Just a few quarters of an hour ago, Li Xiaoyue arrived at the meeting place according to the notice.

Of course, she still couldn't decide what to do now, so she just came over to take a look at the situation. She wanted to see how many people would participate in this gathering and crusade.

If there were fewer people, Linton might be able to solve it on his own, so she wouldn't have to worry about it.

Naturally, she knew some of Linton's strength. After all, she had fought against him, and the other party had killed her master at the same time. She had also seen Linton fight with the anti-tiger from the Shenzang Realm.

Now Li Xiaoyue's inner judgment of Linton is probably at least at the peak level of Shenzang Realm. This can be regarded as infinitely high opinion of Linton. After all, they are just the Sons of God. They are already quite abnormal to be able to break through to the Shenzang Realm. At the peak of the Shenzang Realm, they are already considered monsters.

She is only at the eighth level of foundation building, and is already considered the leader of Cang Qingshan's generation.

And the master who was able to kill him in the Purple Mansion realm obviously had some special factors. Because she had heard from her senior brothers and sisters before that her master was completely unprepared at the time and had no idea that Linton would have such strength. The magic weapons on his body were basically useless, and he was already dead if he was careless.

As for those at the peak of Shenzang Realm, if they faced the encirclement and suppression by several Holy Sons, not to mention they could win, but at least they would have no problem escaping.

However, what she didn't expect was that when she came here to ask, she found out that this was not a problem of a few saints, but that all the saints who could be contacted now agreed to unite to fight against Linton.

Yes, this group of saints had contacted each other before they came. Except for a few that they had not contacted, such as the fifth, eighth, and tenth saint, and she, Li Xiaoyue, the other saints all expressed that they were ready to contribute. .

Of course, they also wanted to contact Li Xiaoyue before, but they just couldn't. In their opinion, Li Xiaoyue must be fighting against Linton's first echelon now. After all, your master was hacked to death by him, right? When you see Linton, aren't you the first one to rush forward?

So when Li Xiaoyue asked about their plan, the Seventh Holy Son, who was one step ahead, told Li Xiaoyue the current situation without any doubt.

After hearing this, Li Xiaoyue panicked. There are seven Holy Sons who have been confirmed to come here. Including their guards and the like, there may be about a hundred people in total, all of whom are at least masters of the Foundation Establishment stage, and more than half of them are in the Divine Tibetan Realm. Then Luo Shiming, the leader of Zifu Realm, led the team to encircle and suppress Linton. Even though she knew that Linton had two masters, Jian Wuer and Yiming Taoist, she was still worried.

Especially for Taoist Yiming, she was not sure whether Taoist Yiming knew about the Demon Sect. If he was deceived by Linton and then exposed on the spot by the leader Luo Shiming, would he do the opposite on the spot? Clean the door.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoyue was already anxious. I was still hesitating before, but now all I can think about is how to help Linton.

At this time, she looked at the situation at the scene. Currently, only the Seventh Holy Son and the six guards he brought were present, which made her think of a solution instantly.

Yes, although these saints have already agreed to gather here, there is a priority for gathering. The only one who came at the current time was the Seventh Holy Son, and the other party had no defense against her at all.

If you can deal with this group of people by yourself, then continue to wait, and then deal with the few people who will gather later. On the one hand, it can reduce the number of enemies surrounding Linton. On the other hand, if you see that people who have agreed to wait and wait are not coming, in case there are not enough people or everyone thinks that those who are not coming want to reap the benefits and are suspicious of each other. , maybe the encirclement and suppression campaign cannot be organized.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoyue slowly approached the unsuspecting Seventh Holy Son.

Yes, the Seventh Holy Son at this time had no doubts at all. How could he have thought that Li Xiaoyue's love brain could be coaxed by Linton with just a few words, and he could even deny the revenge of the killer. What's more, this time is a gathering order issued by the leader Luo Shiming, which means that this is the mission of the sect. How can you betray the master?

Moreover, Li Xiaoyue usually hates evil, and everyone seems to know her personality. Linton is already a spy of the Demon Sect named and certified by Luo Shiming. Can she still stand on the side of the Demon Sect?

So when he saw Li Xiaoyue approaching, the Seventh Holy Son here not only didn't have any vigilance, but also became a little distracted. What he was thinking was that although she was a senior sister, she was still a woman after all. Now that the master was killed, it was a time when she needed comfort.

And his opportunity had just come. He promised to kill Linton, her murderer and enemy, with his own hands soon, and avenge her. He might...

Yes, he has been filled with parasites at this time and has completely lost his ability to make rational judgments. Li Xiaoyue, on the other hand, glanced at her guard while walking.

The guard here really vomited. He understood the look in his princess's eyes. Miss, you are planning to cause big trouble.

Then what do you think he can do? Now expose the eldest lady and say that she wants to attack the Holy Son next to her? Regardless of whether it is from the perspective of loyalty or actual safety, this is obviously not something that can be done.

It seems that he has no choice. He can only bite the bullet and approach the guards of the Seventh Son.

Simply speaking, the guards following the Seventh Son here were not on any guard, and they really couldn't find any reason why Li Xiaoyue might be disadvantageous to them.

The Seventh Holy Son, who was right here, looked at him with a silly smile on his face, and when he even felt that the other party might want to give him a hug, a spear suddenly penetrated his chest with a "pop" sound.

"Do it!" Li Xiaoyue snorted coldly, and the guard next to her immediately took action, drew his sword twice and swung it directly at the guard who was close at hand. One of them did not react at all and was beheaded on the spot. The other moved quickly and retreated instantly, but was still stabbed.

"You..." The Seventh Holy Son who was shot here pointed at Li Xiaoyue in confusion, and the next moment his consciousness was directly swallowed up by darkness. He died so unjustly that he never understood why Li Xiaoyue killed him until his death.

Li Xiaoyue didn't stop here, and immediately drew his gun and attacked the other guard of the Seventh Son next to him.

At this time, of course, these guards were so confused that they didn't even react. The Seventh Holy Son they wanted to protect is gone. What do you want them to do?

With one party completely confused, the attack ended quickly. The Seventh Holy Son and several of his guards were all killed and lay neatly on the ground.

"Princess Princess, you..." The guard put away his sword and looked helplessly at Li Xiaoyue.

"Clear the place quickly and ambush the next one." Li Xiaoyue said immediately.

"The next one to ambush, is it me?" However, at this moment, a voice next to him sounded, and Li Xiaoyue was instantly shocked.

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