I really can't control myself

Chapter 2981 God of War

"The aura of the God of War?" When Li Ying heard this, she suddenly began to pay attention to it.

Yes, he didn't pay much attention to this emperor's uncle who was actually a few years younger than him at first. After all, he wasn't very familiar with this emperor's uncle.

Unlike the royal family that was sealed away like him, when the Fourteenth Emperor was born, the old emperor and his people were almost gone.

When the fourteenth emperor's uncle was 2 years old, his emperor father passed away. Naturally, the current emperor and Li Ying's father are the ones on top, and he, the 2-year-old prince, has never been granted the title.

Originally, when the Fourteenth Emperor's uncle came of age, logically, his father, who was the emperor, should also help his father to seal him. After all, he was also a prince.

However, when he just came of age, his emperor brother died again, and the current emperor Li Qing took over.

Then he, who had just grown up and became an imperial uncle, was very embarrassed. Although the newly ascended emperor is considered his nephew, he is actually older than him. Originally, he, a relative of the emperor, should have received a fief after he came of age, but for some reason everyone seemed to have forgotten about him, and there was never any reward.

Two more years later, probably realizing that he might not be crowned king, Li Jinglong applied to join the military. This matter was done in a high-profile manner, because it was actually not very appropriate for a royal family to join the military. He probably wanted to make a scene to let the emperor know that he existed.

However, the strange thing is that the emperor really got it right, and it was a route that he had never thought of, so he didn't know what to do for a while.

Unexpectedly, he has done quite well in the military in the past few years, but it is only good. To be honest, before today, Li Ying had never seriously looked at this uncle of the Fourteenth Emperor, who had no sense of existence. As for why he was able to become the head coach of the crusade against the rebels, Li Ying was a little confused.

However, Linton's comment from the God of War finally made him fall in love. After all, Linton’s current status is that he is Li Ying’s idol, right? Li Ying was still very conceited about his military skills before, but after seeing Linton's clever calculation, he was completely convinced. Linton said that the other party was the God of War, and that was the real God of War. He didn't have the slightest doubt.

"If this guy is so powerful, will our plan continue?" Li Ying asked carefully.

"Awesome?" Linton looked at Li Ying strangely, and then realized that the other person seemed to have misunderstood what the God of War meant. It was difficult to name this unlucky boy, but he chose to call him Li Jinglong. If you dare to lead troops to fight with this name, you are asking for death.

"Of course, continue, we are fighting elites, understand?" Linton said.

"I see, if you ask me, a good son-in-law is the real God of War." Li Ying next to her now completely blindly worshiped Linton and nodded immediately.

"No, why are you swearing?" Linton couldn't help but said. As the first-generation God of War in the Ming Dynasty, Li Jinglong will be followed by the second-generation true God of War. Does Li Ying mean to let herself become the second generation God of War? This is not what disgusting oneself is.

"Huh?" Li Ying was of course confused. He didn't understand why he was swearing.

"Do you know what it means to be called the Son of Heaven?" Linton suddenly asked.

"Called Men Tianzi? What is it?" Li Ying asked.

"From now on, you will be called the Son of Heaven, do you understand?" Linton quickly put his hat on this ignorant man, "Aren't you rebelling now? Will you become the Son of Heaven in the future? Every time you attack the city in the future, you will be called the Son of Heaven." You are the first to call the door and ask the people inside to open the city gate. As time goes by, you will be nicknamed the Gate Emperor. Do you understand this is called setting up a person?"

"Huh? Character design?" Li Ying obviously didn't understand.

"You see, when someone mentions you in the future, they will say, isn't this the one called Li Ying, the emperor of the family? What a nice name, it will help you become famous, don't you think so." Linton said.

"Oh...I see." Li Ying nodded. It sounded good, but for some reason, seeing Linton's half-smiling face, she always felt like there was something wrong.

But after all, Li Ying is still in the stage of blind worship, and of course he nods along, thinking that Linton, a good son-in-law, is obviously impossible to harm him: "Okay, from now on, when I attack the city, I will personally call the gate, and from now on I will call the gate emperor." .”

"Pfft..." Linton almost couldn't hold it back, but he patted Li Ying on the shoulder and said, "Yes, from now on you will be called Men Tianzi, and this nickname will be spread among your subordinates. You can call him a few more times. The character is established.”

Linton knows how to disgust people. Li Ying asked him to be the God of War, but he first became the emperor of Li Ying. Li Ying herself is quite satisfied with this title.

Although Li Ying still didn't understand, she asked about the business at this time: "Now that the Fourteenth Emperor has become the leader, will he discover our actions?"

"Does it matter whether we are discovered or not?" Linton waved his hand and said, "Do you think they can win if we are discovered by them?"

"Huh?" Li Ying was stunned. Given the current situation, he thought they would definitely be doomed if they were discovered. But Linton said he was not afraid of being discovered at all?

Yes, Linton was no longer in the previous military camp at this time.

After the previous battle at Wutao River, Wangmen's vanguard army was completely defeated, Wangmen was captured, and the deputy general retreated for dozens of miles with the remaining army before entering the stronghold. Because the general was captured, he could only wait for the court's arrangements.

During this period of time, the situation on Li Ying's side naturally improved immediately.

Didn't Li Ying still have a unit that didn't participate in the battle because he didn't have armor? Now this unit has naturally reunited.

As for the armor and food, Wang Clan's troops didn't leave it for them. After the army of more than 100,000 people was beaten away, what was left behind was a large amount of baggage and food, which was enough to consume their troops of more than 10,000 people for a long time.

What's even more smooth is that the pontoon bridge on the Wutao River has not been broken yet. This bridge was built with the help of Wangmen, probably because of the large army passing through later. It was built very solidly. Although it was somewhat damaged after a big battle, it was repaired and it was still usable.

Because there was a floating bridge, Li Ying's follow-up army soon arrived to join them.

This subsequent army totaled 80,000 people, led by Li Ying's eldest son Li Chengqiao himself. Originally, they didn't come that fast, but weren't they defeated and in danger before? Li Chengqiao came over anxiously, even leaving behind his baggage, and hurried to the front line.

However, when he arrived, he discovered that the situation had already turned around. Not only was his father fine, he also won a great victory.

Even if there is no baggage, it's not a big problem. The food here is all ready.

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