't know why he came back secretly. Shouldn't he run to a place where the emperor can't find him?

"General Li is now the middleman for the king." At this time, Liu Wenxu next to him said.

As soon as these words came out, many people here had "I see" expressions on their faces.

You must know that when Liu Wenxue came to them at this time, the obvious thing to discuss was joining Li Ying's side. After all, knowing that the emperor was suspicious of them, he still invited them to the banquet. It was a bit obvious on purpose.

The reason why Liu Wenxu invited them over openly was because he wanted to make this matter obvious. If you don't want to participate, just don't come, and they won't take you. Once you come, you are on the ship. Otherwise, if something happens, how are you going to explain to the emperor that you are really just here for a meal? Will the emperor believe it?

They all know what is going on with the emperor, and once they attend, they will take sides. As for whether the emperor will settle accounts with them now, the emperor is probably thinking about escaping now, and there is nowhere to control them now.

But what I didn't expect was that I could see Li Jinglong here, and the other party was already Li Ying's person? Does that mean that when 100,000 people were wiped out by the opponent before, Li Jinglong was already on the opposite side? Or earlier? Then Li Jinglong was Li Ying's man during the coalition?

Thinking about it this way, things seem to make sense. Otherwise, hundreds of thousands of troops would be defeated at every turn. They still haven't figured out what the situation is, but if Li Jinglong and Li Ying had secretly communicated with each other, This makes sense if you think about it.

Yes, these ministers had no doubts about Li Jinglong's words. They simply accepted it as they thought they were smart.

Of course, Li Jinglong was very panicked. After all... he had no contact with Li Ying at all. But to be honest, in the current situation, no one believes that they have no contact at all. Otherwise, the coalition forces were defeated so miserably that they don’t even know how to explain it.

Li Jinglong came back from this adventure to do something big. After he escaped, of course he also thought about how outrageous what he had done was, and he couldn't help but be shocked. Do you think Emperor Li Qing can spare him?

But if he doesn't come back, what will he do with himself in the future? Just run away into the mountains and live in anonymity for the rest of his life?

Of course Li Jinglong refused. Although he was not granted a title, he was still half a prince and of royal blood. How could he accept such a thing. But now this was the situation again. Unwilling to do so, he spent all his brain cells thinking for a while and finally thought of a way.

The emperor definitely couldn't stay any longer, but what about Li Ying? He escaped and heard a lot of comments along the way. The current news cannot be stopped at all. After all, Li Ying's army is already heading towards the capital.

As for what the news said about him, everyone was saying that Li Jinglong was simply Li Ying's undercover. Otherwise, how could the imperial army be defeated so easily? He, the marshal, was not the marshal of the imperial court at all, but the opposite Li Ying. The marshal of Ying.

These words inspired Li Jinglong. Since he was already said to be the opposite person, why not just settle the matter.

It was definitely impossible for the emperor to spare him, but he and Li Ying had no mortal grudge. Could it be that after Li Ying ascended the throne, she could still settle accounts with him? What kind of account is it, the account that I lost to him?

But now that he surrenders to Li Ying, there seems to be no benefit except being laughed at. He doesn't want to be so embarrassed. If he can't do anything, even if he survives, he will be laughed at by others for the rest of his life. Survive.

Li Jinglong obviously doesn't want to accept that kind of future. So Li Jinglong thought about it, and made it true that he has always been on Li Ying's side. Since he has always been on Li Ying's side, who dares to laugh at him about his defeat, right? He has worked hard for this. lurking in the enemy camp, this is not a joke, but a great achievement.

But the problem is how to confirm this matter. Is it possible for Li Ying to help him clarify this matter? Of course it's impossible. Why would Li Ying help him, just because he is Li Ying's nominal uncle? The other party will only agree to do this for him after he is full and sustained.

However, Li Jinglong quickly figured out a way, which was to do something to stop Li Ying's mouth. And this matter, of course, if it is a great achievement, relying on this great achievement to prevent Li Ying from taking the initiative to expose herself, then she can just make it up on her own.

And Li Jinglong's appearance here was naturally for this great achievement. And the name of this great achievement is naturally... Xiancheng.

As far as the defense of the capital is concerned, even if there are not enough troops to defend now, the attack can be defended for a long time before being defeated. As time goes by, things will naturally change. Li Ying definitely doesn't want to have long nights and dreams. Naturally, she wants to conquer the capital as soon as possible and ascend the throne as emperor as soon as possible.

This is also his only remaining opportunity to make meritorious deeds, and Li Jinglong obviously cannot let it go. Give this credit away, even if Li Ying can guess what he means, he should not be embarrassed.

But this city cannot be dedicated simply by offering it. Even in the current situation, the capital can be described as impregnable. It is really not easy to dedicate the city.

Li Jinglong actually has some wealth in the capital, and this is because he has never been banned. If he had a fief, then of course his family would be in the fief and not on the capital side.

But can these family assets allow him to successfully donate the city? It's obviously impossible.

So Li Jinglong also quickly thought of a way. Since he was already pretending to be someone from Li Ying's side, he might as well forget about pretending and now use Li Ying's name to recruit people. Isn’t it because there are not enough people? So let’s recruit people to help.

Based on the current situation, he guessed that many ministers in the capital wanted to surrender to Li Ying, and he happened to be the middleman.

So he found Liu Wenxue first because he was already on good terms with Liu Wenxue. Moreover, Liu Wenxue was the first person he went to when recommending him. It is estimated that the current situation of the other party is not good, and the emperor will definitely come to settle accounts with him in the future. This should be convenient for persuasion.

Li Jinglong was right. Liu Wenxu pinched his nose and boarded Li Jinglong's boat, which led to the current situation.

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