I really can't control myself

Chapter 2774 Conference

Two days later, the gate of Cang Qing Mountain was unexpectedly very lively.

Although there are many disciples in Cang Qing Mountain, generally speaking, the mountain gate is quite clean. Because the practice here in Cang Qing Mountain is still relatively close to the Qing practice, most people are either practicing in their respective caves on the top of the mountain, or practicing outside.

With the lively situation inside the mountain gate now, it is obvious that something is going to happen.

In fact, the reason is very simple, because today is the third round of the God Son Conference in the Cang Qing Mountain Son of God selection.

As mentioned before, this Son of God Conference actually brings together the Sons of God who are to select the Son of God. It is said to be a meeting, but in fact it is to let everyone compete with each other. After all, sooner or later, the winner will be determined. The sect is here to find a reason to give everyone a chance to fight. After all, there is only one Son of God, so we can't keep dragging it out without everyone fighting, right?

This third round of the conference is actually particularly important, because the previous two rounds are basically for the various saint sons to test each other. According to the usual precedent, there are relatively few cases where they start directly in the first two rounds.

All the saints naturally know this situation. In the past two rounds, everyone mainly focused on observation and testing, looking for enemies to target first, and even looking for allies.

Yes, the Sons can even form an alliance. Although only one person will reach the top in the end, before that, everyone can unite and use each other to achieve each other's goals. Otherwise, if someone appears that everyone knows is difficult to deal with, why not continue to fight alone to see him grow bigger? The right thing to do is to unite and suppress him first, right?

Some saints knew from the beginning that they had no hope of being chosen, or they had no fighting spirit in the first place, and they were ready to assist another saint to ascend the throne from the beginning. Although I have no hope, it is better to find a familiar leader rather than an enemy.

Such a situation has really happened in the past. For example, two brothers were elected as the Holy Son. One peak elected the other. As a result, the peak elders of the two peaks negotiated an alliance and elected the elder brother and younger brother respectively.

The result was that the elder brother was finally elected, and the younger brother had been assisting him all along, but this matter was actually discovered at the end.

Yes, during the selection of the Son of God, the Son of God can choose not to reveal his identity. After all, once your identity is revealed, others will know your basic information. What kind of strength you have and what kind of backing you have, aren't they all directly transparent?

Therefore, in the beginning, all the names of the Holy Sons to the outside world were actually the First Holy Son, the Second Holy Son, and the Thirteenth Holy Son. As for whether you make it public or not, that is your own decision. For example, Su Qing, the Eleventh Saint Son mentioned before, chose to make his identity public.

However, there are only a few saints like him who directly choose to disclose their identities. In fact, there are very few saints in the past who directly choose to disclose their identities and become winners in the end. There is a saying that one can make a fortune silently. Just like the two brothers mentioned before, it was not until the end that everyone knew they were in the same group.

As for how you want to disclose your identity, just display the Order of the Holy Son directly in front of everyone. Because you can even have someone pretend to be your Holy Son, but only the Holy Son Order cannot be faked. Once you show the Holy Son Order, you will reveal your identity as the Holy Son.

All in all, something is bound to happen in today's third Holy Son Conference, so many disciples from Cang Qingshan actually rushed back today to watch the fun.

Even if these saint sons don't cause trouble, the sect will definitely cause trouble in the third game. Most of the time in the previous two games was spent inviting the saints to gather together, drink tea, and discuss the Tao. But starting from the third game, there will definitely be a situation where the Holy Son will be eliminated, because the sect will start to set up the game.

That's why the Presbyterian Council deliberately told Taoist Yiming that the Holy Son he selected in the first two games does not need to attend, but in this third game, the third Holy Son must attend, because in fact, this is the true meaning of the selection of the Son of God. The beginning of the above.

But at this time, people gathered in Cang Qing Mountain were not only people who came to watch the fun, but also people who came to settle accounts. This sudden situation caught the Presbyterian Church here a little unprepared.

"You haven't contacted Junior Brother Yiming yet?" At this time, an elder asked anxiously.

They had long used jade cards to contact Taoist Yiming here, but the other party answered the call two days ago and said he would come back soon to explain the situation. However, after that, there was suddenly no news, and there was no response no matter how many questions he asked. .

In the past two days, people have been able to rush back wherever they are. Is this Taoist Yiming hiding from them on purpose?

He actually dared to avoid the inquiry from their Presbyterian Council. At this time, most of the elders looked not very good. The position of Master Feng, Taoist Yiming, has been criticized by many people, and now he is still missing. At this time, most elders also feel that it is time to trigger Taoist Yiming. The position of Master Feng should be changed. .

"Master, how should we explain to the Tianxing Sect? The impact of this incident is really bad. Many sects are now waiting for our response." At this time, a man obviously wanted to pull Taoist Yiming down. The elder stood up and started adding fuel to the fire.

"Yes, this Taoist Yiming is too lawless. He has not yet given an explanation for the selection of the Son of God, and now he suddenly leads his disciples to attack other people's mountain gates. What happened to the Tianxing Sect recruiting him?" There was someone next to him immediately. Another elder said in harmony.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet." At this time, a thick voice came from above. The speaker was a serious-looking middle-aged man in his forties.

This middle-aged man is the current head of Cang Qing Mountain and the winner of the last divine son selection, Yongqing Taoist Luo Shiming.

Glancing at the elders below, Luo Shiming here also frowned and said loudly: "When will Cang Qingshan explain to other sects that the Tianxing sect is just a small sect, so don't take the opportunity to stir up trouble. .”

Although Luo Shiming said he was very domineering, the actual situation was that he just wanted to suppress the momentum of these elders. Only after he became the leader did he realize that these people from the Presbyterian Church were really annoying. However, what Luo Shiming wanted to do now was to quickly choose a son of God. When the time came, he would quickly take over the class and become an elder by himself, instead of being forced by these people. Help the elders to do the work.

Of course, even though he said this, he also knew that this explanation still had to be given. After all, Cang Qingshan is a famous sect, and reputation is still needed. However, he still said: "Today is the Holy Son Conference. Taoist Yi Ming must attend with the Thirteen Holy Sons. Let's see if the other party shows up first, and then we will ask for an explanation."

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