I really can't control myself

Chapter 2707 Swaggering through the market

On the street of Qingshan City, Linton was holding Wei Chengyan in one hand while chatting with Chen Ran next to him. Of course, he mainly learned about the world from the other person's mouth.

They were also walking struttingly on the street, with no one else around them at all, as if their surroundings had become a no-man's land.

It was obviously not that no one saw Linton and the others, but that they were all deliberately avoiding them.

No one in the city knew Linton, but the Wei Chengyan he was holding was a little bully known to everyone in the city. Relying on his status as the eldest son of the Wei family and a disciple of Cang Qingshan's inner sect, Wei Chengyan was able to dominate Qingshan City and made everyone miserable.

Now it seems that Mr. Wei is in trouble? Seeing Linton carrying the other party like a little chicken, and seeing Wei Chengyan's obviously frightened expression, everyone who saw it knew of course that Mr. Wei had probably kicked the iron plate, depending on the direction they were going. It seems that this is the direction of the Wei family, and they are coming to ask for an explanation.

Of course the people in the city will not care about these matters, and they will avoid them for fear that they will be involved. At most, a group of people opened a crack by the window to look at the situation curiously. No one would dare to stop Linton and the others.

Not only ordinary people, but the city guards in the city have even noticed the situation on Linton's side, but even the city guards did not dare to come up and ask.

At this time, the captain named Yu Fang, who was leading the city guard, stopped a few guards who were a little stunned and told them not to join in the fun and just take a look.

They didn't go up here, mainly because they felt they couldn't control the matter. They also didn't know Linton, and they didn't know Linton's identity. Although it is indeed under their control if someone makes trouble in the city, they must also control it.

Although they didn't know Linton's identity, they did know the person next to him who had been chatting with Linton. Even if he didn't know him, he was wearing the clothes of an inner disciple of Cang Qing Mountain. Although they were not familiar with this inner disciple named Chen Ran, they had met him several times.

It was obvious from Chen Ran's situation that Linton might be related to Cang Qingshan, and they definitely would not interfere with Cang Qingshan's affairs.

Not to mention a few of their guards, the city lord of Qingshan City did not dare to ask about Cang Qingshan's affairs.

Qingshan City is located at the foot of Cangqing Mountain, the gateway to cultivation. In fact, the city is entirely supported by Cangqing Mountain.

As mentioned before, Cangqing Mountain has been developing rapidly over the past few hundred years, and there is an endless stream of people coming to visit. Even if some people can't enter Cangqing Mountain, they think it's good to breathe some spiritual energy nearby. And being close to a big mountain gate like Cangqing Mountain, it is obvious that the city's safety is guaranteed.

Over time, people slowly gathered around Cang Qingshan, and the town turned into a city. This is how Qingshan City appeared.

Strictly speaking, Qingshan City can be regarded as a subsidiary city of Cang Qingshan. Of course, it is not officially owned that way, but the city owner of Qingshan City is not the actual owner of the city at all, Cang Qingshan is.

To use an analogy, if Cang Qingshan is a group, the city owner of Qingshan City is just a small department manager of a small company that relies on this large group to survive. There is no comparison between the two sides. Even though this small company apparently does not belong to the big group Cang Qingshan, but without its affiliation, this small company will be gone and it will be unable to resist.

Therefore, the city lord doesn't want to care about matters related to Cang Qing Mountain, and he can't care about them. Of course, the captain Yu Fang also knew what was going on inside, so he didn't care about it. He took the opportunity to educate his new recruits and let them pay attention in the future.

Linton also heard the same thing from Chen Ran. He was also asking about the situation in Qingshan City, and of course he also knew some of the situation in Cang Qingshan.

Cangqing Mountain is located on the nearby lofty mountains, but now surrounded by smoke, Linton can only barely see the corners of some buildings. According to Chen Ran, because Cang Qing Mountain is guarded by a large formation, ordinary people cannot spy on it. The buildings that can be seen now are not the main buildings of Cang Qing Mountain, but some small halls at the foot of the mountain.

The entire interior of Cangqing Mountain is like a new world opened up, and entering it is like entering a new space.

At this time, Wei Chengyan, who was being carried by Linton next to him, was really shaking and speechless. This was not only frightening, but also painful.

Because when he first went to the street, the other party wanted to yell for someone to save him, but Linton broke his right hand because he was too noisy and told him to shut up. Now the opponent's right hand was completely hanging there, and of course it was so painful that he almost pulled away. But he didn't dare to scream, otherwise he was sweating profusely.

The severe pain prevented him from thinking clearly. Of course he also wondered why Linton wanted to go to his house. Was he really not afraid of the Wei family? After beating himself like this and killing three of his younger brothers, how dare he come to his door? Could it be that Linton has some kind of background and is not afraid of their family at all?

At this time, he vaguely felt that something was wrong, but what could he do? Now he just wants to survive, and now Linton is indeed walking in the direction of their home, probably really going to his home. Now he just hopes that his father, uncle and grandfather will rescue him quickly.

He didn't dare to say anything for fear of being beaten by Linton again or having his hands and feet broken, so he could only hold back the pain and show Linton the way.

"So it sounds like you are just Guan Qinghe's licking dog." Linton actually asked some things about Chen Ran and Guan Qinghe. From what he heard, Chen Ran really had enough to lick.

Obviously Chen Ran also has thoughts about Guan Qinghe, the silly and sweet senior sister. After all, he was only eight years old when he started. Guan Qinghe grew up in Cangqing Mountain, and the two of them were childhood sweethearts.

However, the childhood sweetheart is obviously not as good as the Heavenly Fall type, and this Heavenly Fall type is naturally Xiao Fan.

The relationship between the two obviously changed after Xiao Fan appeared. Guan Qinghe was obviously obsessed with Xiao Fan. Chen Ran obviously saw this obvious attitude.

As an "older brother", after feeling this, Chen Ran consciously began to keep a distance from Guan Qinghe. Of course, he would still greet this "sister" who was nominally called senior sister but was actually not older than him.

It was not a big deal at first, but now Xiao Fan has not appeared for more than a year. Although it was said that Xiao Fan was in retreat, Chen Ran noticed something different, especially from Guan Qinghe's side. After all, he knew that if Xiao Fan was really in retreat, Guan Qinghe would not be in the same mood now.

Now that Xiao Fan is missing and may have betrayed his master, Chen Ran's thoughts, which had been at rest, have obviously begun to rise again.

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