At this time, in Yongjin City on the other side, along with the sound of "dong" being hit on the table, and the sound of the teacup falling to the ground, an angry man's voice sounded in the city lord's palace: "How dare you do this in this small country!"

"Brother, calm down." Another man next to him advised.

The person speaking at this time was a young man who looked to be in his twenties. He looked quite similar to Ma Hongmin, who was beaten to death by Linton. He was Ma Hongmin's second brother, Ma Mingyang.

On the other side, the furious man who had just smashed the table was Ma Yixiong's eldest son Ma Tianyong. After hearing the second brother's advice, Ma Tianyong here became even more angry: "Calm down? How do you want me to calm down? Tianfeng Kingdom is such a small country, how can they... how dare they?"

Although they are brothers from the same father and mother, the eldest son Ma Tianyong and the second son Ma Mingyang have quite different personalities.

Ma Tianyong's character is almost the same as his father's, while the second son, Ma Mingyang, feels more like a scholar, or counselor.

The characters of the two people were probably cultivated deliberately by Ma Yixiong. One studied martial arts and the other studied literature. It is a very suitable arrangement for the eldest son to inherit the family business and the second son to assist.

As for the third child, Ma Hongmin, I'm sorry that Ma Yixiong's energy is limited. The requirement for him has always been to not cause trouble, but of course it is obvious that he is basically unable to do this.

Ma Tianyong and Ma Mingyang have a very good relationship, but their relationship with Ma Hongmin is not very good, or to put it more clearly, they both look down on this third brother.

Of course what Ma Tianyong was angry about at this time was not the fact that Ma Hongmin was beaten to death. To be honest, they also thought that the third guy would be beaten to death sooner or later. Originally, they didn't like this little brother. They didn't say anything, but they always had the idea that he would die if he died.

The problem now is that their father was detained by people from Tianfeng Kingdom when he went to hold him accountable.

Yes, at this time, the two of them didn't know that their father had been hacked to death. The news was brought back by their father's guards, saying that the Tianfeng Kingdom wanted to arrest their father. His father asked the Guardsmen to come back and report the news, and he just stayed there.

"What are you waiting for? Second brother, call all the troops and set off immediately! I will surround the entire Tianfeng City!" Ma Tianyong roared angrily.

Ma Mingyang here didn't stop him, because according to the guards, his father probably meant to send troops to cover their return. But he must be thinking about much more than Ma Tianyong now. For example, what does his father mean by suddenly saying that he wants to break up the queen? Is he deliberately giving Tianfeng Kingdom a reason to make it more justified for them to send troops?

My father had often mentioned that the ancestors of the Tianfeng Kingdom did not seem to be of the human race. Although they were not wealthy in this place, the imperial court had to send a large army to watch them.

My father wanted to go to northern Xinjiang more and didn't want to be trapped in the southeast. You can't fight just by looking at it. So is this an excuse to use the topic?

Or is this some conspiracy of Tianfeng Kingdom? After all, Ma Mingyang couldn't figure out how Tianfeng Kingdom had the guts to detain their father. As the elder brother said, how dare they be so presumptuous in this small country? They don't really think that if they can detain their father, their tens of thousands of troops in Yongjin City will listen to their orders.

Today's situation is somewhat strange. Ma Mingyang was a little confused, but to be honest, he didn't want to think too much about it. His father should have done this with a plan. Anyway, it will depend on the situation at that time. The most important thing at the moment is to send troops.

With an order issued, the entire Yongjin City troops began to assemble. The general station in the city was densely packed with soldiers gathered from various ministries, totaling 55,000 people.

This is not the entire military strength of Yongjin City. There are even more than 8,000 defenders left, although it is unlikely that anyone will come to attack the city.

Such a force should be enough to wipe out the entire Tianfeng Kingdom. Ma Mingyang didn't know whether his father meant this specifically. Anyway, he should first prepare a force that could wipe out the entire Tianfeng Kingdom.

Obviously, the preparation time for such a large-scale troop dispatch could not be so fast.

However, their Yongjin City was originally a military fortress type city, and soldiers could be dispatched immediately at any time.

The most important thing is that the target Tianfeng City is relatively close. In the past, it only took two or three days at most for the army to arrive.

Because they were so close, they did not need to bring too much baggage when sending troops this time. The troops set off first and brought a few days of food and grass. If we really want to fight, the follow-up baggage team will just follow.

Ma Mingyang doesn't know if this battle can really be fought. If his father is just scaring the opponent and doesn't really want to fight, then the subsequent baggage team will not be used to recover the luck, right? It will really waste people and money.

So if we just send out troops, the army will assemble very quickly, and they can set off immediately after the assembly is completed.

At this time, Ma Tianyong had already made an impassioned statement on the stage about the current situation. When they heard that their general was detained by a small country like Tianfeng Kingdom, the soldiers were naturally angry. How dare these people?

"Everyone is here, set off immediately, surround Tianfeng City, and follow me to welcome the general back!" Ma Tianyong shouted.

"Surround Tianfeng City! Welcome back the general!" The soldiers below shouted crazily. It was obvious that their morale was extremely high.

Ma Tianyong waved his hand and the army set off.

Ma Mingyang did not go on the expedition with him. It was enough for his eldest brother to lead the team. His task was to sit in Yongjin City and at the same time mobilize and transport food and grass according to the situation.

Normally, the two brothers go on expeditions together, but this time it was mainly because their father was away. Ma Yixiong only has three legitimate sons, so one of them must be left in the family.

For some reason, while watching his eldest brother riding through the city gate, Ma Mingyang suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart. It wasn't that he understood anything, it was just sudden heart palpitations. I always feel like... something is wrong, something is going to happen.

But at this time, the army has already set off. Can he still say that he has some bad feelings and then tell everyone not to rescue their father?

On the other side, Ma Tianyong, who had just left the city, began to call on the troops to speed up. Even his father has been detained, how can he not be anxious? What's more, he didn't know why but he also had a bad feeling. He always felt that his father...

No matter what, Ma Tianyong was anxious and ordered the troops to speed up many times.

They kept marching at a fast pace, and soon it was night. They were supposed to set up camp on the spot, but Ma Tianyong didn't want to stop and ordered to rush all night to try to reach Tianfeng Kingdom as soon as possible.

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