At this time, the defeated troops in Yongjin City were almost defeated, or there was not much resistance from the beginning. The reason why they have been able to hold on for such a long time is partly because the soldiers from Tianfeng City on Linton's side were really unable to fight, and they were so tired that they could hardly even swing their swords.

When he was full of energy before, he could lift a person's head with one strike. Now, if he slashes down with the sword, he can only cut the person with the force of his power. The opponent may still be able to stand up and continue running.

That is to say, the opponent is in a similar situation now. It is a battle of novices fighting each other. Otherwise, if the troops in Yongjin City are given enough rest, they might be able to fight back even if the camp is blown up now.

Another reason is that on the Yongjincheng troops' side, even in such a chaotic situation, there are still people who are persisting in organizing battles in an attempt to make a comeback.

Yes, this person is Ma Jun, Ma Yixiong’s adopted son.

At this time, Ma Jun just pulled the troops at hand to block the wooden door at the rear. Several defeated soldiers who tried to push the wooden door to escape were directly hacked to death by Ma Jun.

Killing the chicken to scare the monkey temporarily controlled the situation, and Ma Jun also took the opportunity to issue an order. Anyone who dares to run away will be summarily executed. If the front team dares to retreat, the rear team will kill the front team.

So Ma Jun temporarily guarded the wooden door of the tax collection station and temporarily stopped the defeated soldiers who wanted to escape. Since there was really no way to run away, many soldiers from Yongjin City also began to choose to rush back. After all, if they ran away, they would be hacked to death by the supervising team on the spot.

Of course, it's not just death threats. Those who can support this group of people in starting a counterattack are also the people from the Pegasus team who just appeared.

Everyone in Yongjin City naturally knows what kind of team the Pegasus is. The Pegasus team had just arrived, and now they were leaving to report the news. Of course, Ma Jun also knew what was going on, so he loudly told those who wanted to run that their reinforcements would arrive immediately, and the second young master would definitely bring people to rescue them. Their.

It was precisely because of this hope and the threat of military orders that the surrounding soldiers began to fight back.

Of course, Ma Jun actually didn't know whether their second young master would send reinforcements, but at this time, the only way to maintain the morale of the troops was at the bottom.

After a while, the troops from Tianfeng Kingdom also noticed the soldiers gathered around Ma Jun. The previous cavalry attack dispersed the soldiers outside them, and now they have killed at least half of the troops. It was only just now that I noticed that there was a group of people blocking the door.

And obviously this group of soldiers has begun to organize, which is a very dangerous signal. You must know that the number of troops on both sides is at least five times different. Even if half of Yongjin City's troops were scattered, there would still be more than them left. If they really organize themselves, there is even a possibility of losing.

Dong Ping, who had just stabbed an enemy to death, obviously saw what was going on over there. He also guessed that this change should be related to the Pegasus team that had just appeared, which gave the enemy hope, and the opponent began to counterattack.

They must not be given the opportunity to organize themselves. Dong Ping's thinking is also quite clear.

"There must be someone organized." Dong Ping immediately judged. Under such circumstances, only warriors who step forward can gather the defeated troops and organize resistance.

Dong Ping's eyesight was quite abnormal. At this time, a pair of eagle eyes looked back and forth among the crowd on the opposite side, obviously looking for the leader. Unfortunately, there are no obvious flags on the opposite side, and there are no people wearing golden armor wandering around. In this case, it is really difficult to find the opponent's general.

What to do if you can't find anyone? Dong Ping only thought for a moment and made a decision immediately.

If the opponent can step forward at this time, he must be a warrior, and he thinks that being brave doesn't need to be bad for the opponent. As the saying goes, when you meet someone on a narrow road, the brave one wins. If you can't find someone, just go head-on and force you to show up.

"Old General!" At this time, Dong Ping shouted directly in the direction of the old white-bearded Chiang Kai-shek. Seeing the old general on the opposite side turn around, Dong Ping pointed directly at the newly organized battle formation on the opposite side, "Do you dare to charge into the formation with me?"

The old general here saw the direction Dong Ping was pointing and quickly understood what Dong Ping meant. The two people didn't even need to communicate much, they understood each other's meaning in just one sentence.

Caressing his beard, the old general directly raised the sword in his hand, laughed loudly, and said loudly: "Why don't you dare!"

After saying that, the old general took the lead and charged directly towards the opposite battle formation.

The old general rushed so fast that even Dong Ping, who called him, couldn't catch up for a while, not to mention that his subordinates didn't react. All of a sudden, the old general rushed directly towards the battle formation of thousands of people. This situation made everyone who saw this scene a little confused.

Dong Ping, who was following behind him, felt a heroic spirit coming towards him, but he still immediately shouted: "Old General, wait a moment!"

He just asked the old general to rush with him. He didn't expect that the old general would rush forward alone, and shouted anxiously to the old general in front.

However, the old general here had no intention of turning around. Again, you can't let go of something like momentum once it's built up. Although he also heard Dong Ping's shouts behind him, not only did he not stop his horse, but he whipped his horse and rushed faster.

The troops in Yongjincheng here were really frightened by the momentum of this veteran who was charging towards them. They had little morale to begin with, and they were finally pulled up by someone. But in the end, such a fierce man directly pointed a knife at you. Rush, everyone immediately panicked.

At this moment, the old general hit his horse and jumped up, even jumping over the people in the front row. He swung his sword and struck a few people nearby. Suddenly, the bodies of several people split into two pieces, and they were still alive. Several people were directly knocked out.

Some of the soldiers nearby who were not hit were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground, while others rolled and crawled and ran back.

The old general also had no intention of stopping the killing. He pulled the reins and accelerated again. The long knife in his hand directly cut open the soldiers in front, and he actually continued to charge in.

At this time, Dong Ping, who was in the rear, led his troops, and the old general's troops also rushed towards the direction of the old general's path, and quickly drilled the passage to prevent the old general from being surrounded by the people around him.

With the old general as the vanguard, this cavalry team of about a hundred people cut an opening and rushed into the battle formation that had just been organized as if there was no one in the middle of nowhere. For a moment, no one could stop them.

Of course, this situation was soon discovered by Ma Jun. Without saying much, Ma Jun also directly raised his gun and hit the horse, heading towards the old general and killing him head-on.

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