I really can't control myself

Chapter 293 On the Boat

"Mr. JOJO, please put down player Zoro Juro. He needs immediate treatment. We have a complete medical room over there." When Linton came back with Zoro in his arms, the staff came up and said to Linton.

"Zoro!" Luffy rushed up immediately and was very nervous when he saw Zoro covered in blood. Of course, he didn't take action against Linton or anything like that. Luffy still knew the difference between right and wrong. This time it was Zoro himself who proposed to fight Linton. Of course, Linton couldn't be blamed for what happened.

"There is no need for treatment." Linton said directly.

"How can this be done? Player Zorojuro is so injured that he will die if not treated!" The staff next to him said quickly, "Please let us treat him."

"Yeah!" Luffy also said.

"It is precisely because of the severity of the injury that special treatment is needed." Linton said, "I will go back to the ship first and hand him over to the ship's doctor for treatment."

"I see!" Of course Luffy trusted Chopper's medical skills very much, so Linton naturally had no problem with leaving Zoro to Chopper for treatment.

Linton didn't dare to hand Sauron over to the staff, and any talk of treatment was nonsense. In fact, the artificial Devil Fruit factory they are looking for is located underground in the arena, and all the employees in the factory are toy people. Yes, all the gladiators who failed in the arena were thrown into the underground factories to be used as tool men, working to death for the Don Quixote family. It didn't matter to others. After all, Sauron belonged to the protagonist group, so he still had to protect him. of.

"The arena has been sealed!" the staff here said immediately, "Even if you are the champion of Area B, we can't make this special case for you. Now it's impossible to open the arena. Leave him to me. Let’s treat it!”

"What should we do?" Luffy asked anxiously.

"Don't worry. Anyway, I'm going back for treatment first. Just wait for the game with peace of mind. Don't be careless. I'm still waiting for you in the finals." After Linton said that, a white light flashed and he disappeared with Sauron.

"Huh? Where are the people?"

"What's going on?" Of course the workers were also confused. But Luffy trusted Linton very much. Since Linton said it was okay, it should be fine.

Linton also left the Flying Thunder God's mark on the Wanli Sunshine. After all, it was the protagonist's group, so it was more convenient to leave a mark. At the same time, Luffy also has Linton's mark on his body, so it is very convenient to go back and forth.

In a flash of white light, Linton appeared on the deck of the Wanli Sunshine. At this time, there were only four people left on the boat, Chopper, Nami, Brooke and Momonosuke. The four of them were enjoying tea on the boat and playing a game of pretending to be a general. Suddenly Linton appeared in front of them carrying a bloody man, which scared them all into the shape of the world-famous painting "The Scream".

"Lin...Mr. Linton?" Brooke reacted first, "The person waiting for you is..."

"Zoron!" Chopper reacted. Linton just put Zoro on the ground. Chopper immediately went over to check the wound.

"How could Zoro be so injured? What kind of strong enemy did he encounter?" Nami asked while helping to get the towel.

"That strong enemy is me." Linton held his forehead, "I'm sorry that I was beaten like this, so I said it would be dangerous to challenge me."

"So it's you!" Several people shouted at the same time, and at the same time they felt relieved that they were not looking for death. They had known about Zoro and Luffy's challenge to Linton before, so they didn't say anything. Seeing that Linton didn't even have a scratch on his body, it turned out that the Yonko was really strong.

"Uh... Anyway, I'm a bit out of control... Is there any hope?" Linton asked.

"It's very serious." Chopper checked briefly and said, "Carry him in first, and I'll make the potion..."

Brooke and Nami were just about to lift people when Linton suddenly frowned: "Is there anyone else on the boat besides you?"

"Huh?" Several people were stunned for a moment. Of course there was no one left. Everyone else had gone to the island. Who else was there?

"Oh... that's the enemy." Linton nodded and stretched out his hand directly in front of him, "All things are guided by the sky."

With a "bang", a figure crashed through the ship's plank and flew out. Linton grabbed the figure and just held it in his hand. Taking a closer look, he saw an... how should I put it, an aunt with a very unique look, especially her hair, which was orange and yellow on one side, as if something had happened to her. Linton had an impression that this person should be a member of the Don Quixote family. As for what it was called, I really can’t remember.

"Look at the good things you did!" Nami next to her pointed at the big hole in the wall and yelled, "Who are you! Why do you appear on our ship!"

"Damn it! Let me go!" The aunt here began to struggle, but Linton exerted a little force and the woman was almost choked to death. And this was the first time she saw Linton's face. At first glance, she suddenly seemed to remember something, and her body trembled unconsciously, "Wait... you... you are..."

At this moment, the door to the cabin opened, and several people with weapons rushed out. When they saw the situation above, they shouted directly: "Lord Jorah, are you okay? Damn it, how dare you attack Lord Jorah , help people quickly!”

"Wait!" At this time, Aunt Jorah also shouted quickly, and then looked at Linton, "You...are the Four Emperors, Gol D. Linton?"

"What?" Jorah's men were all shocked and immediately looked at Linton. However, they didn't know Linton, but who didn't know the name of the Four Emperors?

"You can actually recognize me." Linton also took off his sunglasses and said.

"Two years ago, I met you..." Jorah said. Indeed, when Linton came here two years ago, Jorah had met Linton, but he didn't say a word to Linton. Linton Of course, she had no impression of her, "How come you...are on the ship? Miss me...No, I really don't know..."

"Do you also need your permission to be a guest on my nephew's ship?" Linton asked.

"No...no...I didn't mean that..." Jorah seemed to be really panicked.

"Is she Doflamingo's subordinate? Why did she come to our ship?" asked Nami next to her. She should want Caesar for Flamengo, and he has been taken to the trade by Luo, and they have agreed to pay him back. If you gave it to the other party, why would you send people to the ship? Could it be that... you are not going to let them go and attack his ship or something?

"What did Brother Doflaming ask you to do?" Linton also asked.

"I...I will not betray the young master!" Jorah said.

"Look at me." Linton said, and Jorah glanced in Linton's direction unconsciously. As a result, Linton's eyes flashed red, and soon the Sharingan symbol appeared in Jorah's eyes, and he was completely hypnotized.

Linton immediately let go of his hand, and Jorah fell to the ground without any struggle. The men behind were a little confused, but they really didn't dare to come up after hearing the Four Emperors.

"What did Brother Doflaming ask you to do?" Linton asked again.

"Young Master asked me to capture Momonosuke... and then seize the ship..." Jorah's eyes were dull, and his voice had no tone. Something was obviously wrong, and everyone could see it.

"Momonosuke?" Nami and others were stunned for a moment. They could still understand why Doflamingo asked them to seize the ship, but what happened to capture Momonosuke?

"Why arrest Momonosuke?" Linton also asked directly.

"I don't know, that's the young master's order," Jorah replied.

Linton touched his chin. There was no reason for Doflamingo to arrest Momonosuke. It must have been an order from Kaido. Of course, although Linton knew it, he didn't bother to explain it. Nothing could be learned about Momonosuke, but Nami and the others soon thought of another troublesome place.

"What does Doflamingo want? Why does he want to seize our ship?" Nami asked.

"The young master never intended for you to leave the Kingdom of Dressrosa alive from the beginning. He has already arranged all the plans." Jorah said.

"What? Then the deal..."

"The transaction was also the young master's plan. In fact, the young master never resigned from the Shichibukai or the king. It was all to deceive you." Jorah said.

"Oh? How is this possible? But this news has been published in the newspaper." Nami said in surprise, "It's impossible. No matter how powerful Doflamingo is, he can't control the information in the newspaper."

"I do know a force that can do it." Linton followed Nami's words and then looked at Jorah, "Is Doflamingo a Celestial Dragon...?"

"What?" Nami, Brooke and others were shocked. Doflamingo is a Celestial Dragon?

"Yes, the young master has the blood of the Celestial Dragons and is the supreme noble of the world!" Jorah said immediately.

"This... this is not true. Doflamingo is actually a Celestial Dragon?" Nami said immediately, "But why doesn't he stay in the Holy Land Marigioa?"

"I guess he was expelled." Linton said, "I committed something and was kicked out, etc... But after all, I was originally a Tianlong, so I still have privileges. It is not strange to be able to change the information in the newspaper. ."

"Oops...Oops, if that's the case, then isn't the deal a trap! Aren't Usopp, Robin, and Law in danger?" Nami reacted and shouted, "We must tell them about this immediately, Chopper. , there’s a phone bug!”

"I can't spare any time!" Chopper was treating Zoro, and Momonosuke next to him handed over the phone bug.

"No... no answer? Why? Has something happened already?" However, after Nami dialed, she found that no one answered the call.

"Let's drive the boat over there first." After Linton finished speaking, he turned to Jorah and said, "You guys, jump into the sea by yourselves."

Jorah, who was controlled, didn't say anything and jumped directly into the sea. She was a Devil Fruit user, so of course she sank immediately after going down. The men next to him certainly didn't dare to do anything after knowing Linton's identity. After hearing Linton's words, they jumped down directly.

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