I really can't control myself

Chapter 2699 Establishment

Of course, I just thought about it for a moment. Although the calculation of points has always been unclear, there should not have been any major problems.

Linton estimated that the reason why there are so few points is that the Chicken Farmers Guild may have used a wave of points in advance recently? For example, you have to deal with other guild battles and the like. As for the 4.8 million points left behind, it would be about 200,000 points distributed to each person. Linton estimated that these points were reserved for the bottom.

What Linton said about leaving behind is naturally the points used to repair the body. More than 200,000 yuan can be repaired several times. In short, it was just bad luck that I happened to encounter the situation after the Chicken Farmers Guild spent a lot of points.

Receiving 10 million points can only be said to be a bit disappointing for Linton. Before, he thought he could buy another awesome skill. For example, for the A-level Saiyan bloodline, the 1 billion points requirement is a bit exaggerated, and Linton has nothing to do now.

I used to think that I might be able to find a way to get a few hundred million points or something like that, but now it turns out that I was overthinking it.

Thinking of this, Linton suddenly wondered whether it was because there were more PVP battles at this stage, so most guilds would not choose to hoard a large amount of points. After all, my neighbor is hoarding food and I am hoarding guns. My neighbor is my granary. I don’t need to hoard these points. I can just grab them and that’s it.

Therefore, most guilds that like to participate in PVP will only choose to keep a few points for repairing the body, and spend the rest. On the one hand, it is to avoid other guilds from thinking about it. After all, it is normal for a guild to have a few undercover traitors. On the other hand, even if you really lose, the enemy guild will not be strengthened.

This should be the reason why he has received relatively few points. After all, Linton is not a serious person who established a guild, so he really doesn't know much about such things.

"Just 10 million." Linton really had nothing to do, but to be honest, why couldn't the skills of those guild members be converted into points for him.

Yes, Linton really doesn't want these skills chosen by others. After all, some abilities have side effects. Linton even saw that there were skills for sale in the store that only had side effects. If the opponent's skills can be taken away in PVP battles, if there is a skill that has side effects and the entire guild buys it, their guild will be invincible because no one dares to attack them.

The opponent will be defeated as soon as you start fighting. Do you dare to win?

As for whether it can be put into inquiry mode, that is, you will be asked if you want it for each skill. If you want it, you can just take it. If you don’t want it, you don’t have to take it. Linton didn't want to do this at all.

It is said that there are policies from above and countermeasures from below. If this is an inquiry mode, if Linton wants to deal with it, he will buy thousands of rubbish skills, mixed with some deadly stuff. For example, if Linton buys a lot of D-level and C-level ninjutsu, are these ninjutsu of any use? It's really of no use.

Then there are some weird fruit abilities mixed in the account. As long as you click on it unfortunately, you will become a landlubber and inexplicably add a negative ability to yourself. Click on it and your account will be useless. After all, Linton has not found it yet. Options for any forgotten skills.

With this number in mind, Linton can guarantee that no guild will dare to mess with him, otherwise you will be transferred to the job of screener. Just one person will make you cry after being screened, and the entire guild will recruit 100 or so people who all have rubbish skills, and people will be disgusted everywhere.

I guess they don't want such disgusting things to happen, so the skills of guild members will not be directly captured, so the chicken farm guild will exchange most of its points into skills to avoid feeding its opponents.

So why can't it be converted into points? It's obviously the system's deduction. Linton hasn't found any option to sell skills so far. Obviously, the system only sells and doesn't take back. The system was relatively conscientious and it opened a black shop, which at least allowed the investigators to trade with each other, but it was of no use to Linton.

After complaining about the system, we still have to continue to do what needs to be done.

What Linton said should be done was naturally the establishment of a guild. After all, looking at it now, the most important task at the moment is to establish a guild.

Click on your own page, and sure enough, there is a sub-page called Guild on the page. Linton clicked directly here, but now when he clicked on this sub-page, there was an option that took up the entire page. It said "Establish a Guild", and nothing else could be seen or clicked.

Being able to establish a guild is probably one of the privileges you get after defeating it. Otherwise, according to the system, you have to wait until you get promoted.

There is nothing to say. Linton obviously can only click to create a guild.

After clicking, an option pops up quickly, which is to give the guild a name.

This... really gave Linton a headache. After all, this kind of thing has never been Linton's strong point. If he was good at this, he wouldn't have joined a team called Strawberry Shortcake before.

"Everyone, we are also going to establish a guild here." Linton decided to mobilize the power of the masses. After all, his teammates happened to be nearby, and he directly shouted, "What do you think our guild should be called?" "

"Guild?" Vegeta asked next to him.

"In short, everyone can have a place to gather in the future, instead of being unable to communicate every day across the world..." Linton said.

"Oh, that's a good thing." Aizen nodded.

"Anyway, the guild needs a name. How about each person proposes one and then everyone votes?" Linton said.

"Me, me, me." As soon as he finished speaking, Sun Wukong raised his hands and said, "Then let's call him Turtle Immortal..."

"Next one." Linton said directly before Sun Wukong finished speaking.

"Of course it's the Heroes Association." Saitama also clenched his fists and said.

"Don't you think it's repetitive? Next one." Linton said.

"Woof!" said Pochi next to him, raising his paw.

"What are you doing with TN? Can this guild still be called Guild Wang?"

"Skynet..." Asuna's faint voice came from the side.

"Hey, are you exposing any ambitions?" Linton couldn't help but said.

"This kind of thing is not important at all." Vegeta said.

"Why is it not important? You will use it when you announce the curtain in the future. Think about it when you introduce yourself in the future and say, I am so-and-so from Wang Guild. Can you say it out loud?" Linton said.

"I think it's not bad." Sun Wukong next to him said, "The name Wang Guild..."


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