I really can't control myself

Chapter 2972 ​​Capture

There was a "plop" sound, and in the astonished eyes of the surrounding soldiers, Wang Men fell from his horse.

Yes, the surrounding soldiers saw Wang Men and Xu Jing galloping on their horses. After just a moment of fighting, Wang Men fell off his horse in the next second.

"Bastard!" Wang Men, who fell from his horse, was furious, and the anger in his chest surged out.

He was tricked, and the hateful young general across from him rushed towards him as if he wanted to fight him for his life. He also thought that the other party would definitely attack him with all his strength.

Naturally, he would not push too hard, and he would also use all his strength to strike at the opponent.

However, he did not expect that the weapons on both sides collided, and he realized that the other party was not prepared to compete with him in terms of strength. The moment the weapons of the two sides collided, Xu Jing's spear turned slightly, directly releasing his power.

By the time the Wang Clan reacted, it was already too late to withdraw their strength. He was led by the other party to lean forward. Before he could stabilize himself, the other party followed up with another sweep.

This blow wasn't heavy, but it was enough to knock him off his horse.

At this time, Wang Men realized that he had been fooled and was completely manipulated by the other party.

When he saw that the other party was a young general he had never seen before, he felt a little contemptuous. Because in the night attack last night, Zhang Ting, the most famous general on Li Ying's side, had been killed by him, and his head was still there.

Therefore, Xu Jing's taking over as the Pioneer Officer was not greatly hindered. After all, the previous Pioneer Officer died.

When Wang Men saw someone he didn't recognize, he felt that the other person was temporarily caught to support him. He subconsciously felt that when the opponent encountered a famous battlefield general like him, his reaction would definitely be to fight with all his strength, right?

He didn't expect that the other party would be so calm. Not only was he not in a hurry, but he even dug a trap for him.

And it was only then that he realized that the anxious person was himself.

The situation behind this was so bad, and he was the one who was eager to take down the opponent. It is because of this that the other party sees through it and is taken advantage of.

At this time, Wang Clan was filled with rage, but of course the main person who was angry was himself. Of course, he just fell off the horse because he was tricked by the opponent. His fighting power must still be there, and he did not suffer any damage.

But when he still wanted to continue fighting with the opponent, Xu Jing didn't give him any chance at all.

Just as Wang Men stood up and wanted to fight back, several soldiers rushed out from beside him, all of them from Xu Jing's Guards. Without saying a word, this group of people rushed towards the fallen Wangmen.

The Wangmen didn't even come back to their senses, and the next moment they were pushed to the ground by several big men, unable to move even if they wanted to.

Regardless of the actual situation, what the surrounding soldiers saw was that after just one round of fighting between the king and the opponent's general, he was directly shot down and dismounted by the opponent, and then captured alive on the spot.

It can be said that one careless move will lead to the whole game being lost. Although Wang Men understands the situation at this time, it is obviously impossible to save the situation.

"Despicable! Shameless guy! Uh..." Wang Men, who was being held down, started to curse, but after just two curses, he was held down by the big man again.

"Quick! Get the general back!" At this time, another man dressed as a general came to his senses and shouted.

When the soldiers heard the order, they subconsciously wanted to save people, but at this time Xu Jing had already returned on horseback, and Hengqiang immediately blocked the middle.

At this time, his whole body was covered in blood, but he exuded a powerful aura, standing between the two teams like a god of war.

The soldiers had just witnessed the enemy general's feat of defeating their leader with one blow. When they saw Xu Jing in front of them, they were frightened and stopped in their tracks.

However, in fact, although Xu Jing's martial arts skills are pretty good, he is far from being a god of war. It's just that his ability to grasp the situation and seize the opportunity is very strong. Now he was taking advantage of the situation and directly suppressed these soldiers, giving the people behind him time to capture Wang Clan.

Sure enough, within this delay, Wang Men had been captured and returned to the enemy's camp. It was obviously too late to save him at this time.

At this time, Xu Jing also shouted directly: "I have captured Wangmen alive, do you still want to continue to resist? Put down your weapons! Kneel down and don't kill!"

"Put down your weapons! Kneel down and don't kill!" Of course, the soldiers at the rear immediately followed suit and shouted. At the same time, Wang Men, who was tied up with five flowers, was also lifted up and displayed in front of everyone.

At this time, the morale of the soldiers on the court's side completely collapsed.

It was already a bit overwhelming, but at this time, I didn't expect that the commander on my side was captured alive by the enemy. It's still more embarrassing than being captured alive, which is more embarrassing than being chopped down.

The soldiers a little further away didn't know what was going on, but when they heard the uniform shouts, they turned around and saw their leader being tied up with a rope and being held up there. Then you say they still have the intention to fight. ?

With a "clang", someone immediately threw the weapon and ran away. This behavior was like a stone thrown into a lake, causing huge ripples. Once the first example appears, a large number of people will surely follow his example.

Sure enough, the troops on the front line that could still withstand it completely collapsed in an instant, and the entire military line completely collapsed. All the soldiers from the imperial court either fell to the ground and begged for surrender, or turned around and ran away.

At this moment, the victory was decided, and all that was left was how far these soldiers could run.

Of course, you can't actually run far away. The only way to survive is this pontoon bridge. How many people can this pontoon bridge pass?

In fact, there is no way to pass people. The current situation on the bridge is simply hell.

The people above were completely confused, and they were so crowded that they could no longer tell the direction. A large number of people continued to fall into the water, and no one knew who was squeezed in.

After Wang Clan was captured, the only person who could potentially prevent the current situation was helpless. All that's left is harvesting.

The whole scene was chaotic for a long time, until the deputy general on the other side of the river finally understood the current situation.

Because at this time he could already see that his troops on the other side had collapsed, which meant they were defeated.

At this time, he thought of burning down the pontoon bridge, but it was too late. Because at this time, the pontoon bridge here was full of broken soldiers running around, and he couldn't get close either.

Although he knew that leaving the pontoon at this time would be for the other side, he really had no choice. At this time, forcing the bridge to be burned is not only extremely troublesome, but also burns down the only retreat for one's own troops, which is very detrimental to military morale.

Yes, although the bridge collapsed, there are still many of our own people who have not returned. If he ordered the bridge to be burned, it would be a very rational act. After all, those people would most likely not be able to come back, but would the soldiers understand him?

Gritting his teeth, he could only order a retreat.

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