I really can't control myself

Chapter 2955 Endorsement

"Provocation?" Linton smiled and looked at Master Yuan Zhen, "Is the threshold of your Rihua Temple so high? Is it provocation to come to the door and ask for an explanation? Sure enough, you are not ready to think about what is wrong with you now. , others point this out as a provocation to you, it’s very good, it is worthy of being an authentic Buddhist religion.”

"Then Son of God, can you explain what my disciple Yi Cheng's fault is?" Master Yuan Zhen here also asked directly.

"What mistakes he made should come out from your mouths, otherwise you will never know how to write the word "reflection." Linton waved his hand and said.

Of course Linton didn't know what was wrong with Yi Cheng. If he had to say whether it was right or wrong, Linton couldn't even make it up. After all, he came here just to see the treasures of Rihua Temple.

But Linton was not prepared to discuss what was really right or wrong with this group of people from the beginning. When he came up, he directly determined that you were wrong. You should think about the specific wrongs yourself. As long as they think about it, they can always think of something wrong.

"You guy..." Master Xuanku next to him couldn't hold back again, but before he could speak, Linton directly raised two fingers of his right hand.

"I, Linton, swear by my Taoist heart that this conflict is all caused by Master Yichen's fault. If I make a false statement, my Taoist heart will burst, the sky will be struck by thunder, and my body will die and my Taoist will disappear!" Linton said directly word for word.

Upon hearing this, everyone present changed their expressions.

As I said before, oaths in this world are not made casually, not to mention that Linton swears with his own Taoist heart, which is already the highest level of oath.

Before this, most of the monks really thought that Linton was specifically looking for trouble. As far as they knew, it was absolutely impossible for the Buddha to be someone who would cause trouble for no apparent reason, and Linton could not open or close his mouth. They don't say what they did, and they are always asked to find the reasons themselves. Why do they deliberately avoid this?

But after hearing Linton's oath, everyone really began to doubt themselves.

No one would make such a joke. If you use an oath to tell nonsense, at least your Taoist heart will be broken, and at worst, it will cause Lei Jie to fall on the spot.

Seeing the changing expressions of these people, Linton almost couldn't hold back. This trick is really easy to use. Linton just swore casually before, and Li Xiaoyue completely believed in him. Now this time, you can tell by looking at the faces of these people that they also believe it.

Such a thing as the Taoist Heart did not exist in the first place. Even though Linton purchased B-level spiritual energy, he still didn't feel anything like Taoist heart.

Besides, Linton also tried it with Gou Xin. If the same thing happened, Gou Xin would be struck by lightning and he would not attract anything. Therefore, it is obvious that because I am not a person in this world, I will not cause the cause and effect of this world.

Then swearing becomes quite easy to use.

In the past, Linton had to make up excuses for his nonsense. Now, although Heavenly Dao can't control him, it is already endorsing Linton invisibly. In other words, Linton can talk nonsense as much as he wants, and now he doesn't even have to find a reason.

Taking advantage of Tiandao, Linton naturally spoke with abandon. So this time Linton came to trouble, just talking nonsense.

"Do you understand now? Who is at fault this time?" Linton looked at the people around him with sudden expressions and said.

"Could it be that Yichen really did something dirty? But..." A monk next to him murmured. Linton swore that he really believed it, but he really couldn't imagine what wrong Yichen could have done. Things come up.

For Linton to visit like this, Yi Cheng must have done something hugely wrong. If it was just a small mistake, Linton couldn't have killed someone and come to him to demand an explanation, right? Now the other party not only came to the door, but also swore with Taoist heart. If there was something wrong with what he said, this person would have been killed by heaven's punishment.

There is only one explanation for the current situation. Yi Cheng made a mistake, and it was a huge mistake. But they really don't know the situation. The news from here and there hasn't come yet, and they have no idea what happened.

Before, they just believed in their disciples. Yi Cheng had indeed always performed perfectly, otherwise it would be impossible to become a disciple of the Buddha. But now they are really shaken.

"Amitabha." At this time, Master Yuan Zhen, who was above, put his hands together again and uttered a burst of Buddha's sound, which quickly calmed down the initially chaotic scene. Yes, it was not only the monks in the hall who were shaken at this time, but the monks outside blocking the entrance to the hall also heard the conversation inside.

Of course they believed in their own Buddhist disciples at first, but when they heard Linton's oath, they were of course shaken. Now the discussion outside was getting louder and louder, and Master Yuan Zhen had to say something to keep everyone quiet.

"Now do you know where you went wrong?" Linton asked directly.

"I...don't know." Master Yuan Zhen also told the truth.

"Oh, I don't know what to say." Linton nodded and said, "You can still be so arrogant at this point. You are worthy of being the abbot of Rihua Temple, a thousand-year-old temple. But heaven and earth have their own justice. You want to deny it..."

Before Linton could finish what he said, Master Yuan Zhen said immediately: "We just really don't know, it's not that we don't admit it. Although we really don't know what kind of mistakes Yichen has committed, since the Son of God has already treated Heaven I swear, I also believe in the words of the Son of God. At this time, the fault is ours."

"Oh." Linton nodded with a smile. He just said a few words and the other party actually recognized him. You see how effective this swearing is.

Master Yuan Zhen's words were regarded as an admission of error, and no one among the surrounding monks raised any objections, because they really believed Linton's words.

Up to now, their minds are still thinking about what wrong thing Yicheng did, and they are trying to find ways to put various charges on Yicheng to see if it is suitable.

Of course, if Yi Cheng knew about this situation, he probably wouldn't be able to hold it down even with the coffin boards. He really didn't do anything, and it's an eternal injustice.

"Even if you don't know where your mistake is, it doesn't matter." Linton said directly, "I didn't expect you to understand it from the beginning, as long as you are willing to admit it. Then, Master Yuanzhen, as the master of Yichen, If the teacher fails to teach, should you give me an explanation?"

"Amitabha, what the Son of God said is right, I really should give you an explanation." Now that everyone has admitted their mistake, Master Yuan Zhen here doesn't insist on anything. He also felt that he had a responsibility for failing to teach his apprentice well, and he was still responsible.

"Okay, you can just sit down and die on the spot." Linton finally said his ultimate goal.

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