I really can't control myself

Chapter 2760 Coercion and inducement

"Master...Master?" The sword backer here was already a little speechless. His master was a little too active.

At this time, he felt that his views were somewhat impacted, because his situation was completely different from that of his master Jian Xiangfeng.

Jian Guoshan was abandoned by his parents when he was young. Because his family was too poor to raise more children, he was kicked out of the house when he was only five years old. Generally speaking, such a child would obviously not survive, but he was lucky. Because of his physical constitution, his master Jian Xiangfeng spotted him at a glance and became a disciple of the Sword Alliance. It can be said that he reached the sky in one step.

In his mind, his master Jian Xiangfeng is the direction he pursues throughout his life.

Before Jian Xiangfeng entered the sword tomb, he went to Da Da, his true disciple, to explain his funeral affairs. Seeing that Jian Guoshan was very sad at that time, Jian Xiangfeng took the initiative to comfort him, saying that it was a very honorable thing to enter the sword tomb and leave a legacy for future generations. He even said that Jian Guoshan would also make the final contribution to the sect in the future. contribution and so on.

Jian Guoshan regarded these words of his master as the principles of his life, so when he entered the sword tomb, he went in with the belief that he would follow in his master's footsteps and contribute to the Sword Alliance.

Unlike Jian Xiangfeng who died in despair, he was in a pretty good mood during his last moments at the Sword Tomb because he had fulfilled his master's instructions. After all, it is not ordinary people who can enter the Sword Tomb. He also made a lot of contributions to the sect to obtain this qualification. He did not embarrass his master.

And now what he saw after being resurrected was the scene in front of him. This was really ironic. He thought that his master's mood when he entered the Sword Tomb was similar to his own. But now it seems that it is not that good at all.

In my impression, the great master who sacrificed his last life for the righteousness of the sect has now directly betrayed the sect.

Yes, didn’t Linton just introduce himself as a disciple of Cang Qingshan? If you become a disciple of Cang Qingshan, are you not betraying your master? This is simply bullying the master and destroying the ancestors, okay?

At this time, Linton looked at Jian Guoshan with a somewhat joking expression, obviously looking forward to a good show. But to be honest, Linton didn't think that Jian Guoshan would really call him master or something like that. Looking at his eyes, you could tell that he didn't care so much about Linton's resurrection.

But things once again went beyond Linton's expectations. The sword backer here didn't seem to think much, and directly bowed to Linton and said: "Master."

"Huh?" I originally wanted to see the quarrel between Jian Xiangfeng and his disciple, but I didn't expect that Jian Xiangfeng's patron would actually worship him as his master? What kind of situation is this makes Linton a little confused?

Not sure if the other party was playing tricks, Linton pointed directly to the ground, and then said: "Is this how you salute your master? Kowtow and let me see."

Unexpectedly, the sword backer here actually knelt down on the spot, kowtowed to Linton, his head was still banging on the ground, and shouted again: "Master!"

This made Linton a little confused as to how to answer it. What happened to the sword's backer, and he suddenly figured it out? Although things went smoothly, he suddenly didn't act according to his script, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Linton obviously didn't know the relationship between Jian Xiangfeng and Jian Guoshan. For Jian Guoshan, his master's words are golden rules. If you ask him to worship you, he will worship you on the spot without thinking too much about anything else.

This is a person with no ego. Unlike other practitioners, he only practices because his master told him to do so, not because of what he wants. The master asked him to contribute to the sect in the future, and he has been silently contributing. The master told him to judge him on the spot, but he decisively betrayed him on the spot.

People like Jian Guoshan were similar to the role of dead soldiers in ancient times. Although Jian Xiangfeng did not take the initiative to brainwash the other party, he had already brainwashed himself. In short, what Master said is not wrong. Master must be doing it for his own good, so he just needs to be obedient. He has always thought so and done so.

Although Linton doesn't know the situation, he's already knocked his head off, so what else can he do? So Linton looked at the remaining two people.

Linton, Jianbei Xuan here, is actually quite confident, but the other party has not expressed his position at this time, and Linton is not in a hurry, asking him to think carefully. After knowing his identity, Linton wanted to deal with him the most. After that, it would be much more convenient. The founder of the Sword Alliance worshiped him as his disciple. This Sword Alliance... to a certain extent, was it his own?

Look at the last one, Jian Dong. Linton looked at him and felt that he didn't want to cooperate, but he still asked directly: "What about you? Do you want to become my disciple?"

"You're dreaming!" Jian Dong here was just shocked by Linton's operation of resurrecting a person on the spot. He had never seen such an exaggerated technique before, it could be called a miracle.

But after hearing Linton's words, Jiandong here didn't have any entanglements. It was impossible for him to accept Linton as his disciple.

Of course he would like to be resurrected, but the price would be to betray his master and become an apprentice to Linton whose origins are unknown. Anyway, he has a bottom line in his heart that he can't get past.

So when Jian Dong here heard Linton's words, he flatly refused on the spot. Even in order to strengthen his determination that was almost shaken, he decided to say more.

I saw him pointing directly in the direction of the sword Xiangfeng and the sword's backing, and shouted: "Senior, please don't..."

There was a "bang". Before Jian Dong here could finish speaking, his body suddenly exploded on the spot and turned into little white lights that began to dissipate in the air.

The body of a disciple appeared at the place where Jian Dong disappeared. It was obviously Linton who had unlocked the art of reincarnation from dirty soil and sent Jian Dong to rest in peace again.

"Since you don't want to follow me for eternity, then forget it. I never like to force others. If you love it, you will die. This is your right." Linton looked at the shocked people beside him and said calmly, "Anyway, There are still many people waiting in line here, and I won’t force all of you to cooperate.”

The remaining three people quickly understood what Linton meant by queuing up. It was obvious that Linton didn't care whether they cooperated at all. Anyway... there were so many corpses around, there would always be someone who would cooperate. Linton should. That's what I mean.

Obviously, all the coercion and inducement have been used. If you cooperate, I will draw you a pie of resurrection and eternal life. If you don't cooperate, you will continue to lie dead.

After clarifying his meaning, Linton looked at Jian Beixuan, one of the founders of the Sword Alliance, and said again: "How are you considering it? Are you willing to become my disciple?"

As he spoke, Linton's hand was still holding the same gesture, which was obviously the gesture that had just caused Jian Dong to die again.

Obviously this was also the last chance for Jian Beixuan to make a choice. If he said no, he would probably go down to accompany Jian Dong just now.

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