I really can't control myself

Chapter 2740 Thunder Tribulation

Taoist Yiming's breakthrough is obviously going to directly reach the Zifu realm.

As mentioned before, Taoist Yiming's current cultivation level is at the peak of Shenzang Realm, and he has maintained this level for a long time. Of course, it's not something he wants to maintain forever, but he can't break through.

In fact, the most fundamental reason for Yiming Taoist's unstable status as Feng Lao is still here. To put it plainly, he lacks strength.

In this world of immortality, the most fundamental thing is strength. Why are so many elders interested in Taoist Yiming's position as the peak elder instead of the position of the peak elder in the other twelve peaks? In the final analysis, the most fundamental thing is that Yiming Taoist only has the Shen Zang realm and is easy to bully. .

The elders of Cang Qingshan are all in the Shenzang Realm and the Zifu Realm. Although they are all elders, the status of the elders in the Zifu realm is obviously much higher than that in the Shenzang realm. However, Taoist Yiming, an elder at the Divine Treasure Realm, still occupies such an important position as Mr. Feng. If the other elders are not staring at you, who are they staring at?

The reason why Taoist Yiming has been unable to break through is obviously because of his mental state. The more he was targeted, the more anxious he became, the more anxious he became, and the more exhausted he became in dealing with it. To put it simply, you are entangled in everything. In this case, it is obviously somewhat contrary to the goal of cultivating immortality. It can be said that the more entangled you are, the harder it is to break through.

Didn't anyone see this? Of course not, many people have actually noticed it. But as an elder, no one comes out and says I want to teach you, which is inappropriate in itself. And the vast majority of people who saw it actually wanted to see Taoist Yiming do this all the time.

At this moment, Linton happened to appear. He would definitely not care about the identity of Taoist Yiming. He didn't care at all about this nominal apprentice teaching the master.

The words he said seemed to make sense. In fact, the purpose was not to really wake up Taoist Yiming. In fact, he just deceived the other party to work for him, because Linton didn't understand anything about cultivating immortals at all. .

Linton never wanted to become an immortal from the beginning. Anyway, all his cultivation was planned to be bought with money, so he became a woolly immortal. And these many words that seem very reasonable actually sum up to the same meaning. Follow me and don’t panic. They are simply deceiving the workers.

However, now the opponent who was cheating broke through directly, leaving Linton a little confused.

Now that I think about it, my talk has really become more and more powerful. It was no longer a big deal to curse people to death, but now I can still fool people into ascending to the sky. The world of immortality is really a good place to practice my talk. Look at each of these talented people, they can soar from the spot with just a few words, and you don’t know what they understand.

What Linton likes to say the most is this kind of mysterious and mysterious words that seem to make sense but are actually nonsense. However, these words are really useful in the world of cultivating immortals. After all, cultivating immortals is inherently mysterious and mysterious.

The original text of the "Tao Te Ching" also says, "Therefore, there is always nothing, in order to observe its wonders; there is always, in order to observe its wonders. These two have the same origin but different names, and they are both called mysteries. Mysteries are mysterious, and they are the door to all mysteries. "

Linton himself didn't know anything about the truth or mystery, but it didn't matter, whoever wanted to hear him lie to whomever he wanted to hear. Just look at whether the effect is awesome or not. Now just a few words can get people promoted. How is he pretending to be an expert?

Still satisfied with his masterpiece, Linton suddenly noticed that the sky began to darken. Yes, Linton also discovered that the time in this world of immortality is a bit strange before. Most likely, there are not 24 hours in a day.

It was still daytime when they came to Jianmeng, but now when they reached the foot of the mountain, the sky suddenly began to change drastically. It was obvious that something was wrong.

Looking up, the sky was filled with dark clouds, and the surrounding area was completely shrouded in black clouds. And there was something wrong with the black cloud. Even though Linton was not very familiar with the matter of cultivating immortals, he could still feel that there seemed to be something powerful in the black cloud.

Seeing such a scene, a word came to Linton's mind, thunder disaster.

Yes, although Linton didn't understand the actual operation of cultivating immortals at all because he had never practiced it before, he did know a lot about the things that could be done on paper. Have you never eaten pork or seen a pig running? After reading a lot of novels about non-immortal cultivation, Linton can already guess the plot. How can he still not recognize this thing?

Obviously, entering the Purple Mansion Realm requires experiencing a thunder tribulation. Only after passing the thunder tribulation can one officially become a strong person in the Purple Mansion Realm.

Sure enough, Linton's guess was quickly confirmed. Guan Qinghe and Chen Ran next to him also saw the calamity clouds in the sky. Chen Ran said anxiously: "Master, the thunder calamity is coming, and we have no preparation at all." ah."

Taoist Yiming's breakthrough this time was indeed a bit sudden. Ordinary practitioners obviously have to make preparations to overcome the thunder tribulation. If you feel that you are about to break through, you will prepare some things, such as elixirs, protective magic weapons, formations, etc. Some people will also choose a more suitable land. After all, the five elements are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, and thunder tribulation is also among the five elements. Some lands can weaken the power of thunder tribulation.

But now Taoist Yiming had no preparations, and the thunder disaster came so suddenly. If he can't survive the thunderstorm, he will die on the spot and his soul will be scattered. Practitioners inherently go against nature, and this is the price of going against nature.

However, at this time, Taoist Yiming, who had been beaten by Linton, was already in a state of excitement. Facing the coming thunder disaster, Taoist Yiming here not only showed no fear, but opened his arms directly, as if facing the sky. Like a god, he opened his mouth and shouted: "Come on! I want to practice with a clear conscience. Let me see how you can stop me!"

There was a "boom", and a purple thunder and lightning pierced the sky at this time, as if it was a response to Taoist Yiming. It hit Taoist Yiming directly.

Linton felt a loud noise next to him, and a wave of ripples swayed on Taoist Yiming's body. It was obvious that Taoist Yiming used his spiritual energy shield to cause a low-level thunderstorm.

In the end, this thunder disaster was blocked by Taoist Yiming's surging spiritual energy at this time, but Taoist Yiming himself consumed a lot, and his face was obviously pale.

Of course, this is definitely not over, because there are at least three thunder tribulations and at most nine. This all depends on the level of the breakthroughr. The more powerful, the more heaven-defying, and the more intense the thunder tribulation will be.

I don't know how many thunder tribulations Taoist Yi Ming suffered, but Linton felt really a little worried when he looked at his situation. Wouldn't he become one of the people who died at the hands of his words? Until he was struck to death by lightning after being deceived by himself?

But at this moment, a voice in the distance came along the wind: "Which fellow Taoist is here to survive the tribulation?"

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