I really can't control myself

Chapter 288 Arrangement

"Have a deal with Brother Ming? I really don't know about that," Linton said.

"Huh?" Luo was stunned for a moment. You are the acting captain of the Whitebeard Pirates. Don't you know? is that a lie.

"I haven't been back for a while, and I don't know what's going on there." Linton said, "Doflamingo and I are definitely not the same group, but I did come here to find him."

Linton thought for a while, and since the plot has come to this point, he should just follow the plot. Not to mention increasing the exploration speed, Linton still remembers that he knocked Doflamingo down last time, and that was really great. Now that two years have passed, it’s time to cut some leeks. Thinking about it this way, going to Dressrosa is really a good choice.

"Did you come to see him? Can you tell me what happened?" Luo asked nervously.

"Robbery." Linton's answer made Luo a little confused. He had thought of many reasons for Linton to find Doflamingo, such as alliance, protection, settling accounts, etc., but robbery? What's going on?

"Seeing as he is very rich recently, let's grab some." Linton said, "I am a pirate leader anyway, what's the problem with robbery?"

"Uh... no problem..." Luo held his forehead. Although the reason was a bit nonsensical, Luo didn't suspect anything. A person of Linton's status shouldn't have to lie to them. If he was really working with Doflamingo, wouldn't it be enough to just kidnap Caesar in front of them? Is there anyone who can stop him? At least Luo felt it couldn't be stopped.

"Then it should be considered that the goals are the same for the time being, right?" Luo asked.

"Hmm..." Linton nodded.

To be honest, Luo breathed a sigh of relief. He was really worried that Linton was here to protect Doflamingo. After all, Doflamingo was really powerful, and it was possible for him to have a deal with the Whitebeard Pirates. Out of interest, Linton might want to protect him. If Linton takes action, then their plan will be completely impossible to achieve. Fortunately, it is not the worst case scenario, and Linton is even vaguely on their side.

"In that case, we'll have to wait for the news tomorrow." Luo said. He and Doflamingo had agreed that they would only release the person after seeing the news in the newspaper tomorrow morning. Currently, Doflamingo doesn't know. What would you choose?

Linton recalled that the transaction should have failed. It seemed that Doflamingo had used some trick to release false news, but this had nothing to do with him, and it did not affect him to grab the Devil Fruit anyway.

Soon, one night passed. I have to say that the atmosphere on the spaceship was still very good. Under such circumstances, everyone was still talking and laughing, and even had a small party. Originally, Linton and Luffy's crew members all knew each other. Seeing that Linton didn't seem to have any special changes after becoming the Yonko, they quickly relaxed and got along pretty well.

But the next morning, everyone still sat together solemnly. The morning newspaper has just been delivered, and it depends on Doflamingo's decision.

"Yes, Doflamingo gave up his position as the Shichibukai, and also gave up the throne of Dressrosa." Sure enough, this news was published on the front page.

"What, is this guy actually a king?" Luffy was still confused. As expected, he didn't even know the identity of his opponent.

"I actually did that." Luo was also a little surprised.

"Things went surprisingly smoothly," said Frankie next to him.

"I guess that guy can only choose this path." Luo said.

"Lord Clown actually did it for me..." Caesar was actually a little touched.

"There are pictures of us on it." Luffy suddenly pointed at the report next to him and said.

Everyone quickly took a look and found out that it was news of an alliance between Luffy and Law. It was true that they had formed an alliance, but they didn't know why it was reported. Looking at it again, in addition to the alliance between the two of them, Kidd, Hawkins, Apu and other supernovas from two years ago also announced the news of the alliance. Their purpose is self-evident, and they should also target the Yonko.

"There are so many people challenging me," Linton said. "Just ask me. I'm very free..."

"There seems to be a lot of unfavorable news about the Whitebeard Pirates recently," Luo said. "If they really want to challenge the Four Emperors, they will most likely choose you."

"I also discovered that there has been a lot of news about the Whitebeard Pirates being attacked in the newspapers recently," Nami also said.

"I suspect this is the navy's plan. They are controlling public opinion so that they will focus on your pirate group." Luo said, "In particular, they said that your disappearance was definitely intentional."

"Is that so..." Linton felt that the Navy was unjustly taking the blame. After all, he was really missing. It seems that the Whitebeard Pirates must have indeed encountered difficulties. I don’t know how they are doing now.

Of course, points are the most important thing. The pirate group and so on were originally recruited by Linton to work for him. Now Linton naturally needs to deal with the problem here first, and then go back and take a look after blackmailing Brother Ming.

"In short, we have nothing to do with their affairs. Let's deal with the Joker's affairs first." Luo said, "Since that guy has withdrawn from the Shichibukai, the deal is concluded. According to the plan discussed before, there is no problem, Straw Hat Master , from the Linton family?"

In the evening, Luo had already talked about his expected plan, and naturally both of them nodded. So Luo also directly took out the phone bug and dialed Doflamingo's number. Soon, the phone was answered, and the phone bug also transformed into a figure wearing sharp-edged sunglasses, and opposite him was Doflamingo.

"It's me. I have resigned from the Shichibukai position as you said."

"I didn't expect..." Before Luo could say anything, Luffy rushed directly in front of the phone bug and shouted, "I am Monkey D. Luffy, the man who wants to become the Pirate King. You are a harm You are the mastermind behind Teabeard and the misfortune of the children, right? This time we will return Caesar to you as agreed, but if you do such a sinful thing again, I will come over and beat you away, do you hear me? ?”

"Didn't you guys tell you to stop talking?" Usopp yelled next to him.

"Straw Hat Luffy? I haven't heard anything about you in the past two years." Doflamingo said with a smile, "Hey... I really want to meet you, and I've specially prepared it for you. Got a gift.”

"Gift? Is it meat?" Luffy asked.

"Do you only have meat in your eyes?" Usopp yelled next to him.

"This is important news, news about your brother." Doflamingo said.

"Ace? What happened to him?" Luffy asked.

"If you want to know, come and participate in the duel in the arena. If you win, I will tell you the news, ya ba ba." Doflamingo said.

"Tell me, you guy!" Luffy yelled.

"Now we should talk about returning Caesar." Doflamingo obviously didn't want to continue talking, so he changed the topic.

"You..." Luffy wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Uso next to him, and Luo took the call, "Stop talking nonsense, anyway, we will return the person to you, eight hours later, that is At three o'clock in the afternoon, the hostages will be returned at Greenbit, north of Dressrosa, do you understand?"

"It's so cold. I still want to have a drink with you, Luo." Doflamingo said.

"Put it away, I've said all that needs to be said, goodbye!" After saying that, Luo hung up the phone.

Of course, the location Luo and Doflamingo agreed on was not really for the purpose of returning the hostages. They also had another purpose, which was to destroy the artificial devil fruit factory. The hostage was returned just to attract Doflamingo's attention and lead him to the isolated island in the north. It would be much more convenient to attack the factory at this time. So even though Luffy was anxious, Law still said everything that needed to be said.

"What's wrong with Ace? Is he in danger?" Luffy asked anxiously, and then everyone looked directly at Linton.

"Me? How do I know?" Linton spread his hands.

"Oh..." Luffy nodded.

"Wait a minute, aren't you the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates?" Nami yelled next to her.

"Yes, Ace is from the Whitebeard Pirates, aren't you the captain?" Luffy reacted.

"I said I haven't been back for a long time." Linton said, "But it should be fine. Ace is very strong now."

"Yes, Ace is very strong!" Luffy nodded.

"But I also want to know the news." Linton said, "Didn't I say that I would give you the news if I won the championship? Let's go to this duel. Don't you still want to have a fight with me? Let's do it by the way. "

Linton is indeed interested in the duel in the arena. Aren't these all battle points? So he decided to participate.

"Oh, that's it." Luffy nodded, "Then I want to participate!"

"Count me in," Sauron also said. He also wanted to fight Linton, and he just had this opportunity.

"But on the transaction side..." Luo next to him asked, "The clown guy definitely has some conspiracy. I'm afraid something will go wrong. If he suddenly brings up any news now, it might be his bait..."

"That's it." Linton said and took out a scroll, "I also want to find Doflamingo. If I can't catch up in the arena, you can use this to summon me. This thing can contact me, just open it. "

"Oh..." Although the scroll was a bit strange, Luo still accepted it without any doubt.

"If the transaction goes well, you can summon me before you leave. The things I talked about with him have nothing to do with you, so there is no need to mix them up to avoid hindering the plan." Linton said, "If something unexpected happens, you can just summon me directly. , so I can step in and help, no problem, right?"

"I understand." Luo nodded.

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