I really can't control myself

Chapter 2704 New World

"Well, it's true that something happened over there." Linton said casually, mainly because he didn't want to say more in this regard. After all, he himself couldn't figure out the specific situation.

"Do you need my help?" Yalan asked.

"No need...you have studied architecture...forget it." Linton originally wanted to ask, but when he thought about the situation in the main world, it was not the style of the Immortal Mansion he wanted. It was useless to study it, so he decided to go to the Immortal World. Find an architect.

"If the matter is urgent, you should finish it as soon as possible." Yalan said here. Of course, she also knew that Linton would deliberately come back to accompany her once he had time.

Linton thought about it and nodded. Although I really wanted to take a little vacation, I couldn't calm down. In this current situation, should I vent my negative emotions on my wife and children? Might as well find a place to have some fun and adjust.

"That's right, let's finish things quickly first." Linton stood up and said.

Yalan also nodded, but after thinking about it, she said, "By the way, you have to come back before the child's first birthday."

Speaking of this, Linton was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he was almost one year old? At this time, he thought of the more important one-year-old gift that Yalan had mentioned before. Linton suddenly thought that he was going to the world of cultivating immortals, and he could also get a flying sword or something for his child to play with.

"I know, let's bring a gift for the child." Sure enough, there is something to do, and Linton will have less trouble to worry about. Now I have a lot of things to do when I want to go to the world of cultivating immortals. I want to find an architect, find some gifts, and see if I can earn some points, because I am really poor here now.

I looked at Xiao Lin Rui here again. This child really looks different every time. He grows up really fast. However, now the children still only call them daddy and mommy, and only say one word at most. There is a high chance that they still don’t know what the other person means.

Linton now just hopes that this child will not become a foodie like Sun Wukong. The Saiyan blood should not affect the IQ. After all, his nephew Vegeta is just a little arrogant, so there must be no problem with his IQ. Trunks also has no problem. As for Sun Wukong, Sun Wuhan is also a famous scholar.

In short, he quickly said goodbye to Yalan again, and Linton also decided to take care of things first.

Call Asuna here, and then Aizen. None of the other people... or Linton, were planning to take them with them. After all, Linton felt really tired looking at these guys, so he might as well take someone with him who wouldn't be troublesome.

Asuna also briefly reported the situation in the guild. In short, she has temporarily adjusted the layout of the guild slightly. The previous village-style layout was really confusing. She couldn't do much else for the time being, she just recorded the functions of each building in detail.

After all, if a guild wants to develop now, it needs points to upgrade. What can you say if you don’t have money?

Aizen was not at the guild headquarters at this time. Although guild members could enter the guild headquarters at any time, they did not need to stay here all the time, and Linton did not ask them.

Linton had already greeted Aizen before, so there was no need to deliberately look for him again, just choose to hook up with him when exploring.

Click on the exploration page, and a lot of worlds will appear directly.

Yes, this situation had given Linton a headache for a while, but he never expected that there would suddenly be so many worlds. He clicked a little bit and found that there were at least ninety more worlds, all of which were now under his name.

It's just that although there are many worlds, there are only a few worlds with an exploration rate of more than 10%. There are only five worlds with 100% exploration progress, and four of them are worlds owned by Yang, the former president of the Chicken Farm Guild.

It can be said that this president alone has taken over the entire guild, and now Linton admires him a little.

As for what the other team members are doing and what the fuss is about. From Linton's perspective, at least half of the members probably only have worlds with less than 10% exploration under their names.

Isn't this detection so difficult? This has already been enabled, why don’t these people even know how to use the plug-in? Why don't you feel the difficulty of probing?

Or is there something you don’t know? For example, other investigators use different tricks than you do? Or maybe the Chicken Farm Guild has experienced a sniper attack from another guild before, and most of the world was plundered by the other party?

In short, there are a total of five explored worlds. As mentioned before, the explored worlds can provide a few contribution points every day, which adds up to a pretty good amount. It's just that now I have a lot of useless and unexplored worlds here, and it's really a headache to occupy the position.

What's more important is that Linton doesn't even know what these worlds are. After all, the exploration page doesn't display any information, just an exploration level. Even the world has no name by default. You can also take a note to find out. What a world.

Before, Linton had made notes on the world under his own name. Now that he got it from others, he really didn't know what it contained.

Fortunately, in the world page obtained from others, you can at least see where it was obtained. Linton had already made a note when receiving it. As for the investigator named Xiao Fan, fortunately he only has three worlds under his command. One of them is the only world besides the guild leader that has been explored. The other two, one with an exploration progress of 0.4%, was probably killed as soon as he entered. . The other exploration progress is 16.7%. If you guessed correctly, this is the world of immortality that Linton is looking for.

After all, I had heard Guan Qinghe talk about the deeds of Brother Xiao Fan for a long time. Since the other party stayed for such a long time, it was definitely impossible for him to make 0.4% progress.

Thinking about it now, it's a good thing that I asked Guan Qinghe to find out the situation. Otherwise, he wouldn't know anything and he wouldn't even be able to figure out which world. If you enter the unfinished world, you will have to stay for ten days before you can come out.

So do you want to protect that little girl a little bit?

Linton was thinking as he clicked on the teleport button. As three white lights flashed, Linton, Asuna, and Aizen appeared in an alley.

It was obvious that the three people appeared in the city, but unlike before, the surrounding streets looked like streets in an ancient Chinese town.

Before Linton could say anything, there was a "swish" sound next to him. Linton clearly saw that Asuna had raised her hand to launch something, but this time it was not as obvious as before like sending a flare. It was really improved. ?

"Someone is coming." Before Linton could ask about this, Aizen suddenly said from behind.

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