I really can't control myself

Chapter 2798 Fragmentation

"Impossible, impossible, you are just pretending, you can't scare me." Liu Leizhi here said with a slightly dazed look.

Judging from Linton's previous behavior, he used tricks to deceive Li Xiaoyue in front of them. He should be a person who likes to play tricks. So in the current situation, he is definitely using illusions to scare himself. He just deceived Li Xiaoyue, probably because he wanted to win over the other party for his use. If Linton really had such strength, would he still need to spend effort to win over Li Xiaoyue?

Liu Leizhi here is constantly analyzing and convincing himself with various reasons. I have to say that his analysis does make some sense.

It's just that although it feels very reasonable, I should have analyzed all aspects, why am I still so panicked? Why do I have such a bad feeling?

Yes, the densely packed flying swords in front of Liu Leizhi were already covering the sky from Liu Leizhi's point of view. This shocking sense of reality, even if he kept looking for reasons to convince himself that it was fake, his pale face still showed that he Really panicked.

In fact, he had always had a terrifying suspicion lingering in his heart. The ominous premonition told him that this was the truth, but Liu Leizhi didn't want to and didn't dare to believe it.

Under such terrifying pressure, Liu Leizhi could no longer bear it. With a wave of his hand, all the hidden weapons in front of Liu Leizhi flew out at the same time, shooting directly at Linton in front of him from all angles. Although these are just feints, they are still very lethal.

Of course, for the real killer move, Liu Leizhi will look for the moment when the opponent reveals a flaw when blocking.

As for the flying swords in front of him, Liu Leizhi could only regard them as illusions and illusions used by the opponent. After all, if it was true, he would be powerless to resist.

He had a glimmer of hope in his heart, but this hope completely vanished in a second.

The moment Liu Leizhi's hidden weapon was released, a bunch of flying swords rushed out from behind him without even giving any orders from Linton. Yes, there are more than 70 flying swords in Linton that have sword spirits, that is, they are operated by AI. Probably after detecting Liu Leizhi's attack, the more than seventy flying swords automatically flew out and started working.

"Ding ding ding" various metal collisions sounded from between the two of them. Linton's flying sword flashed and moved in the air. In just an instant, all the hidden weapons flying towards Linton turned into fragments and fell to the ground. Because the number of flying swords even exceeded the number of hidden weapons shot by Liu Leizhi, not only did it feel quite easy to block, some of the flying swords were even upset because they didn't hit anything.

The same voice also made Liu Leizhi's heart sink directly. It is naturally impossible for illusions to cut off his hidden weapons, so...these flying swords in front of me are actually real? It's actually true?

"Ha...haha...how could it be...how could it be true?" At this moment, Liu Leizhi suddenly began to laugh, feeling as if the last trace of his sanity was suddenly washed away.

"Don't use your standards to imagine an existence like me." Linton looked at the confused Liu Leizhi and said, "I have already said that you are just an ant, and an ant who cannot recognize himself. Okay. , disappear.”

He raised his right hand and waved it forward, making a "go" sword gesture. The next moment, dense flying swords whizzed past Linton's ears. This time, not only the more than 70 flying swords with sword spirits, but also the more than 600 flying swords without sword spirits behind them also flew out.

The next moment, there was a "thud" sound like something heavy hitting the ground. It was the fastest flying sword that had penetrated Liu Leizhi's body in an instant. Not only did it pass through his chest, but it also hit the ground. It even made such a noise.

"Dong dong dong" was followed by a series of muffled sounds, and a large number of flying swords swept directly over Liu Leizhi's body. This was no longer the case of stabbing the person into a hornet's nest or cutting him open, but like directly killing Liu Leizhi. The person was completely smashed.

In everyone's eyes, a large number of flying swords swept over him, and then Liu Leizhi disappeared on the spot. Only the blood mist flying in the air could prove that there was still a person standing here just now. No body or anything else could be found at all.

Soon, where Liu Leizhi was before, there were only a lot of flying swords stuck on the ground. They were piled up in dense layers. To be honest, just looking at them made people feel numb.

The audience fell silent again at this time. The audience who had been discussing what kind of genre Linton was here couldn't help but stop talking when they saw this situation. The scene was too shocking, at least no one here had ever seen such an execution method.

Yes, the audience has already acquiesced that this is execution. After all... the two sides are not on the same level at all, right? It was just that Linton didn't make a move before, but now the first move he made, you see how Liu Leizhi is doing, don't talk about leaving the whole body, not even a fragment can be found.

"Pity, pathetic, deplorable." Linton suddenly said at this time, mainly because it was the first time to use the Ten Thousand Sword Art, although it was not fully formed yet, after all, there were not yet 10,000 swords. But the effect can probably be seen. At least Linton is very satisfied with the effect, and he feels happy even when he pretends to do it.

"I have already said that I dare to participate in the Son of God selection with such strength. I really look down on this competition." Linton said, "Single-handedly lowering the strength level of our entire Son of God selection conference, this kind of shameful Guy, die early and be born early, everyone agrees."

"Uh..." The saints next to them were dumbstruck at this time, and they didn't know what to say after hearing Linton's words? As for this big brother, do you have some misunderstandings about the selection of the Son of God? Liu Leizhi's situation is normal, okay? It's you who are abnormal, big brother.

"Well, I suddenly feel that my strength is not enough to cope with this selection of the Son of God." Su Qing, the Eleventh Son of God here, suddenly said.

Although participating in the selection of the Son of God is very dangerous, with a narrow escape from death. Theoretically, everyone participates with the best of intentions.

But the question is, after all, there is still life after all. If he really just wants to die, that idiot will really go there.

Su Qing came to participate because she was chasing ducks, but she actually didn't know that much about the selection of the Son of God. I used to think that I should be able to compete with other saints. Everyone is from the same sect and the same age, so who is much better than the other.

However, seeing the situation in front of him, Wan Duzi couldn't imagine fighting at all, right? What else are you playing with? Run away quickly, your life is at stake.

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