After all, it is also one of the three top sects. If Rihua Temple really joins forces with the royal family, this matter will still be somewhat troublesome.

Although Linton has now integrated the Sword Alliance, Cang Qingshan and the Demon Sect, once the three sects go to war, it will be a world-shaking war and the entire Lingzhou world will be in turmoil.

Linton looked at the handsome little bald donkey in front of him. This guy is now the Buddhist son of Rihua Temple, and his status is similar to that of the god son. He is also the next abbot of Rihua Temple. If the other party insisted on meeting him, it would be somewhat difficult to avoid it.

"What advice does this master have?" Linton asked casually.

"The Son of God can just call the little monk the title of Yi Cheng." Yi Cheng naturally does not accept the title of Master casually. For Linton, the title of Master has little weight. Any beggar on the roadside can call himself a master. , but it’s different in this world, and it’s not something ordinary people can afford.

Even if Yi Cheng is now a disciple of Buddhism, he does not dare to call himself a master. Only those of his master's level can be honored as masters.

"Then what's the matter with you?" Linton asked directly, not bothering to engage in any conversational etiquette with the other party.

"The poor monk just wants to ask, what is the relationship between Cang Qingshan and the Sword Alliance, and what is the relationship with the Demon Sect?" Yicheng probably saw that Linton was a little impatient, so he went straight to the point. , and he doesn't like to beat around the bush or talk about things.

"What is the Sword Alliance? There is no such sect at all now." Linton waved his hand and said, "Now the Sword Alliance has been merged into Cang Qing Mountain. It is currently the Sword Alliance branch stationed in Cang Qing Mountain."

Yicheng frowned, it was not like he had never heard of such rumors, because it was said that Jian Wuer, the head of the Sword Alliance, seemed to have admitted this matter himself.

So since the leader has admitted it, why do people still have questions? Isn't this incredible?

A sect that has been passed down for thousands of years, one of the three top sects in the Lingzhou world, is gone? Was it annexed directly?

Then you say that if Cang Qingshan and the Sword Alliance really go to war, and the fight is dark and dark, and after the fight, both sides say that the Sword Alliance has been annexed by Cang Qingshan, then they can be more accepting.

But the problem is that they have never experienced this at all, and there has been no big battle. It seems that the Sword Alliance has become a branch of Cangqing Mountain for some reason. Do you think they can accept this?

Of course, Issei had already inquired about some information, but again, it was really hard to believe that one of the three sects was so calm. It was strange to hear this.

"Then...where is the Demon Sect?" Yi Cheng did not ask carefully, but continued to ask.

"What kind of demon sect? There is no such thing now." Linton waved his hand and said, "The nine sects of the previous demon sect have all abandoned evil and embraced good. All of them have joined Cang Qingshan. From now on, there will be no demon sect in the world of cultivation. .”

"..." It can only be said that it is somewhat outrageous. Although Yi Cheng has thought of such a situation, but hearing it from Linton's mouth with his own ears, it is obviously still unacceptable.

He had already known before that the people from the Demon Sect seemed to be working for Cang Qingshan, especially the people from Tiefeng Mountain, who were practicing swordsmanship for Cang Qingshan every day.

The reason why he was able to receive such news was not because those big businessmen, who used to rely on intermediary transactions between the decent and the demon sect, now that the middlemen have been eliminated, cannot make the difference and cannot survive. One by one, they came to him to complain, wanting the remaining three sects to make the decision for them.

Slogans were shouted all about good and evil being incompatible, how could the decent sect collude with the Demon Sect, etc. Let them, Rihua Temple, make the decision. In fact, all I think about is my own business.

To be honest, when I heard this statement, I still didn't believe it. But after these few days of observation and intelligence gathering, he really had to believe it. And now that I have received the final affirmation from Linton, it is of course impossible not to be shocked.

At this time, the second prince Li Chengfeng next to him was already stupid. Yes, he really knew about this matter just now, because originally these matters were matters in the world of cultivation, and not much news was released. He did know that Cang Qingshan had elected a new son of God, but he didn't know that both the Sword Alliance and the Demon Sect had been annexed by Cang Qingshan.

Originally, he came here to find out what the specific situation was, but his father told him that his uncle had rebelled, and Cang Qingshan might be supporting him behind the scenes, asking him to come over and ask about the specific situation.

Li Chengfeng actually didn't know much about this situation, but he judged based on experience that Cang Qingshan would not care about the royal family's affairs. But he knew that his imperial uncle had a daughter practicing in Cang Qing Mountain. Since it was related to her, maybe an elder from Cang Qing Mountain was involved?

For example, is Li Xiaoyue's master plotting something behind Cang Qingshan's back? He felt that it shouldn't be a big deal if he came over and asked Cang Qingshan to review the situation internally.

But when he came over and met Master Yicheng, he realized that Li Xiaoyue's master had died long ago and his grave had been erected. After a little analysis, the two came to the conclusion that the person causing trouble was most likely the newly appointed Son of God.

But Li Chengfeng really didn't know about the Sword Alliance and the Demon Sect. Yicheng over there was not sure about the authenticity of these two things at first, so he didn't say anything at all. Now that he suddenly heard this, wasn't he shocked?

After all, he is a prince, so he is quite familiar with the political struggle in Zhengzhou. So what does Cang Qingshan want to do now? It feels like something big is going to happen.

"Son of God." Master Yicheng, who had come back to his senses at this time, saluted Linton again, and then asked seriously, "May I ask the Son of God, what exactly does Cang Qingshan want to do? Is it to unify the Lingzhou world? ?"

Hearing Master Yicheng's question, Li Chengfeng immediately looked towards Linton. After all, he had just wanted to ask about this.

"Ah? That's so troublesome." Linton waved his hand. He wasn't hiding it, this was simply a robbery. First he robbed the entire Sword Alliance faction, and then the Demon Sect. Now Linton is forcing these guys to work for him, collecting resources to forge flying swords.

As for unifying the Lingzhou world, Linton really found it troublesome. Why unify? All Linton wants is money.

"Then I would like to ask Shenzi, what is the status of Rihua Temple in the future planned by Shenzi?" Yi Cheng asked bluntly.

"You poor guys, do you want to hang out with me?" Linton said with disgust, "Please look in the mirror and see what's in your pocket before you ask this question."

After finishing speaking, Linton looked directly at Li Chengfeng next to him without waiting for Yi Cheng to reply. Yes, he really has no interest in Rihua Temple. Answering a few questions is just to save face. At this time, he was more interested in the royal family: "What about you, are you interested in joining Cang Qing Mountain? Join now and you can enjoy many discounts."

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